. , 72 , UNIVERSITY on Icrzwrucicr  
I Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science   ·
p In Library Science i _ fur
__ Prerequisites: A Bachelor’s degree from an approved college   ind
j or university. Undergraduate preparation should emphasize aca- { Wit
o g demic rather than professional courses, with emphasis on literature,   Or
languages, and the social sciences. Previous experience in library 5. Sur
j work and facility in the use of the typewriter are considered assets.   lea
. Required courses: The full professional curriculum of 45 quarter - the
_ hours. _ the
. . MILITARY science 3 wd
AND   -
The University of Kentucky maintains a Unit of the Senior   ` Oi
  division of the Reserve OfHcers’ Training Corps in conformity with ,
' the provisions of the National Defense Act of 1916, as amended.   yfa
¥ - Object. The object of the Reserve Officers‘ Training Corps is   gt;
\ V to provide systematic military training at civil educational institu— Q req
X   tions for the purpose of qualifying selected students of such in- Rec
stitutions as reserve officers in the military forces of the United i `
States. This object is attained by employing methods which Ht e
_ men physically, mentally, and morally for pursuits of peace as well   mq
as for duties as leaders in the defensive forces of the nation in an
. emergency. »€1€<
’   Educational Aim. The course of study is designed to give to _. is O
· , the student a training which will be as valuable to him in his   tar;
° industrial or professional career as it would be should the nation   the
call upon him to act as a leader in its defense forces. fw
General Policy. The policy adopted by the War Department Q dl;
to carry out the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1916, I to 1
as amended, is to qualify students for positions of leadership in a cl
time of national emergency and to inculcate in them a respect for
. all lawful authority, and to teach the fundamentals of the military I
profession. .
E The primary purpose of all training is the development of I
A character, leadership, and good citizenship; character through high é Pm
standards of honor and integrity, leadership through the acquisition   as
and use of knowledge, good citizenship through the idea of service L mu
as the real measurement of accomplishment and success.   tk
Discipline of Body and Mind. The following characteristics of   .
an officer and a gentleman will be insisted upon: Neatness in dress, i
the cultivation of the manners and habits of a gentleman, a digni- [
fied and military bearing, devotion to duty and consideration of {
others; the cultivation in the student body of esprit de corps, T
obedience to orders, acceptance of responsibility, and avoidance of
excuses. fer.