


Happy New Year



Roscoe Cross Is Named Rhodes
Scholar From Kentucky; Will Go
To Oxford, Engknd Next Fall

Has Received Many Honors
While on University of Kentucky Campus

U. of K. Profs. Convene GAME
Dr. Glanville Terrell Elected Ky.
Delegate to National Ass'n.
Of University .Professors

Eight Kentucky colleges sent delegations to the state Y. M. C. A. student council held at Danvillo December
James Russell, president of the
University Y. M. C. A., was elected
president of the conference.
A faculty dinner and conference
was hold on Saturday, December 6,
at the Gilchor hotel. There were
seventy-sirepresentatives from the
faculties of the various institutions
present. This is said to be the largest
(fathering of faculty members of different colleges ever assembled in the
An increasing interest in the problems of student life and an increasing
losire for better cooperation between
students and faculty were demonstrated at the conference.
Tho principal
topics of discussion were world
church relations, and life issues on the campus.

The regular monthly meoting of
the University of Kentucky branch
of the American Association of University Professors was held Monday
evening in the university cafeteria.
The members assembled at 5:45 pm.
'or dinner after which the meeting was
cilled to order for a discussion of
the problems that come into the daily
life of the university instructor.
Dr. J. B. Miner, head of the der
partment of Psychology, presided at
the meeting nhd Prof J. C. Jones,
of the History department, secretary
jf the local branch of the association,
real the minutes of the last meeting.
Dr. Glanville Terrell, head of the
Jepartment of Philosophy, was named
as a delegate from this organtea-io- n
to the annual meeting of the
National Association of University
Professors to be held in Chicago dur-

Mr. Cross is now enrolled in the
College of Law at the university. He

student, having
is a
secured his bachelor of arts degree
in 1922 with a standing of 2.7. He
received his master of arts degree
last June after he had been an assistant professor in the department
of history and political science.
Roscoe was graduated from
High school in 1919, as valedicHe entered here
torian of his class.
in the fall of the same yearand received his bachelor's degree 'after
only three years. He is .a member
of Delta Chi sodial fraternity;, of
Scabbard and Blade, honorary military fraternity? of Pi Sigma Alpha,
honoray fraterntiy of history and
political science, and the honorary


Entertain Frosh

Attractive invitations have boen issued to both first and second semester
freshmen, who are to be the guests
at a Christmas party given by the
Woman's club of the university in

the gymnasium Friday evening, December 18, from 7,30 to 10:30 o'clock.
The. program of the evening will
be given over to games, a feast, a
Christmas tree with gifts for all present, and caroling.
The committee in charge is composed of Mrs. F. L. McVey, general
chairman; Mrs. T. T. Jones, chairman
of tho food committee; Mrs. C. R.
Melcher, chairman of the hostess committee; Mrs. J. El Ruth, chairman of
the decoration committee; Misa Rach-ell- e
Shacklette, chaairman of the inand MiBS Virginia
Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, Talented vitation committee; of the entertainKrankc, chairman
Singer, Gives Alto Solos in
ment committee.

Musical Oratorio Friday


"The Messiah," Handel's magnifici-en- t
oratorio, which was presented Friday, December 11, in the university
iymnasium, may be said to .have
been the inauguration of the Christmas season in Lexington. Truly, "The
Messiah," carrying as it does the
story, old yet ever new, of the Coming of the Saviour, His Nativity, Rejection, Crucfixion, and Resurrection
could have been given
fitting a time than this the month
His birth.
"The Messiah" never loses its
charm, having always the same sublimity and sweetness in its message
of eternal hope. As the composition
was sung by the four soloists and the
chorus of 350 members, it could not
fail to move even the most apathetic.
Mrs. L. L. Dantzler, one of Lexington's most talented singers, sang
the alto solos of the program in an
Mrs. Dantzler
exquisite manner.
took the place of Edna Swanson Ver
Chicago, who was
Haar, contralto, of
unable to appear because of illness.
An appreciation for Mrs. Dantzler's
generous cooperation was expressed
before the overture by F. H. Engelken.
Mrs. Dantzler is a member of the Mac- -


Next Issue Will Apear On Jan-

"The holiday season is at hand and
the students of the university will
soon separate to go to their homes
in different parts of the state. It is
a pleasure to take this opportunity
to extend good wishes for a pleasant
vacation that will be filled with good
will and happy times. To the par
ents of the students I extend congrat
ulations upon the return of their sons
and daughters and the hope that they

As all classes will be dismissed
for the Christmas holidays on Tuesday, December 22, today's Kernel
marks the final issue of the paper
until Friday, January 8, 1926. The
Kernel wishes to take this op-- 1
portunity to thank the members of
the student body for their cooperation and interest and express
the hope that they will forget all
their class troubles, lay texts aside
and enjoy their 14 days of leisure
as only an overworked student can.
The editor would also like to announce to the Kernel staff that
will be greatly appreciated if each
member will return to his duties
on the paper in 1926 prepared to
do a week's work in three days.
Classes will be resumed on Tuesday, January 5, and as an issue
of the Kernel is scheduled
January 8, the members of the
staff will have only Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in which to
get the paper ready for press.
May each student in the University of Kentucky enjoy a most
merry Christmas and prosperous
New Year!


