md and Mr. Spencer stated this was the profits by pruning. Pruning here
Ork first fresh signs of mouse injury refers to work on the producing
they had seen this fall and were tree and not to the training prun-
em- surprised to see the amount of in- ing which needs to be done on the
ical jury that had taken place to date. young tree, and this apparently
on Arrangements were made for Sllollld be Tefluced to as little
iuse these men to make some coopera- CUWUK as P0$·$1b1€-
. C. tive mouse poisoning studies in When trying to make a decision
the this orchard and the work was done concerning what type of pruning
tra] the morning of November 28. to do in your orchard, first consider
Dis- Some new types of baits are being your market outlet. What grade of
ieen tried out in this section, by the apples causes your keenest compe-
ates Biological Survey, and if these tition? Our observation has been
prove as satisfactory as prelimi- t}1at bulk, low grade apples from
V of nary work indicates, we should the near-by states iin the west,
uu}. have a new type ot orchard mouse north and east constitute our lead-
. DO cont1·ol program in this section of ing competition, especially in
was the United States, in the near ()ctober, November and early
1. future. December. During the past decade
$$5:; Finding of this severe mouse these low grade bulk apples from
Se of injury so early in the season should near-by states have established the
has be a warning to every apple local price of apples. The same
r the grower, particularly to those in variety of apples ofra U.S. No. 1 ”
hard heavy sod. Those who have suf- grade, ring packed in a new tub
jury fcred some injury in their plant- basket, would not sell for over 15 ,
L SOL] ings are quick to testify to the to 20 cents more per bushel on our
g€m_ seriousness of the newly observed local kentucky markets. ,
run- l“lUI`5’- These Wh-0 have ¤0'¤ Some of our Kentucky growers
ieath °XP°Yl€‘“C°d IUOUSC injury 8 Y 6 have kept quite accurate records of
.t the Prom tc 0"(‘l`l00k the ll0$Slbi1ll·Y of marketing costs, and find that the P
nests l”.l¤1`Y until Scrlmls l¤.l¤1`Y has sale of tree run fruit (culls out)
[ the 0€€U1‘1`€