CDS 840 NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN is introdrced to the surgical management of congenital and acqrired OBI 818 THE PHYSIOLOGY AND
[1) DENTISTRY IV. (1 -2) abnormalities of the oral structures and associated parts. Management PHARMACOLOGY OF MAMMALIAN
he This course will cover selected new developments in dentistry or treat of odontogenic infection, cysts and tumors is resented, as well as the SYSTEMS I. ' 2
r> I l
ra with added emphasis established dental skills and knowledge. The role of the dentist in the care of head and nedt cancer patients The This course presents the basic princioles of drug action with respectto
rs. topics will be in such areas as the basic sciences, behavioral science, diagnosis and management of facial fractures also are presented, absorphon, distribution, metrbohsm, and excretion. As an introdrction
rio cliniceIdenti¤ry,der1talpractice managemem, and community dentistry. partiwlarly as they relate to the general practitioner. Lecture, 25 hours. to the organ sysems, the physiological aspects of condrcting and
rnd Methods of instruction will vary, depending on topics When offered, this Prereq: OSG 820 or consent of course director. contracting tissues, connective tissues, hning and secretory tissres,
y. course will be reqrired of fourth-yeardental students. Maybe repeated and other special tissres are discussed. The pharmacology of antimi-
to a maximum of four credits. Prereq: Fourth-year standing in the OSG 831 ORAL SURGERY ROTATION I. (1) crobial drugs also is presented. Lecture and self·instruction, 38 hours.
[1) College of Dentistry; any course prereqrisites will be announced. The course teaches the management of the ambulatory oral surgical Prereq: OBI 814 or consent ofcourse director.
are patient. It includes patient evalration, control of pain and anxiety,
of CDS 843 MANAGEMENT IV: GERIATRIC performance of minor oral surgical procedrres, treatment of acute and OBI 822 INFECT IOUS DISEASES. (3)
ed DENTISTRY. (2) chronicoralinfectionsandofconplicationsassociatedwitfioralsurgery, This course presentsthe biologicand chnical basis of infectious disease
Sra- Emphasis in this course is placed on developing abilities to make and the use of the problem-oriented record. Slidetext programs and using an organ system approach. Infections olall maiororgan systems,
10 individual treatment decisions for elderly dental patients and acqriring rearing assignments supplemem the outpatient clinical experience. inchrrhng the oral cavity, are examined. Errphasis is placed on the role
positiveattitudes towards the provision of oral health care to the aged. Clinic, 48 hours Prereq: CDS 821 and OSG 820 or consent of course of the host in controlling the initiation and progression of infectious
Studentswillmakesitevisitsto residential cerrtersfortheelderty. Proper director. disease. Lecture, 56 hours Prereq: OBI 816 or consent of course
management of all assigned dental patients and instruction leaning to director.
(ii recertificationin cardiopulmonary reerscitationarealso irckrded. Lecture, OSG 841 ORAL SURGERY ROTATION Il. (2)
rw 23 hours; laboratory, 12 hours. Prereq: CDE 810 and CDS 833 or In this course students leam the management of oral surgical patients OBI 824 Tl-IE PHYSIOLOGY AND
poi consent of course director. in a hospital. Itconsrstsofafull-time rotation on the oralsurgery hospital PHARMACOLOGY OF MAMMALIAN
( service, inducing standing in-hospital night call with the oral srrgery SYSTEMS II. (4)
I2; house staff. Students assist in patient care and perform procedures This course presents the phpiology and pharmacology of mammalian
such as exodontia and biopsy. Oral surgical management of conpre- nervousandreqiiratory systems, as relevanttotfre practice ofdentistry.
EN DO DO  CS hensive care patients inthe outpatient clinic is also inckrded. Clinic, two Special emphasis is placed on classes of therapeutic agents which act
weels. Prereq: OSG 830 and OSG 831. on these systems, including local anesthetirs, analgesics, sedatives
i and hypnotm, and drugs usedtotreat respiratory disorders. Interaction
  END PDD E"DDrE4DND°S '· , od]. th de gl oseasoorm suacenv craasrcprrysaaregyarrapnarmaeolegywilrcranaar saemaasrresaaa.
B ii DP {S ° ‘°°'” _°°°”-“°'Y °°“'°° "“' °"‘¤ _°,$‘“ "I ‘° ° rztacnvs. (1-10) Leerrrasarr-rnsiruaran, ronwrs. r¤rareq;oara1s¤rc¤nsan1¤ro¤uraa
iiis_ Ehggxgzzmimmgi gym; EY;:‘asi':°';;l1°?•:m$; I2; Elective courses offered by the Department of Oral Surgery provide director. .