Student Body and Faculty Sign Two
Weeks Armistice Before Declaring
Weeks War in Early
(By LeRoy Smith)
Wellj I was sittin' in the news room
the other day, inhalln' the literary
atmosphere and hot air which is quite
prevalent around the place, when the
admiral comes up and says to me
that it was goin' to be quite aweekly
not to have to peruse, my
in Ms otherwise perfectly
decent newspaper. He explains that
as there wouldn't be no scholars

rearm' around the campus for put-tinext couple of weeks, we wasn t
out the sheet.
He gets off some more wisdom
about my literary productions, and I
told him If he'd just write that out
and print it, I'd sue him for libel.
I restrains my commendable inclination to rise up and cast him out the
window, and asks what this sudden
nn th nnrt of the faculty
might portend. As near as I could
make out, i nau ueen uom muofc
ix... ...t.L' in inv pIokhpr ii nd the nrofs
just looked on and made sure I dono


II. IB mew uiu nmhtHniift than usual
in the matter of mukin' mo
o wey u
now nine
write out mAAnnna In i Knew ivhcll WQB
HIV tliumiv
J1UVU il.
..." ottcndln
een more tiresome than
lectures and gettin' the same information from them. I couldn't see tHat
the faculty was entitled to no vaca






Part of 1 926


University's Needs During Holidays


uary 8, 1926


McVey Urges Students To Express

Last 1925 Kernel



will find new joy in them.

"In January the legislature comes
together for the purpose of consider
ing the needs of the state, lhe
students make upon members
of the legislature by their acts and
conversation is a matter of great importance. In so far as members of
the student body can speak of the
university in terms of commendation

shall be glad to have them do so,
and I hope they can urge upon members of the legislature tho needs of
the university as indicated by their

experience as students.
"The first need of th university is
for more recitation rooms, laboratories
and offices. When these are supplied
the welfare requirements of the student body should be met, such as a
great dining hall, dormitories and a
general studen building. The university needs' in addition to recitation
and laboratory buildings, better library facilities, an auditorium and
more land. Undoubtedly, most of the
wants are already known to the students and the state is beginning to
realize the worth of the institution
The students, thereand its needs.
fore, can help in bringing to the atfriends, relatives and
tention of their
members of the legislature the needs
of the university. I am sure that they
will do that thing.
"The very best wishes for the holiday season."



Hygiene Head Points Out Dang- - Terpsichorean Revel For Benefit
of University's Year Book To
er of Introduction of Epidemic
Be Held in Gym Tomor-Afte- r
. of
Smallpox on Campus
row Night


An epidemic of smallpox is sweep-'- ,
ing the state of Kentucky und has par- - i
ticularly centered in two sections of
the commonweaun, one oi wnicn is
in an adjoining county, according to
Dr J. E. Rush, head of the department of Public Health and Hygiene of
the university. Because of this epidemic and the danger of the introduction of the dreaded disease on the
university campus after the holidays,
Dr. Rush urges ull students who have
not been vaccinuted within the past
five yearB to come to the dispensary
and take this treatment before de
parting for home.
Law Requires Vaccination
A state luw provides that all members of the fuculty and all students'
of the university must be able to pro- -

