I ,  
{ neer course at the U.S. Army Standing Committee on Con- Wallace E. Franck ’25
  Training Center at Fort Leon- stitution and Bylaws. He will Nec,-Olotgy Columbia, Mo.
  ard Wood, Mo.   a onel)yearltegm.Sl§d1dl is The UK National Alumni As, September 19, 1987
1     lc mcm   O [ C a` sociation expresses sympathy Slanlo Powell 726
  Mark P_ Webb ’36, an ¤<>¤¤1A1¤m¤·ASS¤¤·¤¤·¤¤~ to the families and friends of Harlnny
i Army 2nd Lt., is on duty with '  these alumni- August 17, 1987
l the 16th Signal Company, Fort Marshall DeShields is a Justus L. Ellis ,27
l Hood, Texas. He rs a wire op- sales representative for Bea- * _ _ _ l , T k. .ll
i erations oflicer. tricc Companies, Inc., Martha Inms Gmls H¤¤1<1¤ 13* 14 Mom lirlslll lglll
  M White Division. He is an active Rock Hmt S‘C‘ arc ’
l lcncy W_ Fm ,86, a Ml mrmrrrr of rrmure Nmrrmrrr i$gjCl¤;>I;i)g;·1987 1’¤¤1i¤¤ Ri<1g1¢=yASh<=r=¤ff
  2nd Lt has raduated A'¤m¤·   27
. V `Z g M; W. Kenneth Clore ’15 Cincinnati, Ohio
lrom the Basic School at the r
M . . . . Harlington, Texas October 31, 1987
arrne Corps Development P€ggY P0llIlg IS Cllr€Cl0r Of Januar 15 1972
r and Education Command at grants at New Mexico High- y ’ *Ishmael Planck ’27
l Quantico, Vg, lands University. She was an james Y. Bailey ’l5 Pr0Sp€Cl
    associate professor and grants- Lexington june 28, 1987
1 Roger H. Westermeyer ’86, man at UK from 1977 [O 1981‘ December 30* 1987 "Forrest G. Mercer ’27, ’33
  an Air Force 2nd Lt., is with Gambrell McCarty ’16 Loxinglon
i the 351st Strategic Missile White Stone, Va. August gg, lggy
i Wing, Whiteman Air Force September 18, 1987 _ ,
Base, Mo. He is a deputy mis- , MaFyJ' Frcdcnckson 27
sile combat crew commander. ghirlfs Eélimnck 19 Earls b 23 1987
z CT 'C Cy, al . ccem er ,
j Dat nkno n . ,
l Steven Ml Gmvllt ,86, ll Lu: L;_0unWFiSk ,19 ,27 Pauline Adams Young 28
l Navy seaman, has completed LCKKI mn g ’ S1- Paul- Vu
_ recruit training at Recruit A g $<*r>¤¤¤¤1>¤r17» 1987
. . janury 16, 1988
g Training Command, Orlan— Naomi Woodson Owen ,28
  dv, 1:18- George A. Hillsman ’21 London
Lwcrmom Date unknown 1985
, _]une 3, 1985
1  V o     Mary Graves Nelson ,21 john C. Lindley Sr. ’29
    _;   Ncwtonville, Mass. Escavcr 112111987
5 ,_,,   ... .   August 11, 1987 ¤¤¤·*"Y »
  r     il l  __,_  r l   Ethclbcrt L_ Langsfoird *23 Hugh L. Houston ’28, 29
1 rr? ` ' e [ C Pittsburgh Pa. MUFMY
? Tu   ’°‘ i ·
l _ {  {nj  1 january 1986 APF11 23, 1986
1 ~    _, __.'    r ‘g»;<=¤<1¤1v¤ P¤¤1¤m Dick Bernice srrurrrrrr Errrrrrrrrrg
1 "  J   ` ’29
    ‘ ’* Mu"aY 30 1987 Washington, D.C.
  Maria Leruaurtu ,86 is rr {‘l‘Qc“;,i;mbLr Dare ¤¤1<¤¤w¤
1 copywriter for Northlich, Stol— Hazel noone Conkwri hl
r ley, Inc., a Cincinnati advcr- Th<>m¤SL· G¤rw<>¤d’24 ,29 g
1 tising agency. Formerly a copy- Bemfmr 111· Lcxln [On
_ writer at King & Co. in A¤s¤S124r1987 Allyug 25 lo87
  Lexington, LcLaurin lives in *Francesca Renick Marsh ’24 2 ’
, Mt. Washington. Lexington John C_ Collman Sn >2g
i`   November 2, 1987 Boovoi. Dom
Mark r. Anthe ,86, rum L‘1“ Mcmbc" January 14. 1987
V; Army 2nd Lt., is on duty as a *Birltett L. Pribble ’24 Alma Crowder Cooper ,29
, platoon leader with the 2nd Barrington, lll. El., l l ll
Q Air Defense Artillery, West December 24, 1987 Ma kl ,10Wn
{ Germany. Century Club October 24’ 1987
  Liib M¤¤¤1>¤¤` Arthur C. Munyan ’3()
il Henry F. Bertelkamp ’24 Virginia Beach, Va.
lz Louisville November 2, 1987
  November 1, 1987
  _ _ _ _ _ Margaret]. Treacy ’30
    EllZHl)€tl’l wllll3IHS SIIIIPSOH Lexington
l   ’24_ _ Dc<‘cr¤1><¥¤`9r 1987
l Herbert D. Sledd, a partner 1·"u1$V111e _
l in thc Lexington law lirm ol` D¤¤¤u¤1<¤<>-¤. 1989 Virginia Thompson
A VVyatt, Tarrant & Combs, has George W. Broadus ’25 Bowman ’3O
l been rtrappointcd tthairrnan o1` Louisville Lexington
l the American Bar Asst>t·iation November 26, 1982 Dccernberfi, 1987
Q u1< 29