

The Keatucky Kernel
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the

students and alumni of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the college year
by the student body of the university.

Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cents a Year Five
Cents the Copy.
Entered at Lexington PostofTice
as second class mail matter.
William H. Glanz
Byron H. Pumphrey

Helen Shelton
LeRoy Smith

Melvina Heavenridge
Leida Keyes

Martha Minihan
James Porter

Janet Lalley

Beecher Adams
Bernice Byland
Tom Riley
Jessie Sun
Harry Towles
Alice Prows
Jane Ann Carlton Margaret Cundiff
John Murphy
Elizabeth Carter
Margaret Treacy
Katherine Best
J. Clark Graves
Kady Elvove
Sara Elvove
P. P. Baker
Ellen Minihan
Elizabeth Shea
Lillian Combs
James Shropshire
Univ. 74
Phones 6800
Carlos Jagoe
Lucille Short
Fred Conn
Virgil L. Couch

Evalee Featherst'n
Emma Jeffries
Catherine Redm'nd
W. A. Kirkpatrick

The eight most beautiful girls on the campus have
been chosen and it is not infrequent that we hear comments as to their relative merits as beauty winners.

These comments are usually of a deprecatory nature.
Furthermore they express the general consensus of
student opinion.
The Kernel believes that, the present method of
choosing the beauty winners by nothing other than a
photograph, is a very poor one.
No judge of beauty,
no matter how good he may be, can fairly pick a campus
beauty on a photograph.
The Kernel is of the opinion that the best method
would be to have all the girls who wish to compete in
the contest make an appearance before the students on
Amateur night, when the Stroller eligibles are chosen.
At this time the students could form an opinion of
their own and choose the beauties on their outstanding
qualities, such as beauty of features, figure and personality. A vote of the student body should be taken
the next day and the girl with the largest number of
votes should be judged the campus beauty.
Campus beauties should be chosen by the student
body- and not by some one who has never seen them
This, because she is to represent the beauty of thai
student body.


Ollie Bowen

True Mackey

Kenneth Gregory





Don't criticise the dean of men too severely. How
would you like to sit on the fence tending to your knitting, with one ear to the ground and your nose to the
grindstone ?

John W. Dundon, Jr.

Tom Cochran
George W. Kay


Herman Sharp


Bill Reep

Jack Cousins
H. D. Ellis
Harold Schimmel
Ben Golden

W. D. Grote
A. L. Pigman Ted Strunk

We know a new boy on the campus who should in
who like onions.
the future prove a boon to the
He likes onions and has no objection to a date eating
them unless the odor is so strong that his eyes water.
Incidentally he might easily qualify as her best friend
for he'll never tell her.

This Really Happened
Irate landlady bursting into room where college
boys are engaged in a gentle game of poker:
"Boys, Boys! What do I rent this room to you for?"
Bright Child: "Thirty dollars a week, ma'am."
Close supervision and this lettering system used by
the dean of women by which the offence is noted on the
notice, almost gave one of the fair ones a fatal
shock the other day. The night before she had dated
with Andrew, and the card was lettered "L. A."

'Give Your Mind Ocean Room"


o- -


Another basketball season ends with the University
in the foremost ranks of the Southern Conference teams.
And although it is not yet known as a certainty, it is
altogether probable that the Wildcats will be invited
to journey to the Conference tournament at Atlanta.
If Kentucky takes the trip, fans hold, high hopes of
their returning with the championship, and certainly
the Wildcats have played well enough this season to
warrant that assumption.
The team, composed of new material, has conquered,
during the course of the season, many of its faults.
Wherever the team has gone it has won admirers. And
it has won these admirers, not onlv bv the excellent
brand of ball it has played, but also by its gallant
sportsmanship. And so The Kernel wishes to congratulate each member of the Wildcat squad, and one mem
ber particularly.
That member is Captain Paul Jenkins who, this
season, closes his athletic career at the University.
Captain Jenkins, during the four years, he has engaged
in athletics has made an enviable record, both in
football and basketball, playing always a steady, headv
game. The Kernel would like for him to know that the
student body regrets the close of his career here. And
The Kernel would express again its confidence in the
team. The Kernel believes that they can and may win
the Southern Conference championship.



High thoughts and meditative ways
Have gone from me;
Above their grave my pen essays
No homily.


All knack of phrasing has lapsed down
Into decay.
The paint and trappings of the clown

Are swept away.
And naught is left me but a sigh
An old refrain
A skull where songs were wont to lie
The taint of pain.
and paupered, too,
Have lost have won.
Have paid the last debt that is due,
Am thrall to none.