tion, and when I come to think about
it. I recalled hearin' some propaganda
nbout them tryin' to give the impres- UJI lUUb
luc; naa umjr duuiuumu
to the vacation idea because us students was so enthusiastic about Santa
I says I didn't suppose if I
went out to my classes durin' the
holidays, I'd find my instructors
waitin' to fall on my neck. The
benevolent shepherd of the news flock
says no, he didn't reckon that such
would be the case.
He goes on to explain that us unfortunates had to put up with this
sort of thing every Christmas as it (CONTINUED 'ON PAGE EIGHT)
wus a sort of tradition around these
parts. It seems that the student body
and faculty has a sort of an armistice
for awhile and war Is declared thp
following year. This here epidemic ..nother Mascot Being Shipped
of exams which is experienced at this
From Harlan
time of the year is a sort of preseason Christmas present which is to
Kentucky will have another mascot-ye- s,
be taken as un omen that we are not
it Is another sure 'nuf Wildcat.
circle received a wire from
The Su-K- y
I seen that part of it, and when John Pope, of Harlan, u former studI hud meditated on all the details, I ent of the university, which stated
was persuaded that the idea had a that he was shipping u wildcat to
lot of good qualities and I was al- take the place of the fumous "Tom"
most entirely in favor of postponin' and "T. N. T." who have died in the
until- 1926, Wildcat lair. The mascot will receive a
tho ignorance-treatmename when it arrives and will pace
so if Saint Nick ie lookla' far a
we'll be glad to assign our up and down its cage whenever the
reporter to the job. 'Cats are in action.
most promising

Sending Wildcat

Captain Carey, McFarland, Alberts, Besuden and Underwood May Start


Depicting the scene at the birth of Christ in the stable of
Bethlehem, featuring the adoration of the shepherds, this is the
main feature in a famous Neapolitan panel of the 18th century. The
heads of the figures are modeled in clay, the limbs being carved
in wood. The figures are clad in rjch silks and embroideries.
(Courtesy of Lexington Herald)

Says Impression Made by Schol
ars on Members of Legislature Is Matter of Great

Rivals Will Enter Fray With
More Experience Than Wildcats; Have Played Five

The basketball season will bo officially opened tomrorow night, when
the Depauw University five from
Grcencastle, Ind., bnttles the Wildcats in a game that promises to be
ao hotly contested,, that, before tho
termination of hostilities, the state
militin from both Indiana and Kentucky may have to be
out to
ing tho Christmas holidays. Any 3ettlo the disturbance. called referees
ther member who might desire to whistle, announcing the call to battle,
ittend this meeting was given the will sound at 8 o'clock.
rights of the convention floor.
Depauw will enter the game more
A series of problems were discussed
generally by the members present and experienced than the Wildcats as they
have played five games so far this
short talks were made by Dean Paul reason. Besides receiving
a large
P. Boyd, Dean Edward Weist, Assistexeprience, they also sucant Dean George Roberts, Dr. Glan- luaitityinofhanging
three victories on
ville Terrell, Dr. J. B. Miner, Prof. ceeded
to reports
J. C. Jones, Professor Copius, Pro- comingbelts, and accordingschool, they
from this Hoosier
fessor Zembrod and others.
expect to chalk up another victory at
.he expense of the Wildcats.
Seniors! See
Wildcats Realize Hard Game
However, the Wildcats are aware
Mid-YeGraduates Must Ap- of the strenght of their opponents,
nnd all effort is being made by Coach
ply for Degrees Immediately
Eklund in an endeavor to have the
All senior who are expecting to
graduate at the end of this semester (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
are requested to call at the registrar's
office at their earliest possible convenience and make application for
their degree. Those seniors who will
finish their work in June must make
application for their degree before
January 15, 1926. It is the earnest
desire of the registrar that all of London, Ky., Girl Wins Contest
these students make their applications Held by "Kentuckian;" Picas soon as possible and avoid causing
ture to Appear in Beauty
a rush at the last moment. Employees
appreciSection of Year Book
in the registrar's office
ate any cooperation which the students might give them and the earlier DOROTHY CHAPMAN NEXT
you call and fill out your application the better they will like it.
Miss Kathryn Brown, sophomore
in the College of Arts nnd Sciences,
and a member of the Alpha Xi Delta
sorortiy was selected as the most
Girls vs.
popular girl on the campus in the
election held last Friday, December
To Oppose Each Other In 11, and in which all seniors and purchasers of the 192G "Kentuckian"
Cheering at Games
voted. Miss Dorothy Chapman of the
second in
Separate cheering section will be Chi Omega sorority was
the contest.
provided for the men and women
Miss Brown's picture will appear
students of the university at all
basketball games this season, it in the beautyalong with of the
the pictures
Tuesday. This
was announced
by Flo
of the five girls selected
plan was used last year and provZiegfield as the most beautiful on
ed most sucessful at that time.
the campus and who are: Misses
Tomorrow night the first game
Lucille Robb, Charlsey Smith, Marie
of the season will be played when
Margaret Williams,
the "Wildcats" will endeavor to Helen Board.
claw, masticate and digest, the
The manner of choosing the most
strong DePauw University quintet.
popular girl in the university was
All students are urged to be presFormerly all
this year.
ent and back the Blue and White.
"Kelley" will be on hand to direct students selected by n general vote
the six most beautiful and popular
the operations of the feminine rootgirls whose photographs would then
ing delegation and Bob Grecch
beauty section
and Arthur Nutting will preside appear in the year, in order to of the
annual. This
over the masculine section. Serg
perfect fairness, Ted McDowell, editor
eant Kennedy nnd his "Million dolof the 192G year book, decided to have
lar band" have been toiling long
an uninteresthours in anticipation of this event the selections made by he secured the
ed party and for this
and "Sarg" claims they have "The
M nf Fin Zietrfiuld. cenerallv re- Old Gray Mare" and other favorites down to perfection now. LET'S garded as the foremost connoisseur

