
     This agreement is made pursuant to an action of the
Executive Cormrittee of the Un-versity of 7Yentuokvy at a regular
meeting of the Cornmittee held on January 21, 19220 at which a
quorum of the Executive Committee was present.

     IN WITNESS WHEEOF, the University of Kentucky has here-
unto set its hand by Richard C. Stoll, Chairman of its Execu-
tive Committee, and has caused his sct to be attested and the
seal of the University to be affized by Wellington Patrick,
its Secretary, at Lexington, Kentucky the day and date .Zirst
above rwritten, and the Great Southern Refining Company has
hereunto set its hand by J. S. Shatford, its General Manager,
who has been duly authorized to execute this instrument.

                                    UNIVET.SITY CF ICENTUCICY,

                               By Richard C. Stoll
SZAL                              Chairman, Executive Committee.

                              GREAT SOUTHERN REFINING COI.CPANTY,

                              By  Jno. E. Shatford
                                           General Manager.


   Wellington Patrick


     I, Tirth D. Rose, a Notary Public in and for the County
and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing
instrument of writing was produced to me in my office this
day by J. E. Shatford, General Manager of the Great Soutllern
Refining Company and was by him acknowledged to be the act
and deed of the Great Southern Refining Company, and in my
presence he stated that he was duly authorized by the said
Great Southern Refining Company to execute and acknowledge
this instrument.