University of Kentucky

No. 26









Big Bunch Out Daily To Students Volunteer To Drill
Get Ready For
Three Hours Every

The breezes of balmy April striking
against bare strong arms and almost
nude lower extremities are egging on
the University track aspirants to supreme efforts in their preparation for
the meet to be held with the delegation from Vanderbilt April 21 on Stoll
Field. In order that no line may get
out on the trial achievements in the
different events by opposing aggregations, the coaches have declined to
give out the records made so far in

The team has more men trying out
now than were out at this time last
spring, and In the meets will probably
appear representatives in the sprints,
mile, hurdles, running
high jump, running broad jump, pole
vault, (hammer throw, discus hurl and
shot put.
Captain Earle Grabfelder, around
whom the team is being built, is out
for the short dashes. Enuf said!
record and
Gratbby has a
altho no official timing is being given
out, it has been hinted that he is
spurting true to form. Other aspirants for the sprints are Kahn,
Kinne, Knight, Frank Shinnick,
Brunson and' Duncan.
For the half Planck, the erstwhile
Chote, J. W. Campbell
and Holiwell are out. Four candidates are also trying for the mile.
They are Shouse, Wihaley, Asbury and
Mayhew, Browning. Parker, Camp
bell, Scrivener and Gay are endeavor
ing to get Into hurdling form.
Gus Gay and Bell are trying to bump
their cranlums against the grand old
canopy in the running high jump
They have hitched their spring wagon
to a star.
Boo Ireland, a newly retired soldier
from one field of fame, is getting over
a respectable expanse of terra flrma
in the broad jump. Forman is also a
candidate for this event. Assisted by
a pole, Moore, Brunson, Brittaln, Little and1 Ireland are clearing the bar
array, the
in abbreviated
heavy men shall pass before our vision. Hicker8on is handy with the
weights, and he is entered in the hammer throw, the diBcus event and the
mot put. Whaley, in the hammer
throw, Farmer and Marshall, hurlers
of the discus; Davidson, Grabfelder,
Warth and Farmer, 4n the shot put,





are other heavies.
"Dad" Bowles, track coach, is authority for the following sharp stuff:
"A few misguided individuals have
been spreading a report that the Uni
veralty of Kentucky never had a win
ning track team and ought never ex
(Continued on Pag




The latest military development at
the University is the formation of a
volunteer infantry company by the
students of the College of Law, who
under the present military system are
not required to drill. About forty
men have signed a petition for voluntary enlistment in the company and it
is thought others will join them, completing the organization within a few
days. The lawyers will drill three
times each week, from 2:15 to 3:15
o'clock in the afternoon.
Students of the Law College have
not been required to drill until this
year, when a
rule for
lawyers .was started. Many, how
ever, have had drill in other schools,
in the National Guard and in the Uni
versity battalion, while enrolled in
other departments, and a census has
been taken of the entire college to
determine the amount of drill each
student has had.
Officers for the company will be
chosen at once from students of the
college, subject to the approval of
Captain John C. Fairfax, commandant
at the University. Guns, when needed, will be furnished by the Univer
Those who have enrolled in the company are: N. H. Aaron, R. S. Bo wen,
B. B. Black, E. T. Bowls, J. V. Chamberlain, J. F. iCorn, J. P. Cherry, V.
Chapman, . T. DotBon, K. C. Elswick,
W. O. Fogg, R. M. Green, G. B. Fish-bacH. H. Green, J. F. Gregory, E.
Grabfelder, J. Howard, H. E. Hackney,
E. P. Hatter, J. P. Herndon, W. C.
Hosklns, B. E. Hickerson, W. J. Kali- breier, D. V. Kibbey, Sam Morton, C.
P. Mabry, W. B. Martin, B. W. Mc
Murtry, J. J. iMcBrayer, W. A. Mini
han, C. S. Ramsey, J. G. Reynolds,
Felix Renlck, William Rodes, A. A,
Skidmore, P H. Wltten and O. C

Misses Rebecca Paretz and Lucille.
Cruikshank are the first women members of the Henry Clay Law Society
of the University. The young ladles
applied for membership at tho last
meeting of the society, held Wednesday night, March 28, and were then
officially enrolled. They are students
of the Collego of Law and are taking
an active part in all tho activities of
the department.
A largo crowd was present at the
meeting, and an interesting program
was rendered. Plans are being made
for a mock trial at the meeting Wed
nesday night, April 10, to which Dean
Hamilton's English class and all oth
ers desiring to come will be invited.
It has been the custom of the society
to give a mock trial each spring for
the benefit of Miss Hamilton's Eng
lish students.


Herbert D. Graham, Instructor in
the Department of Journalism, left
Wednesday for Chicago,
where he will attend the convention
of American Association of Teachers
of Journalism, which will be held at
the Hotel LaSalle April 5, 6 and 7.
Mr. Graham was appointed a delegate
to represent the University of Ken
tucky by Professor Enoch Grehan.
Representatives from publicity or
ganizations of various colleges and
universities of the country will meet
in Joint session with the teachers of
Some of the editors of
leading magazines and newspapers of
the United States will bo in attendance and all phases of the teaching
of journalism will be discussed.




