Bulls running at large may be taken up: If bulls, known to be
mischievous and breachy, are permitted by their owners to run at large
outside of their inclosures, they may be taken up and proceeded with,
and dealt with as provided in cases of horses or jackasses [see section
43, preceding page]; and the liability of the owners shall be the same.
    Submission of question: Upon the petition of one hundred voters
of any county or twenty voters of any magisterial or voting district, filed
in the county court of such county, asking a submission of the question
whether cattle or any species thereof shall be permitted to run at large
in such county, justice's or voting district, the county court shall direct
the officers of election in such county or district to open a poll at the
next regular election held in such county or district, in not less than
sixty days after the filing of such petition, for the purpose of ascertain-
ing the will of the voters of such county or district upon the question
whether or not-they wish cattle or any species thereof to run at large in
said county or district: Provided, however, That before any election
shall be held under the provisions of this act that the fiscal court of the
county shall decide by a majority of the members composing the same
whether said election shall be confined to voting or magisterial dis-
tricts, or shall be to take the sense of the voters of the entire county,'
such decision of said court to be entered on the records of said court,
and the same shall not be changed for a period of four years: And pro-
vided, further, That no subsequent order of said court in respect to the
territory to be embraced at any election shall have the effect to annul or
render void any election held under the provisions hereof until after
the expiration of four years from the date of such election. [4646]
    Vote may be taken every four years: In any district, districts or
county in which a vote is taken under this law another vote shal not
be taken until after the expiration of four years from the time the last
vote was taken. [4651]
    Cattle, when and by whom taken up: Stray cattle may be taken
up and posted by any free-holder by legal or equitable title, by a tenant
of an unexpired lease for not less than three years, or a keeper of a
toll-gate, when found on their respective places orf residence. [4652]
    Time when strays may be taken up and posted: Stray horses,
mules, jacks or jennets may be posted at any time. Other stray cattle
shall not be taken up or posted between the first day of April and the
first day of November, unless taken within the inclosure of the taker-
up, having broken into the same. [4653]
    Property in strays: The absolute property in a stray horse, mule,
jack, or jennet sall be vested in the taker-up at the expiration of two
years after 'the istice shall have received the evidence of the valua-
tion and administered The oath to the taker-up. The like igt in Otlor