25 I‘°I?"¢ '°°°'°'°'Y· *5 *‘°":D'°'°‘l° DD8DnDq°· D2; °"° RSD D"i· °' $rxm‘i;spi;;mrrT;I;r;r:]3ya:fmplralaggergrygorilrjrriiaroq   oar me me Pnvsrctoev AND
°°"s°“t °' °°“'s° °1'°°°'· management emergency care operating room experience pain and PHARMACOLOGY OF MAMMALIAN
anxiety control, and surgical techniqre. Hours variable, ranging from a SYSTEMS Ill. (4)
EN? 821 CLINICAL ENDPDON-nos I; _ _ lll minimum of 16 hours Iecfureldiscussion to a maximum of 10 weeks This course presents the physiology and phamiacology ofthe dental
-2) 11 ae ll I I arm r
oai In i_ 'S °°“'S°* sm ms w'_"°aHw°°_'D'°° °" m’°_°a5°S· °"° ° clinical experience. May be repeated to a maximum of 10 credits. hardtissres andthecardiovasurlar, endocrine, reprodrctive, renal and
rho “'h’°h shan b° “ m°h'· Thmy h°u'$ °""'°· mal: P'°'°q· END Bm Prereq: The minimum year in dental school and any course prereqri- gastrointestinal systems. Enphasis is on aspects particularly relevant
sites will be announced for each topic to dentistry, e.g., dentin sensitivity, cardiovascular and endocrine
m' END D30 ENDODONTICS "· Ill diseases calcium homeostasb, tenperature regulation metabolism
  This °°°'5° °°D°°ms "'° Di€9_"°Fis End "°°"“?m_°( °"d°d°mi°€"Y and effects of stress on physiological processes. Therapeutic agents
_ rataroa problems. Traumatic rnruries, controversies in rnsfrumemation which aaonmesasysramsarepresanted.Theinteraction ofphysiology
I'DD' and filling procedrres, penodontrc-endodontic consideration, surgical and ohomiaooiooy wiih oiihioai soiohoo is siiogpd Lochiiolsoii in_
mn ;3di:’°‘;°r:I‘;:i';Dg’i‘;i35€;2|‘z°°dl°DI“ ““’ diS°·'ss°d In d°ptD· L°°°"°·       struction, 64 hours. Prereq: OBI 824 or consent of course director.
"’ Ef3$l%'éL°tL rr $..°“°°°T°”L°E“®”°E"lS: rama.- it ¤E¤¤vE· B <·-·¤>
gen . rs seminar course pro a review o oprcs rn Ei · oii ioo h ih D oi 0 i B· i Mo
me- In this course students will treat routine endodontic cases Clinic, 54 biological sciences Enphasis is placed on the use of cunent literature oo$:;iiv:o?©l]osr?:?mih?oismi:y oro, om; in agus gsgiiigg mi
L- hours. Prereq: END 821. foran indepth studyofthose aspects ofthe subject particularly relevant bioiooy_ Tooios may ioohioo Somiooisio now oovoioomoois in (ho basic
. tothepracticeofdentistry.Prereq:Admissiontoanadvanceda¢rcation soiohooo basic iosooioh in (ho ioboiaioiy and (ho oovoioomohi oi 8
END 841 CLINICAL program of the College ol Dentistry or consent of instructor. ooiiiouioi hioiooiooi iooio oi mimi imoioéi io (ho shidohi and iaoihy
ENDODON-DCS I"- _ _ _ lll member. Hours variable, ranging from a minimum of 16 hours lecture!
This course offers dental. students further expenence rn provrdrng OBI 720 MICROBIAL STRUCTURE disoiosioo io o maximum oi ic wooiis oi iaboiaioiy iooooioh_ May bo
endodontrctreatment. Clrnrc,40 hours. Prereq: END 831 orccnsentof AND FUNCTION. (4) iooooiod io o moximom oi 10 ciooiio Pioioo: Tho minimum Yom in
(1) Instructor. Molecular basis of structure and fundion in unicellular microbes. oohioisohooi ood any oouiso oioioqiisiioswiii bo annoimoodioroaoh
Ition Moleculargenetic and stnrcturalapproachestothe analysisctbacterial iooio
ized END 850 ENDODONTICS ELECTIVE. (1-10) architedure growth, division, and differentiation. Prereq: Consent of `
rain, Eledive courses offered by the Department of Endodontics provide instructor, BCH 501, BCH 502, and BIO 476G oreqrivalent (Same as
ies. opportunities for further study of or experience in various aspects of MI 720 and BIO 720.)