So I am rich

from all the soul's estate
This have I bought.
Release from the dark plague of hate
Of love once sought.

N. G. A.

I shall send this lovely one to. you, dear,
It is so like you; the red of your mouth,
The gold of your hair, the lace of your hands
Framing the poem of your heart.
See how this sharp silver dart
Pierces those two crimson hearts
Making them one?
So, most beloved of valentines,
Our hearts are linked by love.
And when another year has passed
You may find remembrance in this valentine.

The Kernel wishes to acknowledge the gift of the
College of Engineering to the University in recogni
tion of the
proirram for Italian Month
It is a full worthy gift and will serve to establish
more strongly a movement that is comnarativelv new
and a movement that has potent passibilities for stimulating the interest of students to a wider scope. And
Dean Anderson in placing within the view of all. a re
plica of a famous old sien and moreover a stm mf

has such a romantic background, has created, whether
intentionally or not, more interest than could be aroused
Dy a aozen or so lectures on Italy.
For it is only through a work of art that the people
of another nation may come to show interest and un
derstanding in a foreign people.
About this queer piece
of iron work, one feels there must be a story, and one
finds that there is a story.
The story is sure to reveal
something about the people around whom it is centered
just as this replica of an Italian ironworker's sign reveals the imagination of the artist who created it.

M. C.

and years and loves and laughter-- Nothing stays for very long.
Lagging memories but murmur:
"Nothing stays for vey long."

I have heard all pain
Chanting, chanting,
the same
"Nothing stays for

and pleasure
an old song
very long."



"If we are interested in education for democracy, our
point of attack must fall at different level from that
of the most favored, namely, the intelligent middle class
of the population." This is the statement which Dr. C.
E. Seashore, writing in the "School and Society" magazine makes concerning the present practice of mixing
cultural education with practical education.
Dr. Seashore writes further: "If the business man's
son wants to get something better than a high school
training for business, he is confronted with the situation "four years, no more no less"
What he wants
to do and learn, and what the community needs in the
majority of cases, is a dignified practical course which
will fit him not only for the conduct of his business,
but for a
and intelligent citizenship at
his natural level of employment.
And so, recognizing this not too obvious fact, Dr.
Seashore suggests a
college course, wherein
the student would be given that which would be of
definite value to him, and would not be bothered with
a multitude of subjects which he cannot grasp, and
which he does not need to grasp in the life work he is
fitting himself for.
Dr. Seashore would not, of course, have us abolish
cultural education. He would simply distinguish between the two give education of a practical nature to
those who desire nothing else and give a cultural education to those who desire nothing other than a cultural



In Hell there are no tears
Only a sighing
And a slow dying
Throughout the long, pale years.
There all the brittle hearts
Shrink from the cold, blue darts
That lick around them ceaselessly,
And ever guard them jealously,
The while they pray for tears
In Hell, that knows no tears . . .
F. D.
I do not pray
On bended knee




The K Shop tell me they have
had "quite a run" on them.

lrv- -



With folded, hands
For all to see.
I do not sing
The notes of hymns
But listen to
The voice of Him.
My prayer comes
From deep within
A faithful heart
Cleansed of its sin.
I do not chant
Words meaningless,
I live alone

In fearlessness.
M. C.

Letters to the Editor






Looking Over
The Magazines
o- -



(By J. Clark Graves)
Orton's article on marriage and ethics in the February 15
issue, of "The New Republic" should
be read by all those who are interested in the ideas that are associated
with the companionate marriage that
is occupying so much space in the
magazines. Mr. Orton argues that
since the war our ethical code has
been sustained by purely negative
forces and that there is a decided
need for our ethical code to be reconstructed. This reconstruction, he
believes, can be accomplished only by
making parenthood, not the marriage
law, the binding element in society;
by adopting a single standard of morality in which men will be held up
to the same standard as women; and
by the education of women for the
purpose of stabilizing the ethical and
moral code of man.
"A Poet also Looks at Companionate Marriage," by Arthur Davidson
Ficke, the author of "An April Elegy," and other volumes of poetry, in
the February 8 issue fo "The Outlook," without being based as well
on facts as Mr. Orton's article, releases, nevertheless, some interesting
observations. For instance, Mr. Ficke
writes: "Indeed, one can always detect in the marriage views of people
past middle age a grim satisfaction
in their conviction that marriage is
going to be just as hard for young
people forever as it was for them."
Mr. Ficke opposes the views of Dr.
Collins and the more conservative
writers on the companionate marriage
and argues for birth control with
complete freedom of divorce, claiming
that: "The genuine desire for either
party to end a marriage is the only
valid reason for ending it."
In the February issue of
Bookman," I see that Upton Sinclair's
contemporary, historical novel, "Boston," has begun serially and will appear in subsequent issues. To me,
the new "Bookman" as a literary
magazine stands second only to "The
Dial," but I do not applaud the ap
pearance of Mr. Sinclair's novel in its
columns. Mr. Sinclair, as we all know,
appeals to a large body of morally exacting individuals who would reconstruct the world upon some vigilant
social scheme and he is ruthlessly
pedantic in his condemnation of ev
erybody and everything that fits into
this scheme. I would suggest instead,
in the February issue of "The Bookman," "Dean Swift and Vanessa," by
Shane Leslie, and "On Some Hitherto
Unpublished Letters of George Mere
dith," by R. E. Gordon George, both
(interesting and valuable articles.
Mr. Samuel Roth, the editor of sev
eral monthly and quarterly magazines, among them The Two World's
Monthly, The Two World's Quarterly
and The Casanova Junior, is a literary plagarist of the first order and
I should like to discourage the reading of his magazines. Besides printing Mr. James Joyce's "Ulysses" with
severe omissions in the text, Mr. Roth
has gone so far as to steal a poem
from one of the leading poets of our
time with no recognition or acknowledgment., of., copyright. Mr. Roth
usually endeavors to make the good
literature that he publishes appear
obscene and he is unscrupulous in his
treatment of it.





