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UK Operating Budget Jane Goodall to Appear at UK
  A; for FY   Acclaimed scientist
·   Y  ‘ · The UK Board of Trustees approved a $1.34 and collsolovalloolsl , V  
  A  KM, _ A;  billion budget for the 2002-2003 fiscal year. lolowo as tho World S e   __ ‘*"t;\
  t · i . President Lee I Todd Jr. said the budget loloolosl authomy X,   _     
  *5 , . supports the University’s aspiration to on ohlmpoozooo looo . [   i `{S 
` ‘· "’ A i   become a top-20 public research university by G¤¤d¤¤W1¤1¤¤t¤f¤   · l'     fi
· e __ the year 2020. It’s major objectives are to find aofoul holgosoolchh “ ·~-4 /    
 I  _ a way to absorb the $6 million recurring state o ons all ollllooo V no ‘ " / ij ; .
l I   budget cut without passing the reduction to programs at l p‘m‘  .   l l  
‘*i academic units, to significantly improve Soplolllool 2o> at tho
health plan benefits to employees, and to UK Slnglcmy Cooler lol loo Alto .
fund program impmvomomsl Goodall has closely observed chimpanzee v
The new budget assumes no new state oohivlolflog ll; pail qgloollollléooluly lo loo  
Vicg Ppggidgnt operating or capital funds, and no major new lung os o   o, om, o Elmo osolvo lo _ _  
for Student facilities. Todd noted that the budget contains ’?1flTloo*   lll llgll ¢¤V1f¤¤E1¢¤o¤¤¢ gommg I
_ substantial scholarship and fellowship l olloo olloo or losoolo all Wlllmg oro i
AHHIPS increases for the new Legacy Tuition Pro- oollslooloo lo llovo lllodo lovolllllolloly
, A gram, which provides in—state tuition to out- lmoodo llllo Solooooo thmkmg rrgafdmg tho 1
Pamela $_ Terrell, Opstato students who mo Children Of UK evolutions of humans.·Goodall has expanded
vfcvieusiy vice Prosloom alumni, Govemor’s Scholars/Govemor’s hor global olllloooll Wllh loo loooomg ol the I
for student Services gr School for tho Arts, the Lyman To Johnson Jane Goodall Institute based in Silver Spring, A
Utah Siam UHWCISHY Scholarships, and the Commonwealth Mo‘ _  
and gdjunel fnenlry Incentive Program. The event 1S sponsored by the UK Tracy ,
member, will be UK’s Farmer Center for the Environment. For
new vice president for more information on her UK lecture, contact
student affairs, pending Stephanie Jenkins at 859-257-4974. E
approval by the UK 4 d
Board ofTrustees in - E
Aoooso Boforo ooioo to Lexington Gets Computer Center A E
llloo Sho was ossoololo The Urban League of Lexington-Fayette ·...  N, ,_e , a  j,. I . ·   . ` §
“oo_PIoS‘do“t fer Sluoom County opened an 1,800—square foot `ii;,—,e_i tm,. on tif   Y   l
ollolls ooo oooo ol computer center on DeWeese Street with   ° `   `   ‘  
Sllloom lllo ol ooulllom help from UK, the Verizon Foundation,   ·· , ;__ [
M€*h¤<*·S* U¤W€e¤v- State Farm Insurance andthe eny. The   ··~e — ·e e ee       ,
From lop/4 lo l_9o9 Sho facility has 24 computers with Internet ,_ %
Woo ooolslom Vloo access and will serve the downtown and   { = M ·~    
prooloom for Slooooo east areas of the city. UK faculty and {   I   te., ‘   l€?_ . 
llllollo et the Umvolslly student volunteers helped design the yl s `    I _` A     if ,l j  
of Lo“‘S"‘llo· . center’s curriculum and will offer training   A "   ”i’i     tn; ,[ lj r ` I  
Toooll ls o oollvo on a continuing basis. " ` .1*, " `   · i _   r
Koolllolooo ooo holds o "For the past year, the University of \   lj    
ooolollllo lo olluoolloo _ Kentucky has placed a higher priority on       Q   [
from UK ooo bechclet S the town-gown relationship, with emphasis A Q - - · ·· ` ‘
ooo oloolol S ooglooo lo on building a true partnership," said UK ` ' A ” ` ·  
 Fvf;?rIoOtS;vill€_  Elggglfgggvggigont Thehdeoicativoln coeremcvnjéfcor tjigotorbaln rloieavgues Cooriénutg 
_ ec noo enerincue,e ori , amon mi .
Kool;  xldooos M· provides tangible eviden-ce of our commit- [UL boar? member], IEd Holmes [UE board! chair], PG. I
· ment to being a good neighbor to each and Peeples Sr. [UL president/CEU], Lexington Mayor Pam 3
llmo every Lexingtonianf Miller, UK President Lee `IT Todd Jr., Julie Maloy [UL board  
Thg Urban League has a bmadbased member], Brack Marquette [Verizon], Councilmen George  
mission to assist the local African—Ameri— Brown and Jooouoo W'99'“oo“· `
can community and other citizens as they }
strive to overcome barriers to social and
economic parity. I