j§ - 5 -
E Junior Order of United American Mechanics (Continued)
_ f Normal Civic Activities: Sponsor National Orphan Home.
j as _ X . . . . E , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
` 3 Defense Activities. Engaged in Public Speaking, Teaching mnericanizatiens
j Classes for Aliens and Others. .
2 Local Publications: None. '
S MLPOLEON HOIE—hnKERS CLUB, c/o Kathleen Carver, Sparta. