        Senior Star On Target
l     “ °`=rv-   ..._ ` ‘  When senior free safety Melvin Nancy Napolski and Erik Anderson [
        Johnson found out he’d be playing in returned from the USA Shooting  
VV                the East—West Shrine game and the National Championships with the I
 _   A        /.;.         Senior Bowl he was honored. He also titles in women’s and men’s junior air g
  ‘ rr    ilii i. i‘'      ’i‘‘‘”   ` ` ri     iV `i’“i    ` °  i ii T  inii i f      iii was eager to see how he compared rifle competition. 1
, 1  a with other seniors from around the Napolski, ajunior, scored 775 l
A A VV . country. The results are in. points out of a possible 800. Anderson, l
,     V};   johnson was rather quiet in the a sophomore, scored 1165 points out l
l .     ‘   Shrine game (4 tackles), but in the of a possible 1200. Both shooters are  
I   _ Fl,   Senior Bowl he was named the South’s members of the UK shooting team
l if      an _A  most valuable defensive player. which placed third in the NCAA shoot- A
l V   ` r f   johnson had five tackles and two inter- ing championships last year and set a
  t ‘‘°’ .   V F .L ceptions deep inside the North’s terri— new record on air rifle.
l   V   . é_ppA_   ...=   tan/-Vlaatla i¤ta¤`¤a1ati<>¤S Starred Sams ..     ...s-cc.s:..e.a. .     2 .
K   . ,  _ »».‘  _ ..  L   .:-»·· ·   scoiing thieats by the North and In Memorlqm
    , ,..»   helped the South protect its leads of   _r___rr     _ _ W _
To    _ (  ;. v_ 1 A  _. _ V _ iV'_ V ,  14-0 and 14-7, the game’s final score.
      A `nn  "   r  iii` 1  iii I  ii. A   The first interception occurred in Alex Glczar 68, diad df lllllg Cdllccl
   V   `fi`       ,,, . the third quarter when he caught a january 21 at his home in San Diego, y
  ‘ ` ‘_   mgm _ t pass thl·O“rH   Kansas State quartet-   Gl`OZ3 \\/ZS H LlTI`€€·[ll1l€ basket-
mm or PASSAGE - rc. .. sm. of ma, param, back Chad May aa tha Sauth 15-yard ball all·Al“€ll°““ al Ulf Ha Pl*‘>’€°l A
that means taking up the duties of towel boy. line. The SeCO11d came in the fOufILll C€ll[€l` for Adolph Rupp Oll what is
:;:1;*T;:i:3,Kag;°1§;eg:;:?¤:ei;v4responsiblli- quarter when llc picked Off Penn perhaps UK`s 1T10st fa1T1t)US team, [116
Pho", by David Coyle. ' ' Stare quarterback Kerry Collins on Fabulous Five, that also included Cliff
[he South 10-ygrdlirjg Barker, Ralph Beard, Wallace jones
and Kenny Rollins. That team won
K \ T · .A.: ;   V       M the national championship in 1948
A ·   li     A Q   IIT     V l- V and the gold medal in the 1948
A _ l             l   Olympics held in London, England.
·   V .  V   ”‘,,,_    ‘V V V The next year, Groza centered the
  .”`   "   I team that repeated as national cham-
  .... ?   , Qi \ IM     ·— ' pions and was named Most Valuable
  l· if 1.         ~ Player of the championship round for
A   . . V M    ·“ l the second consecutive year. During
ft V     r  gs      .   i ,‘ _ his four years as a Vllildcat, Groza
      ' _     Al     · played in 120 games of which 112
  V; _A ..   .   A_VV      ·· ” · ~     -_   were victories. Along the way, Groza
    i¤,_4·;g `i 'fl   _.     _  s ` i <'V;\   set a number of school, SEC and
    i"$ .·    r.¤‘“" Kit ;   " NCAA records. Today he is seventh on
i           UK’s all-tiine scoring list behind Dan
    Q   . 1       A A Issel, Kenny Walker,._]ack Givens,
V M    VV ‘—VV V . _     JK   ` VVPW;  Jamal Mashburn, Kevin Grevey and
'   il.·   M,. _ y`       C°“°“ Nash
.     la.-   aAl·  A Q1 *   
    i`._;   aA*A~ "       ,
ALUMNI BAND — The alumni band filled in for vacationing students at the Jan. 14 game in Rupp
Arena. The eldest member in the group, Harold Bennett of Lexington, wore his 1929 uniform with
reversible cape for the occasion. Photo by Chuck Perry.
Spring 1995 Kentucky Aliimiius 7