
and tear thereof, n'nd damage by fire and other unavoidable
casualty excepted- and further, that for the said rents to
be pFid by said lessee and :asslgns, a lien is hereby re-
served upon the premises hereby leased, and the interest
of said lessee and assigns in the to the same, in favor of
said lessor, its successors and assigns, prior and prefer-
able to any End all other liens therupon whatsoever.

     The said lessee may erect on the premises hereby
leased a building or buildings to be used as a college
fraternity house for students attending the University of
Kentucky, but for no other purpose of any kind whatever,
unless  said lessor, through its Board of Trustees, shall
give its written consent thereto.

     In view of the fact that other Greek letter frater-
itieswill probably apply for leases of land upon which to
erect theri fraternity houses, and said lessor desires to
keep within its control the general design and Architecture,
and cost of fraternity houses erected upon the University
property, it is therefore expressly covenanted aand agreed
by said lessee herein that it will submit for the approval
of lessor the plans and specifications for any building
or buildings to be erected upon said leased premises by
lessee,together with the cost of said building or build-
ings, and said lessee will not begin to erect said build-
ings until it shall have received written consent and ap-
proval of lessor; and any changes which may at a subse-
quent date be made in the appearance or architecture of
said buildings, and which may materially increase the cost,
must be also submitted to said lessor for its written ap-
proval and consent.

     The lessee expressly covenants and agrees that dur-
ing the existence of this lease, or any renewal thereof,
said lessee, and all members of lessee's fraternity, will
abide by all rules and regulations made from time to time
by lessor relating to said fraternity houses, including,
among others, supervision, control and inspection.

     The lessee further agrees that the buildings to be
erected on said leased premises, and said leased premises,
shall at all times be kept in good order and condition by