196                            INDEX.

BusINEss LETTERs -Concluded.                                      PAGE
    Regarding stock running at large ..........................    175
    Regarding breachy stock ..................................     175
    Regarding diseased stock ..................................    176
    Line fence, regarding repair of .............................    176
    Ditch, regarding cleaning of ...............................     176
    Financial embarrassment, regarding ....................... 176, 177
    Answer to foregoing .......................................    177
    Notice of note about to fall due ............................    177
    Apology for delay in payment of note ......................    177
    Requesting payment of house rent ..........................    178
    Asking time to pay rent ...................................     178
    Answer of landlord to foregoing,............ ............. I.   179
    Refusal of tenant to pay rent .............................    1 79
    Requesting loan of money ......... ........................     179
    Favorable and unfavorable answers ....................... 1, 180
    Advising tenant as to crops ................................    180
    Letters of application, recommendation and reference ......     180
    Concerning sale and shipment of potatoes ...................    183
    Letter of credit...........          .          .18.