. The officers present each gave interesting reports of work
done in their different departments.
Voted that the Secretary write a letter of sympathy to Mrs.
Mary C. Cramer, regretting her absence from the convention.
Report of Mrs. l\r’lary E. Giltner, member of the National
Executive Committee, read and accepted.
ll Kenton County report read by Mrs. I. H. Shephard.
ll Ashland report read by Miss Laura White.
,3 Covington Equal Rights Association, verbal report by Mrs.
l N. s. h’chaughlin.
l Campbell County report read by Miss VVarfuel.
, Fayette County report read by Secretary.
Louisville report read by Mrs. Alice White.
E) Madison County report read by Mrs. Kate R. Wiggins.
l Voted that the Secretary be instructed to write a letter of
ti sympathy to Mrs. S. C. Bennett.
5,! Voted that suffrage literature be sent to the public libraries.
; Chair appointed Mrs. I. II. Shepard as committee to attend
l to the placing of suffrage literature in the public libraries.
,: First report of Credentials Committee read and accepted.
i. Voted that article III. of the constitution be amended as
V read and recommended by Plan of Work Committee.
Voted that Article VI. of the constution be amended as read
and recommended by Plan of Work Committee.
‘ Voted that we adopt the suggestion of Miss Gordon to write /
to President Roosevelt, asking him to recommend woman's suf-
' frage in his annual message.
Voted that we endeavor to obtain for mothers the co-guardian-
ship of minor children equal with fathers.
Voted that we continue our efforts to get school suffrage for
all women in Kentucky.
Voted that we strive to have women appointed on boards
‘ of all punitive and educational institutions.
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