cost to the Confederates of the brave Captain Latnne,-and
awav went Stuart and his men as briskly as ever. Then went
forward Colonel Fitz Lee, burning to have a brush with the
enemy, now again collected Dear the home of his family. The
country people cheered him on ; they gave him information
"Hurry on, boys ; hurry on ; they're only a mile ahead," said
one. " Four of thleni are prisoners here in the house," said
another-a young girl with a gun in her hand. " Go in, boys;
go into them," said a third ; and thus it was the whole way.
At the White Ilonse, Lee's squadron charged the foe; lhe
dashed into their camp, took possession of horses, arms, stores
of every lind which they burnt, captured prisoners, looked
around for more, then halted for the rest of the band to join
them. Now came the limits of their raid. Turn they must,
and turn they did, but, not back by the way they camne. No;
they would try to pierce the enerny's lines, swimi the Chicka-
honiny, if need be, and so make tle coml)lete circuit back to
their own camp. Briefly, Stuatt mentioned this to Ijis officers.
Cheertfully they agreed; and then, once inore, at a gallop
along the road, now towards Ttinstall station, did the dating
horsemen go. Did they heed the danger  Did a man hesi-
tate or eomnilain  No; in good truth, not so. The gallant
Stuart led them on ; it was enough ! Suiblime in unshaken and confidence, the brave rank and file, not once nor for
a moment faltered, though a huge a-mv of well-trained sol-
diers and skilfal officers, under McClellan himself, wvas before
thema ! Seemingly straight into the very jaws of the enemy,
this heroic band dashed forward. But now the foe has be-
come alarmed ; still greater caution is needed; Colonel Mlartin
is placed to guard tlme rear, but, instead of being attacked, a
small outpost party voluntarily surrendered to him. On and
on, however, Stuart and his followers urge their way. Tun-
stall's station is reached ; telegraph wires cut; the depot
secured ; five companies of cavalry escorting wagon trains,
fly, and leave the stores; an infantry guard is captured ; de-
strtuction of the railroad is begun, when, lo! a heavy train of
cal's xith troops al)oard, comes thiunderimig down from the
Federal armny ! It is attacked, but the obstructions on the
track are insufficient. Some loss, the troops in that train re-
ceive, ancd away it ruslhed to the Pamunkey depot. N4ight
