Minutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Exec-
utive Committee of thieBoard of Trustees, University of
Kentucky, for Thursday, February 26, 1920

     The Executive Corim'ittee of the Board of Trustees,
University of Kentucky, met in regular monthly session
in the President's office at the University on Thursday,
February 26, 1920.   The following members were present:
R. C. Stoll, P. P. Johnston, Jr4, and R. G. Gordon.
Frank L. MoVey, President of the University, and Welling-
ton Patrick, Secretary of the Board, were also present.

     (1) Adoption of Miinutes4 On motion, the minutes
of the previous meeting were adopted as published.

     (2) Report of tho Business Alent.   The report of
the Business Agent was read and ordered filed in the
redords of the Board of Trustees.

     (3) Insurance on Buildings.   A report from the
Business Agent and Superinterdent of Buildings and
Grounds on the amount of insurance carried on University
buildings was read.   The question was raised as to
whether or not the University i.s carrying sufficient in-
surance on buildings, under the co-insurance clause of
the policies.   A committee, consisting of Mr. Gordon,
President MoVey and Senator Peak,.i'as appointed and
given full power to act in the matter.

     (4) Pipe Line Lease with Great Southern Refining
Company    The following lease with the Great Southern
Refining Company was reported as executed, and on motion,
approved by the Comtnitiee as executed: