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§i Demi of Women ________..,................... 25 French .................................................. 238 ,
_ g, Definition of Quarter Hour ......A. 35 Fees I ..».....A....A... : ........·»----·..-----··--------»-· 18 5
  Degrees _______A_,______,,.,.,,.,_.,......A...._.. i ..... 49 Applied Music .............................. 19 L
Department of Public A\1d1to1‘ ..-.........--..-----------------------»·--- 21 j
Relations ,._,___.,,..,..,....,.......,.....,..... 396 Correspondence and ;
Department Honors ...................... .. 59 Extension .............................-...·.. 20 ` 1
I Distributive Occupations .........i.. 306 Graduation   ..........................,..... 19 I
S Doctor of Philosgphy, 138 $9lée §€g;StI`3t1OI`1 ........................   g
Requiremen s or ,..................... e un 0 ...`.....i...........~...............- ·- ` {
I Dramatic Arts ..................,............... 179 Special Examination .......... : ....... 1 9 1
_ Drawing ,i__...,.,_.,.....,_.. , ,....,... 153, 159, 283 Financial Help—Opportunit1es.. 25 ,
ji Economics ........i,.,.........,.................... 319 Foreign LanguageS—CI`edit for i
ig Economics, Farm ...i..,............. B9, 266 and Classification ........................ 59 E
A Education ,..,...........,............................ 302 Geography .......................,.................. 181 F
{ Administration .......................,.... 306 Genetics ....,...............,.».......v..........,.... 259 {
  Business .i.....,_._....,.......................... 303 Geology ..........................,...,......... 68, 183 I
N Distributive Occupations ...,.... 306 German .............................................. 187 1
  Elementary .....................,,,,........... 310 Graduate School ..........,........,..i. 50, 132 V
gg History of ....,...........,......,.....,...._... 312 Admission ...........,...,.........,.......,.... 132 }
I Home Economics .,...................... gill Degrees ...................,........................    
;~ Industrial ...............`........................ 14 Fees .......................,,............l............
31 Music ..........,....................i................ 315 Fellowships and Scholarships 142  
  Psychglogy of ,i,____.,.._....,,.___..._,_., 309 Language Requirements ......,...   `
T Secon ary ...................................... 316 Registration ................,..,.............. J
  Vocational .,..........,......................... 318 Residence ...i.......... , ,......l..,............. . 139
gt Education, College of .......... 116, 302 - Requirements for Degrees ......   .
7 Admission ....,..,............,................. 117 Thesis ,............ . .,.....,...............,........ `
_ Certiticates .,....... . i.............. . ......... 116 Graduation, Requirements for ,..> 131 {
_ Requirements for Graduation 117 Greek ...........,........,,.,.......,........,........... 156
Educational Administration , ..... 306 Health Service ....,,............,............. 27 .
Educational Conference .............. 359 History .............................................l.. 190 ·
,; Educationalg Psychology .,.,......._., 309 History of Education .................    
,,. Electrica ngineering Home Economics .....l.............. , '
gi Curriculum .......,............................ 104 Home Economics Education 96, 313
5] List of Courses ,..,.........,.............. 278 . Honor Societies .,........................l... 40 L
  Electrical Power Engineering .. 105 Honors
il Elementary Education .,..111, 117, 310 Commencement .......................Y.. 36
I . Engineering ............,.......l.........,......... 274 Department .....,. J ............................ 59
Z Administration ...l.....,.,................ 283 Horticulture `
Applied Mechanics ..,...,....,...,.... 282 Curriculum ....»............................... 90 ?
Architectural ...,__.............__, 103, 274 List of Courses ......................l 6    
, Civi . .........l........ , ,.._ . ,,............,.. 100, 274 Hygiene . l...... . ......................... 4 4.... .
  Drawing ............i.............,,,..,.,,_,,,_,_ 283 Independent Work ...... Z ..,»....».......... 59
gi Electrical .,..i_,......,.,_,._,.,,.,._,_,_ 104, 278 Industriall Administration 12_
; Mech nical .....,...................... 106, 285 Curricu um ..........................~~.....~~. ¤ _
  Metalllurgical _.,.....,._____,____._._ 109, 288 Industrial Eléieiniistry .......»»..».»....·--- $$2
.>; Mining ........,.....l..l.................. 110, 288 Indus ria uca ion ..r»-·r-r·- - ---»---~· z
  Sanitary ........._.._.,,.......,...._.i. 102, 277 Industrial Psychology ..-.·.~.-·-»-»»--- 81
Student Assemblies ..................,. 284 Industrial Psychological I
` Elféneering, College of ,_,______,,_,, 98 Steryicégz .........,....,...............,. 2 ........... 353
. mission .,....,...,,....,.........,,.,,.,.,,,,__ 98 Ini ia xpenscs ..,»,.».»..».·..··r·----·--·--
gourses of Study _i__________________   98 instructional Staff .......... . ...........-.-  
egrees .....l................l................,.... 98 a ian .......,........,____,i________,_____________,__,_
Requirements for Graduation 99 Journalism .............,....,.............,_,_ 69, 199
Engineering Experiment Station 359 Kentucky Engineer, The .........,.. 359
Engineering—Farm .....................,.. 254 Law, College of __,, A ,.,__,_,___,_____, 51, 295
Engineering—Genera1 ...,............., 282 Admission , .,,.,..............,,.......... . ..... 114
Engineers’ Specialists School .... 350 Building ..,.,....,..............,_....._.,,,__,,_, 113
Iénglishl __,,__i,,   ,,...______   _,.,_,..,   .____,_,,,,,__ 175 gomliined Courses .,..,i,_....._,,____..  
n omo ogy, gricu tura .......... 251 acu y ........,.................l..,....,......... .1
Entrance Requirements , _____________ 14 Kentucky Law Journal __ 112, 36%
Examinations for Credit .....l.,....., 33 Library .... . ........,...... . ........,....,....... 11..
Examination, Comprehensive .... 59 List of Courses ,...,....   ,....,....... 295
,5 Examinations, Entrance ,,_,_,_,,_____ 33 Summer Quarter · ---- 7 ·~—»-r-~--—— ·· 115
· ` Expenses, Estimated ............,..,.,..,. 18 Latin .,,.........,...............,.. , .......,,......,,.... 155
` ` Extension, Department of _____,,_ 144 Law. College 0f_ --·· 1 ·--——»—-—r—·----—--—· 51· 295 ·
’ i Exéension Work, Rules Leadcrshgs _ Societies ..... A l........,l.. 40
overning ...........,.,.....,......,......,..., 33 Library cience
1 Facilities of the University .,..,i,, 42 List Oé Courses ~rr-»——----—·~-~--·-~·rr··-- 22;
  Facu ty Committees ...,.................. 404 Living xpcnses ...,.,.....,.., A ........,A.. -
fi Farm Economics .AA,,,__,.________i_,_ 89, 260 Lower Division. ANS and -54
11 Farm Engineering ....A............,,,,,,,,_ 254 Sciences ..-~··-·-----» - ·--- _ ——-··—r--—~-~——-~·-—·
{Zig Fellowships and Scholarships .... 142 Markets and Rural Finance ...,A. 232
:0 Forestry .....,..,...A.__.._Ai_,_..__,,,,,,,,_,,.___,,, 265 Marking SYS1€¤’1 ·-—··------——~—— · ·——---····-··