C. P. A. Service.

Music, Stage and Screen
Addison Yeaman, director of the
Stroller production, "Dulcy," reports
that he is well pleased with the prog;
ress the cast is making. The first
act, possibly, will be ready for the
shelf this week. Rehearsals are being
held nightly.

Berry, as usual, manages to make one
like him, despite his villanies. One
would like to visit a place as fascinating as the "Yellow Pig Cafe" in
this picture.

Editor, Kentucky Kernel.
Dear Sir:
Every educatioaal Institution as
well as every other enterprise in
which human interest enters, has its
pests. Many of them are avoidable,
some are suppressable; but some one
is compelled to endure.
The university has its share of
campus pests, all of whom are irritating to a degree. There is one type
here that is especially irritating to
many hungry souls at meal time, and
that type is the Bluegrass belle who
crashes the waiting line at the cafeteria. By what right does she presume to wedge herself into the lino
wherever she may see a friend ?
Is it because of her overwhelming
Queen of Troy type of beauty, that
male and female alike should do her
courtesy by following her queenly
wake? Is it because of marvelous
scholarship that she displays that she
is entitled to this privilege?
Is it
because of her social brilliancy that
all must step aside and grant her the
privilege which she is pleased to accept as a right?
Nay, nay, Gertrude, it is none of
these. It is merely because she is
either equipped with a subline
aiBoost of egotism that blinds her. to
the most ordinary element of courtesy or that she is supremely indifferent to the attitude of the grumbling1 but courteous males behind her.
Now aay one of these souls would
be glad to accord her the privilege
but do begrude her the right, however, she flutters by, without so much
as a "by your leave, I thank you, or
eo to thunder."
SeriousTy, now girls, if you are so
everlastingly hungry that you must
crash in, go right up to the head of
the line. Or if you have something
important to say to your friend that
you must visit with her right now,
please step out of line and talk where
you will not be disturbed. You are
not gaining anything in the minds of
those upon whose rights you have
presumed. If you want courtesy, just
use the old time policy of fair play,
and you will have no cause to complain. What do you say, girls?