Christmas Party for First Year
Students This Evening




To Discuss


Roscoti .Cros9, son of T. J. Cross,
was the successful
of Mayf ield,-Ky.- ,
applicant for the Rhodes scholarship
from Kentucky nt the election held
Saturday in every state in the union
Cross was one of eleven who tried
out before the six judges in President McVey's office Saturday morn- -


Wildcats Open Basketball Season
Tomorrow Night Against Depauw
University In Mens Gymnasium





In The

James Russell, of U. K. Elected
President at Conference
Held Dec. 6

Received A. B. Degree Here in
1922 ;
Year and Obtained Master
Of Arts Degree Last June



M. C. A. Council
Convenes At Danville




State Y.




NO. 13


The unnuul "Kentucklan" dance
will be given tomorrow night in the
men's gymnasium following the

Students Fight For Seats in Reading
Room In Order To Get Back Work
Up Before Beginning of Holidays

basketball game. The
are to furnish the music.
Admission will be $1, the proceeds
to go into the general fund for get(By Kyle Whitehead)
ting out the year book.
Wnnw is what I see on the
This should "be one of the best
being the case, I
dances of the year, for tho Betting campus, and that
It have drawn conclusions that the uniand the season are just right.
going to have a holiversity must be
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) day noon. Everybody is working,
doing first this thing und then that
thing, taking no time to talk, and as
much to loiter, i tnougni at ursi
Vinf tli
nnivofsitv wns renchinir an
Y. W. and Y. M. to Hold Xmas ideal state, but then my suspicions
were aroused wnen i nuppenvu iu iuok
Celebration for Children
at a calendar, and it had a big red
The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. 25 painted In the corner o: u, under
organizations of tho University of the word "Christmas" gleaming
Kentucky will give a Christmas tree It. Not being so dumb, I vouched
nnntfl rmKH tln callSC! of SUch
celebration in honor of tho children flinf
of the first, second, third and fourth a blusterous atmosphere thut now pre
grades of the Lincoln school at 4 vails m the lour corners oi mo
o'clock next Monday afternoon, it was campus.
announced today by George Kavan-augWell, to make sure hud not guess-secrotary of the University Y.
M CI A. Mr. Kavanauifh said that one ed wrong, I made u visi to the read- of the live fir trees on the university ing room on the second floor of tho
campus would do electrically aecorat-o- Administration building, knowing that
fni thn celebration which will be there I could find the information
Snntu Claua will dis that I wanted. I had been in the readtribute gifts to each child. These ing room once before this year, going
will be furnished by the University there to sharpen n pencil that had
Y. W. C. A. Fruits and candies for broken while taking some notes in a
the children will be given by the Y. history class. On my first visit
M. C. A. The program, besides the noticed about eight persons in the
distribution of the gilts, will inciuue room; one wus studying, and the
.... .1
T.. i
ii. singing ui niuriouiiuo vuiuio.
other seven were reading n magazine

to Have Tree






When I reached the
and talking.
second floor on this second visit, I
found ten persons, and a freshman,
on the outside of the reading room
door, waiting to get a seat on the
Inside. This spectacle was unknown
to me, and I went into thevroom.
When I glanc d over that mass, who
to tho man had real text books in
their hands, I was filled with gratifi-

cation and admiration for tho student
body. But then, my suspicions were
excited again, when on asking 15 of
the inmates of that room what they
were doing, tho united reply wus, "I
have two exams, and a term paper
to hand in before the holidayn."
Everybody's Doing It
Still I wasn't satisfied, and returned to the eampuB exterior. While
standing outsido near Whito hall, an
old boy friend of mine whose initials
are Y. Z., came hurrying up the walk
from the direction of tho main entrance. I whistled to him and beckoned for him to join mo. Instead of
coming toward me as he generally
does toward anyone who invites him
to cast an anchor for a while, lie
yelled back, "Can't do it! Gotta ko
to th' reading room. Hollidazu start
soon, an' I'm try'n to get up some