Hamilton To Be



Not to be outdone by the wayfaring
Seniors, the Juniors of the College of
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering left on the Southern Tuesday
morning on their annual Inspection
trip to visit and study the factories of
several Ohio cities. They will not go
quite so far north as the Seniors, who
leave 'Sunday for Chicago, and must
content themselves with visiting Cin
cinnati, Hamilton and Dayton, return
ing home Saturday night.
Those making the trip are: Harold
Parks, J .C. Owens, John Cooper, C.
W. Jordon, William McDougle, Lewis
Bauer, Alfred Brittain, Harry Mllward.
R. W. Waterfill, D. R. Ellis, J. D.
Maddox, M. L. Watson, R. M. Davis.
U. V. Garred, H. M. Henry, K. W.
Goosman, R. D. Nesbltt, Sidney
Wright, James Hedges and Buford
Professors Curtis, Frankel
and Duncan, of tho Mechanical De
partment, will accompany the students.







University Men From Bor- Scores Hit Despite Absence
of Male Characters in
der Honored Friday
the Cast
A patriotic rally to show the appreciation of the student body for the
University students who went with
the Kentucky troops to the border was
held in chapel last Friday morning.
Talks were made by Lieutenant Bush,
Dr. Glanvllle Terrell, J. D. V. Chamberlain, R. S. Clayton, L. J. Heyman
and Dean C. R. iMelcher.
Barker presided.

the honor
Dr. Terrell discussed
which it meant to a young Athenian
to foe allowed to carry arms. To be
given arms meant that a boy was a
patriotic citizen, because he could use
the arms just as well against his country as in its defense. So the men from
the University are patriotic citizens.
The speaker said that the Greeks
believed the bearing of arms a part of
their education. This should be the
case today. Human nature has not
changed a great deal thru the ages
and after the end of the great war we
cannot assume that universal peace is
at hand. It is the duty of every good
citizen to be able, willing and ready to
serve his country in time of need.
J. D. V. Chamberlain spoke of the
sacrifice of the men from the University who answered the call to defend
their country. "When the President
Issued the call for men," Mr. Chamberlain said, "they answered from all
These men anover the country.
swered in the fair name of Kentucky,
without any thot of their personal
safety. Their only thot was to save
the nation. The same spirit prompt
ed the Americans at Bunker Hill and
Pickett's men at Gettysburg.
are made of the same stuff."

(By Eliza Piggott.)
The Philosophlan Literary Society
gave Saturday night in the gymnasium, its annoal play, "A Southern
Cinderella," considered by many the
best the organization has presented.

The play Itself was well chosen and
admirably adapted1 to amateur production. The story is that of a young
girl robbed of her rightful inheritance,
first by a haughty unforgiving grand
mother, who was estranged ifrom her
daughter by a forbidden marriage;
then by two English adventuresses,
who try to destroy the will and take
everything for themselves.
The fairy godmother comes in the
form of a settlement worker with an
old black mammy for assistant. Between them they restore the little
Cinderella's fortune, and all ends
Miss Bertha Miller was splendid in
the part of Mammy Judy Johnson, a
black Blue Grass widow. Her lines
were clever and she kept the audience
in a gale of laughter at every appearance.
Miss Louise Will played well the
part of Madame Charteris, the old
aristocrat. Her voice was good, and
she Interpreted the character skillfully. It was a matter of general regret that her lines were so few.
' Enid Bellamy, the Southern Cinder-

ella, was played by Miss Elizabeth
McGowan, who was sweet and appealing and won the sympathy of the audience from the first.
Miss Zula Ferguson and Miss Edith
Sachs took the parts of the English
They were most
Mr. Clayton thanked the students
"vlllianesses", and their Engfor this display of appreciation, say lish accent was, in the words of Maming that it was the first real welcome my Judy, "mighty salubrious."
he had received since his arrival from
iMiss Eyrl Richmond and Miss Viv
the border.
ian DeLaine took the parts of a set
Dean Melcher told of his personal tlement worker and a coquette, re
at the spectively. Both wore splendid, their
experiences in Washington
time when the United States battle- scenes with Mammy Judy being par
ship Maine was sunk. He told of how ticularly good.
much Old Glory meant to him at that
One unusual thing about this play
time and to thousands of other patriot- was
the absence of male characters.
ic Americans.
The prince never appeared, nor did
The speaker said that he had lived any of those charming gallants de
in Germany for several years and scribed by the coquette.
The action
stated that the thoro military training proceeded very well wtthouf Them,
which everyone receives is largely re- however, and for once the hero was
sponsible for the Teutons' success in not missed.
the European war. He urged univer
sal military training for tho United more, C. A. Hughes, A. H. Townsend,
States, saying that It was almost es
George Drakeford, George Bradley, J.
sontlal In this day of preparedness.
D. Turner, C. W. Clark, H. K. Combs.
Patriotic music was furnished at the
G. L. Chilton, C. B.
exercises by tho cadet band. Tho C. R. Roberts,
Marshall, W. P. Rlngo,
University men who answered the call Elston, T. F.
H. J. Dean, R. S. Ben Wooton, T. F. 'MeElroy, J. W.
to arms were:

The Pickwick Club held an enthus
iastlc and rather prolonged session
Tuesday evening. The discussion was
philosophical but was
richly spiced with humor. G. B. Fish
Philosophy" would
back's "Hash-hous- e
have shamed a composite production
of Emerson and Nye, while J. D. V
Chamberlain defended "The Smoke
Ordinance In Hades" with a becoming
Professor Farquhar ciraltruism.
cumnavigated the globe and thon returned to tell a joke and smoke a Clayton, R. G. Polndoxter, Guy Ledg Wilson, L. M. Hammond, K. G.
L. J. Heyman and Ben Mahoney.
wick, M. A. McDaniels, D. W. Lattl