Milton Sills, in the screen version
of Peter B. Kyne's novel, "The ValMonte Blue in "Bitter Apples," is ley of Giants," is the picture now
the picture now showing at the Ben showing at the Kentucky. Sills is Dear Editor:
I am worried. Will you please help
Ali. The screen story is based on a perfectly at home as the big
Harold McGrath story, having for its of the forest. He Is supported by me out? ? Are impeeunious habits
This has been bothering
center the hatred of two Silician Doris Kenyon.
me ever since Professor Boynton
youths, Stefani and Maria. The pic- couldn't find out for himself and had
ture micht antlv hf Tinmpri "Vtnrtet.- Tom Mix in "The Arizona Wild',
, ,.
cat," will be the feature picture at to ask our freshman class. Another
ii, lui buc avcucia uciicvc Liiai
thing he asked ns was whether or
is their sacred duty to offer up blood the Ben Ali Sunday, February 19.
for blood, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Tom is supported in the picture by not "Crossing the Bar" is a reference
Mr. Blue is supported by Myrna Loy. Dorothy Sebastian and by his wonder to prohibition.
Now impecuniosity refers to habEdna Wallace Hopper in person in horse, Tony.
"The Eternal Flapper," is also on the
which is not exactly irrevelant to
The comedy lads of "What Price
in "The Gay the diurinal predicament of many of
Glory" are
Gene Stratton Porter's novel, "The Retreat," now showing at the Strand those who attend this university, but
Harvester," has been adapted to the theater. Ted McNamara and Sammy with this as a sublaterant, can one
screen and will be shown at the Ben Cohen are the boys who find Paris a draw the conclusion that this is a perBetty Francisco is the nicious or noxious condition? CerAli next Monday, Tuesday and Wed- gay place.
tainly it cannot be said that those
nesday. Orville Cadwell plays the little French girl.
students and they are many, who find
title role in the production. He is
supported by Natalie Kingston.
Norma Shearer continues with her themselves thus disconcerted, are in
pictures of women in business life. danger of being obliterated; this
Norma Talmadge's long awaited In this one, coming to the Strand Sun- would practically endanger the enpicture, "The Dove," will be shown day, she invests in her character all tire personell of the university.
And another thing.
When was
Sunday at the Kentucky. The screen of the feminine charms that one so
version of "The Dove" is laid in Cos- seldom finds in that sort of setting. Charles Lindbergh born? What date
did he land in Paris?
You see this
ta Roja, a mythical,
In "The Latest From Paris," Miss
land. Against this background the Shearer has a quite adequate story, leilow George Washington, about
whom there has recently been a great
story of a dance hall girl gives Miss a eood supporting cast and a good di
Talmadge a vivid and dramatic role. rector. Anyway, Miss Shearer is a deal of discussion, was born on FebAnd she does full justice to it. That star who seldom disappoints her au ruary 22, and the University has dealways interesting heavy Noah Berry, dience so one w;ill not be far amiss clared a holiday for him. Perhaps
plays the part of Don Jose Mariay if one goes to see her in this pro we could get quite a few more holidays that way, Lindbergh, W. Rogers,
Sandoval, the egotistical caballero. duction.
and Paul Jenknis birthdays being suggested.
Please tell me something about
As the little
boy said, "They say he couldn't
a lie, but they close all the banks on
his birthday. That looks bad." Can
you give me the
on that
story? Was he first in
war, first in peace and. first in the
(By Sara Elvove)
Dr. McVey Speaks
hearts of his countrywomen, as someIn response to the dignified humor body accuses him? If so, what fraWhenever the business office and
Jimmy (Himself) Shropshire who ous greeting of Doctor McVey to the ternity did he establish?
Aaxitsly yours.
holds the keys to the business office, Keatucky Proas AasedMfrtt CaarUjT
Uncle Jonathan.
feel that they are getting too flush Walker, of Centre, president of the
with money, they give The Kernel Association, announced that Centre
forgave the past, overlooked the presYale wants a bulldog; Columbia staff three or four tables in a private
ent, but would get even with Ken
wants a stadium; Princeton cries for dining room of some popular hotel,
the municipal vote; Cornell would like invite Johnny (Professor) Bullock tucky in the future. After he had
to see prohibition enforced; Michigan and Neil Plummer as speakers, and concluded Bill invited him to come
(By Mdriaa Heavenridge)
objects to its auto-baDartmouth
A deluge of varying opinions from
over and meet him in the back yard;
acceptance of the Hopkins call it a banquet. However, it is only
he coined a new word in order all over the world has followed the
proposal; Washington seeks its stolen once a year; the rest of the season then
that Martha Minihan might talk on death of Vicente Blasco Ibanez. Alof The Kernel workers dine on the food
siren and pleads for a continuance
"Matrimonial Possibilities of a Liter-er- y though he was familiar to Americans
the pa jama parade custom; Amherst you read about in Aunt Mary's col- Editorette." "There ain't no chiefly as a novelist, he was known
wants Saturday night dates with
such" summarized Martha. Can you throughout Europe as a radical leader
Smith; Smith argues for automobile
and at
The Kernel banquet of this year imagine a literary editor saying a life lie different times in his active
riding after dark; Vassar maintains
was by turns poet. Journalist,
Anycame earlier than usual (some one thing like that? She didn't!
