The same is true as to the Trust Fund.   of this

   balance $2903.50 belongs to Patterson Hall.   After

   the payment of the bills due Junel, operating expenses

   for June and other expense, the Patterson Hall balance

   will be largely reduced.

         The report does not show expenditures and opera-

   tions of the Military Technical Training Department.

                     Financial Statement
                     University of Kentucky
                         May 31, 1918

 _______________________________________________________-____-...-  ___
               : Sched-.: Re-        Ex-        Balance:     Balanze
   Fund        :   ule : ceipts      penses    : on hand    :A vaiilab3.e

  Detail -1-       :

  General Fund     1     197094.57: 188954-97   (59884.83) :(12090.0O)

  Experiment St:   2      254142.18: 198555.58    55586.60    57955,Ac9

  Extension td:    3    : 91865.49:   89319.17    8546.32   :1219592

  Trust Fund       4    : 28073.01:   28591.93 : (518.92)         0.

  Total                  577175.25: 573446.08: 3729.17      : 58061-35
 --- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _- - - -

                                          Respectfully submitted,

                                               D. H. Peak,

                                                    Business Agent @