Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky Tuesday, October 19, 1976.

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Daylight Time), on Tuesday, October 19,
1976, in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower on the
Lexington campus, with the following members answering the call of the roll:
Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. Wrillian R. Black, Mr. Albert G.
Clay, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, and Mr. George W. Griffin. Professor Paul
G. Sears, Secretary of the Board and Ex-Officio Secretary of the Executive
Committee, was present as were Professor Michael Adelstein. Mr. L. D.
Gorman, Mr. Mike McLaughlin and Mr. James A. Sutherland, members of
the Board. The University administration was represented by President Otis
A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Lewis W. Cochran, Robert Zumwinkle, Stanley
Wall, Peter P. Bosornworth, Raymond R. Hornback. Jack C. Blanton, and
Donald B. Clapp; Dr. Robert M. Drake, Special Assistant to the President;
and Mr. John Darsie, Legal Counsel. Representatives of the various news
media were present.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Mr. Sturgill called the meeting to order at 2:15 o'clock and the invoca-
tion was pronounced by Mr. Clay. Following the call of the roll, the secretary
reported all members present and the meeting was declared officially open
for the conduct of business at 2:18 o'clock.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the reading of the Minutes
of the September 21, 1976, meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with
and the Minutes were approved as written.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

       President Singletary called attention to several items in his monthly
report to the Trustees and in addition reported that word had just been
received that a University of Kentucky graduate, Dr. William N. Lipscomb,
had received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Dr. Lipscomb is the second
University graduate to receive a Nobel Prize, the other being Dr. Thomas
Hunt Morgan. He also reported that the University Development Program
was going well this year wNith the total gifts from all sources amounting to