. endodontics Topics may inchrde diagnosis, case selection, treatment
planning, emergency treatment, intracanal medications, obturation OBI 812 IN'|'RODUCTlON TO BIOCHEMISTRY '
materials, periapical surgery, root anputations, and endodontic- AND NUTRITION. (3)        
(1) periodontic relationshbs. Hours variable, rangingfromaminirnum of 16 The is an introductory course in biochemistry and nutrition. Topics    
ping hours lecture/dlswsstontoamaximrmol toweeksclinicalexpenence. inchrde the descrbtive chemistryolcarbohydrates, Ipids, proteins, and  
rrtqt May be repeated to a maximum of ten credits. Prereq: The minimum nucleic acids; the nature of enzyme action, acid-base balance, caloric OOM 820 OEW- RfiOlOLOGYi _ _ _ _ (I)
age- year in dental school and any course prereqrisites will be announced valreofnutrientsandwater-andfat-sokrbIevitamins.SpecfaI emphasis This °°¤I$° I5 d°$•9¤°d tv ¤d'tl§V¤ Pf¤iI¤•0¤¤Y In TM I¤I§II>f¤I¤i•°¤ QI
rg to for each topic isgiventothetopirsofconnedivetissue, fluoride, dentalcaries andthe I¤iI¤°I¤I¤¤d 6¤lf¤<§f¤Id6¤I¤i f¤d•¤9I¤PI}5· Also P¢<$§>d¤¤i•¤. I§¤¤f>f¤I’¤l¢
rum, rrracrurrrnrcihpnggoiga oi grug mon. Lecture,°i54 noursderaraqz Ac  Sgzoietggggizgggixihgozig
_ ' iont o entis or consent course irector. · ·
823 mss 0 Q 0 uy drres for the dentist are inchrded. Lecture/seminar, 29 hours Prereq:
gm 314 CELL FUN(;T|()N_ (3) CDS 811 or consent of course director.
(1)       The intemrediary metabolism of procaryotic and eucaryotic cells, rela-
nent   tionshps between anabolic and catabolic pathways and cellular ODM 821 CLINICAL ORAL
iran- regulatory mechanisms operative within and between metabolic pro DIAGNOSIS I. (1)
plan cesses Study inclrdes nucleic acid and protein synthesis; metabolic This course consists of two corrponents: 1) examination, diagnose,
me  TOMICAL RELAHONSHIPS iii cohtriol mechanismi; oarbohydrate,  and amino acid metabolism; and trtiagnent plaiiringrig for patients asiigned to dental stuoeqsuin
iurs. - ' · an ioenergetirs. n omration is re t to current concepts o ora genera inics; a an emergency c inic assignment in w rc e
’;o;;;n;§;;;i:i;f:i;?t:;i::;(:;2;i?o?igo?r  disease and its prevention. Lecture, 56 hours. Prereq: OBI 812 or students will diagnose and treat patients with acrte oral problems.
' . . _ . . ‘ , Clinic, 30 hours. Prereq: CDS 811; Coreq: CDS 824. I
all dental specialties. Prereq. Admission to graduate or post-doctoral °°“$°m °' °°°'°° d"°°°'
programs of College of Dentistry; D.D.S. or D.M.D. degree.
Rai ?i?§ozggT:L`i3olé$;Egth§ oooioo oro io (oooh (ho shidom Si; This courseisatwo-part introdictiontomicrobiologyiand immunology. DENTAL PATIENT. ( ' i (1)
· - · · - - · · · Part I, Pnncples of Microbiology, contains basic microbial structure, This course covers a vanety of common medical dsordors which may
¤¤°¤ significance of a history and physical examination, howto rdentrfy and _ . , , . . . . .
((( be uso hook: mi oi o insimmonioi homo ooriomi oosio oioi suioiooi function, taxonomy and genetics; pnncplesof chemotherapy and drug be encountered m dental patients. General descrptrcns, pathophysi-
pain mh". osihoiudrsi Yho iomovai oiiooih and oioomiion oiiho mouih resistance; and methods of disinfection and sterilization. Part II, Prin- ology, signs and synptoms, and cunent medical treatment for each
mq- ioioozsuoo Loom; 20 hours Pio CDS 811 oioonsooioioourso cples of Immunology, B an overview of mammalian host defenses disorder are included as well as detailed management guidehnes for
` oiiooioi ' ' ' m' followed bya detaileddescrbtion of the molerxrlarbasis of the immune dental care. Lecture/sell instnrction, 25 hours. Prereq: OPT 820 or
` response. Ledure, 47 hours Prereq: OBI 814 or consent of course corsent of course director.
OSG 830 ORAL SURGERY II. (1) ‘f"°°'°'· `
This course is an overview of the specialtyof oral errgery. The student
265 ‘