ture in which a strong curriculum in rural social science is avail-  
f able, as an undergraduate preparation for seminary training. A if-
, student planning to enter a theological seminary and enrolling in a   fron
regular curriculum of the College of Agriculture and Home Eco- {*1 vari
V nomics may select from the general University offering a suitable   inclw
Y group of courses in philosophy, English literature, and ancient i. she;
languages. The student planning to elect this major is advised to { in L
acquaint himself with the specific requirements of the theological
? seminary of his choice. V V
Students planning to become veterinarians may enter the Col-   Of t·
lege and take the course required for admission to a college of ‘_ Th°'
1 veterinary medicine. The minimum requirement for entrance is l-_ thas
one year of college work, some colleges requiring more. In general   velu
· `- the requirements include inorganic chemistry, one year; English I bunt
composition, one year; introductory zoology, one year; hygiene, one i _
`\ ‘ quarter; and social science, one year. Recommended courses in- it
. clude foreign language, advanced chemistry, history, political  
i science, botany, mathematics, psychology, English literature,   _. Mas
speech, physics, and animal husbandry. i osop
For high school graduates who plan to study agriculture in col- Q RE,
lege as preparation for farming, but whose time is limited, a six- ;; ` ,
'   quarter program is provided. In this program subjects may be   mm
· { elected to provide general or special information concerning any ».`· l - Thy
` phase of agriculture. Two-year programs in certain fields are i `
provided for veterans. These include livestock, poultry, dairying,
farm management, market management, fruits and vegetables, etc.  
The following regulations govern these programs:  
1. Students must meet the University entrance requirements i .
, as either regular or special students.   ‘
2. Students may enter at the beginning of any quarter. f gs?
{ 3. When students register for the Hrst time, they must state J sod;
that they plan to follow this program. i Scier
4. All subjects in agriculture and in other colleges numbered   a uk
1 to 99 are open to students in this program. By special . Q Hm,
permission other courses may be scheduled. of S,
5. Students may transfer to the degree curriculum at any with
time. However, courses in the 100 series, or courses taken `Q
without the designated prerequisites may not be counted
toward a degree unless validated by special examination.
. 6. Upon the completion of 6 quarters of residence (these need
not be consecutive), 105 quarter hours and 105 grade
points, the student will be awarded a certificate in agri- ,