Pence Hall. The library, offices, classrooms, and laboratories I
K _ of the Department of Physics are housed in this building.  
` . l Small Animal Laboratory. This building is used as an experi-  
I 1 mental laboratory in agriculture.  
i Stock Judging Building. In addition to its use as a stock judg-
ing pavilion, this building furnishes classroom space for work in
· animal husbandry, poultry, and entomology. .
, Student Union Building. This building is the center for stu-
_ dent activities. In addition to the lounges, ballroom, restamants,
recreation rooms, and assembly rooms, the building houses' offices
I for student organizations, the Alumni Association, the Y.M.C.A.
and the Y.W.C.A.
I I Tobacco Research Laboratory. In the laboratories and green-
· V houses contained in this building the College of Agriculture and
A Home Economics is carrying forward research in tobacco culture
\ Q · and curing. .
\ White Hall. White Hall provides office, classroom, and labora-
tory space for the College of Commerce.
Additional permanent buildings include the cooperative houses
  for women students, the horticultural greenhouses, residences,
Q barns and storage buildings. Emergency structures include the `
Q Cooperstown and Shawneetown projects, which provide housing
’ 2 for approximately 500 married veterans, and 15 barracks, designed
I   to house about 500 single students. I