the cause of smoking for women.
moving-pictur- e
scenarist, translator,
way, Neil Plummer finally confessed
Few are the colleges of today must have sent Jimmy a valentine) in a
oration that he didn't editor and political agitator, and his
whose student newspapers are not Promptly on the stroke of six and a know what "The Kernel's Perspec- versatile career and individualistc
standards of liberty and advance half bells the
ideas led him into dangerous battleguests Degan to arrive tive" was, but he took his cue from fields
agents for the millennium. Unsoliciwhere he became the tareet of
Tennyson's poem beginning, "And I
ted criticism is being overdone, in two and fours and swarms. The looked into the future, far as human the harshest criticism and punishWhereas the organs of undergraduate birds and beasts and even the feature eye could see." Anyone can tell you ment by law ever imposed upon so
opinion were once merely antiphonal writers were there. "Gwan in," shoutthat he sure was seeing things that great a man. The Germans have
choruses of faculty sentiments, they ed Editor Glanz, toastmaster,
never forgiven him for writing "The
are now upholders of various degrees
and master of ceremonies.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."
The Best Speech
of insurgency. Give a student editor "We gotta be out of this place by
which they believed
flamed hatred
The prize as the best
against their country throughout the
an idea, an object which he may view 8:30." "Make 'em go in," he pleaded
to Frank world; Spain, Ibanez's native coun
with alarm, and a typewriter, and tearfully to Professor Grehan who speakers of the evening went
within a week he will have raised the was moving here and there on the Davidson and Ellen Minihan, whose try, regarded him as its prime enemy
foundations of his college. . . . The mezzaine floor, greeting; everyone like "Nursery Rhymes" could be called because of his radical party incenda- "Very pointed paragraphs," and the rism against the government; and the
undergraduate press room has seen a long-lobrother.
title would not be inappropriate.
and is seeing red.
whole world has suspected him of
Rush Tables
"Guess Frank is pretty clever after every sin from commercialism to a
Wisconsin wants a completed Un
A sudden rush for the tables re all," someone remarked begrudging, desire for notoriety at some
ion; Oregon wants the freedom of
time or
speech; Syracuse demands that the sulted in the monopolization by the after Frank and Ellen had left the other, but today even his worst ene
Syracuse type be defined now and for boys of two entire tables, leaving the floor amid a gale of laughter.
mies grieve at the loss of one whose
It would not have been a Kernel greatness they cannot deny. Most asever; Illinois wanted to beat Iowa; girl reporters with only one man to
banquet if Johnny Bullock and Jim suredly the movie loving American
Purdue wants a band like Indiana's, five and six girls.
"It's not fair," remarked someone (Scotch) Shropshire htul not been public will miss a repetition of the
and Indiana wants a football team
very femininely, but just then the given a chance to voice their opinions thrilling pictures, which Ibanez furlike Purdue's. Harvard Crimson.
waiters served the tomato soup in a of each other, and though both mem- nished the plots for in his novels,
cup with two handles, and her mind bers were caught unprepared, they "Blood and Sand" and
was occupied with another problem. managed to express themselves pret- trum."
"I don't care how they eat soup at ty thoroughly. Just then Hill decided
Miss Pauline Carpenter has been
Kernel banquet," she returned in he had n tnt wafting for him. and
From Paris comes the won! that
appointed by Professor Enoch Grehan response to the remonstrance of her tho banquet broVr
m confusion.
Emilo Zola's children are threatening
to take the place of Miss Laura Dunn neighbor, as she deliberately picked
mfmtto, .tali,' saul one of to bring action in court for recovery
as one of the editors of the Bulletin up both handles and drank slowly of tho colored wailrw, laying a detain- from the custory of the Goncourt Ac
of Weekly
Announcements. Miss the steaming liquid. Personally, we ing hand on Notl's shoulder. "A'hm ademy of letters written by Zola to
Dunn withdrew at the end of last gave a surrepturous peek at the tost- - afraid yo's got sumpm not youah's." Edmond and Jules de Goncourt which
semester, having completed her schol- master who was eating away a la He withdrew two forks and a napkin are being kept secret by the literary
astic work. Miss Eula Webb is the Emily Post and felt comforted. But from Neil's eon I pocket.
executors because they fear embarother editor of the Bulletin. It is not for long. Bill, fishing in his cream
"Oh, my mistake, my mistake," rassment of many who were friends of
suggested that all students and fac ed chicken in vain for the wishbone, Neil hastily apoligizcd. "I meant to the Concourt brothers. The seemingly
ulty wishing to post announcements bit a piece out of his glass, sputtered slip 'em to Bill, but he was too far modest French counselors probably
should see the editors early each and announced that the program was at the other end of the table."
know wherein their greatest safety
about tp commence,
He was held withput bail.




Kernel Staff Dines Sumptuously;

Prelude Is Unsurpassed

Desire Under the Elms


and Authors

half-hour- 's

N. G. A.



The trend in turning again to
Solid Color



who vas that bozo I "Saw you
sitiin' oub aw those, dances with last
Tilte .? jj)ort g'efc overheated -t- omboy
tnat wa my


head-waite- r,



