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` E ;;’° " `  _ { `§"§\ ,§"hen NASA payload commander and true blue
‘ /  r l J *-1/ UK alumnus Story Musgrave included a UK
(   pennant with the "right stuff" packed in his gear,
l~ 0 , ’   it wasn’t too su risin to an one who knows Sto .
{ \ MIISGRAVE {    
l   ` fl g   ‘~ N -   "Not only did the University provide me with specific
] . _,< . ....
r . y / ¤ ~ Q   `   skills, It also provided me with a theoretical and
l Y , l   universal method for the ursuit of all disci lines of --
t »· 3   . .
; ;   1 at   knowledge. My roots, my friends, and my heroes are in
l -  _     the University.
l _ \ {ge. ® ; , ··y:,  <;-. l I invite you to join me as a member of the UK Alumm
1 _ { 1 · ‘ J     Association. When we support the University, we
`A"`   ._ ` 5   l contribute to the advancement and to the promise of
.        . . t- -   , .0   ....   . . -   -    -..,t all humanity."
    "vrr lrtli J,
’ .   - L_11`~ .1;%  
~‘<,,].I.I;.!,,l. txt   tin hi,l'AlNi .1X$éf$t1·t`l.\'l`lt)?I l)l.i·ZY%*‘ —| A portion ofyotir Uliililumni
D NI W M_   (‘“°""’°"*‘i1"°'“1"°“'°i"‘“‘l°““]’P°'°d“’°*‘) Association dues supports
r"‘ r" B" X   l P1¢¤s¤ cheek ¤¤¤= the alumni activities ofthe:
i ___Annua|_$40.00 _
1\dd1€»~ ___m  l __[_i{€ (Qng payment) __ $70()_()() College 0fAZ1’1011]¤·11'¤
_, _ l _Life (Five consecutive annual payments @ ' COHCEB 0fA1'€h1(¤€Yu1€
( "Y A-—-7-._—.————S101€ —-Z1P.j;.- 1 $150.00) _ $750.00 J College ofArts at Sciences
TMC mom ( ) ’”f""jfi:_ \   “ { Tr E _   Gatton College of Business & Economics
{ 'T" K ';`_    YUM I ln'] 'N 1   ‘ H4 rN" `"'A QUE`} YA- College of Communications & Infomation Studies
li-1111111 -..----__r...L__? . ""“‘“"{‘?v?.l?d“§ls.‘Z‘{?iZ§tl.”t$£`l.'£'.§§t;€?"Z.$`.'1El°""““’ <¤<>11=g= °fD°11*1s*'11
, college alumni association as checked below) t College of Education
Binh [r)m°———c—»—(—»—SS #     '—.t=nn,il Litt- l College of Engineering
` '
Dutctst; Ciraiduutcd _   __ Attended l _$l0·0O ..$l50·U0 College of D€11US¤’y ` EOEE? 0;_l;;;;1;r;_ S
1.I Friend of UK tl)id not attend) t ..51000 -515000 C¤11==s¤ 01 E¤s1¤¤¢1i¤z College Omuman Emonmcnmi Sciences
` y _ V _ _$l0.00 _$l50.00 School of Joumalism L School of Joumalism and Telecommunications
l "l l 1 1 tt`? t Q 15mm _$l50'00 College of Nursing \ Lexington Community College
Dru Mr,. \1   M p ` 1 College ofMedicine
1 r` ` "·—·Z——i—;‘_ .,.....       l -$25·°° —$25°·°° C°"°g€°“’““'“‘“°1 t cciicgccinucing
E-mnil _ _r_____r _ WV _$l0.00 _$l50.()0 College of Social Work ` College of pharmacy
Binh mw AMW FSS #   _st0.00 _$1s0.00 Lex. ccmm. College   €¤11¤s¤ ¤f5<>¢1¤1W¤r1<
Dutctstz (lraultmtcd __M A_ Attended
.1 rncmi of ti; iota not attend) S-——-T°°“l Due F"°'“ M’°”°
"Tjl   Cl Check (payable to UK Alumni Association)
7 1l _E · t_ .` ‘
it (`nll txsvt 257-8905 in- 4800l 269—.\l.UNl D Vis"?  
Zl Fill out this form uml rctum to: 3 Masmcmd #
l'K Alumni Awicintion
King .·\lumni House Exp Dam
Lexington. KY ~l0S06·l)I ll)
3) www.uky.cdu/.·\lumni A-F 02 Signature