l ,  
  Need for More Block Teochers
, t _~;w,_,,‘•,       nest _]. "Pete" Middleton, an associate importance, said Ed Staats, chief of bu-
; k   . h.y{t""’*"  J_, ·; —  ·-   W s Q professor of curriculum and lnstruc- reau, Kentucky Associated Press.
; L_       _ tion, Emanuel  Mason and William "lt’s an educational program,"
, l `     V     Stillwell, professors of educational and Clabes said, "lt startles us when people
t    ‘ *"‘ " °   counseling psychology, all of the Col- read the Bill of Rights and don’t iden-
l     lege of Education; and William Par- tify with it. lt’s a fundamental part of
L   ___  Q   ker, vice chancellor of minority affairs our lives."
. Q Ji  g Fer at UK_ The Congress is a "coalition of citi-
_` _ `   "Our model emphasizes a great deal Z€1'1 3.l'lCl pI‘OfCSSiOHal iI1(€I‘CStS designed
_   F     _ ’ T it Of intetaetjen between the eellege, the to encourage thoughtful dialogue about
E     T;}   _ r   E public education System and the minor- the importance of the First Amendment
I · Bemcrd Young Ad Teacher ity c0mmunity,” says Mason. "The t0 everyone," Staats said.
' goal is establishing communications "We like to Spread the word that the
, There were 1,160 graduates from teach- with potential college students before First Amendment t0 the U.S. Constitu-
. er education programs at Kentucky’s they have made career choices and to tion is not just fOI` the pfeSS,’° he said.
t eight state-supported institutions of emphasize the benefits and growing “lt’s surely for every0ne.”
E higher education during academic year need for talented educators." Staats said the goal is to establish a
K   1986-87. From that total, only 33 were The model utilizes a multiple—phase First Amendment and Constitution re-
5 black. approach: analyzing the teacher educa- source center that will attraet the gen-
t And Kentucky’s dilemma refiects a tion programs, specifying goals for etal public and students, as well as
similar national crisis. minority participation in teacher educa- constitutional scholars.
` Why aren’t American colleges and tion, involving community groups, pre- "They theught the best Way t0 d0
universities producing more black edu- paring, installing and maintaining a that W0l1ld be t0 gather books and Vid-
cators for a public education system recruitment/retention plan and evaluat- e0S on the First Amendment in One
whose minority student body continues ing program outcome. room," said Douglas Boyd, dean of the
  to increase? College ofCommunications.
. Looking for answers, the University , "There is no repository at the present
` of Kentucky, in conjunction with sev- Flrsr Amondrnonr Center time in the state of Kentucky for mate-
` eral other state and national education   rials about the First Amendment,"
organizations, presented the second The K"”r“rk}’ Parr and 3 group known as Moore said.
annual conference on recruitment and fno First Arnononlonr CongroSS have Clabes expects the center to develop
retention of minority students in teach- grvon the Un“’orSnY $3»ooo t¤_¤St¤bl1S}¤ into a "first-rate research center" for
er education injanuary. a First Am¢¤dm¤¤t Center rn UK S First Amendment issues.
_ The focus of UK’s conference was a Journalism Sonoor The Congress will solicit funds for the
r model proposal for alleviating the short- The rnonoY will be used to bnlf bookS center and hopes to establish an endow-
_ age, attracting and retaining talented ono ornor marcrmls ror the °€nror= ment with the interest going toward
ii black students for the teacher education which Wnl ,°°°“PY_ a d€S¤s¤¤tsd aren In funding the center.
i system. fno School S ronolng _roorn¤ SSYS Ro}; The First Amendment Center will be
h l The UK model was assembled by Er- Moor€> 3 UKJ¤¤mal1Sm pror°SSor and dedicated in connection with the School
I- H member or rho Congress- of_]ournalism’s annual Creason Lecture
Half of the center funds were contrib- in Aprit
uted by Kentucky Post Editor juclith
Clabes, on behalf of the northern
Kentucky daily newspaper. The rc-
mainder came from the Congress,
, which includes representatives of other
l Kentucky news organizations and busi-
t nesses.
  The First Amendment Congress is
l working to promote the amendment’s
3 UK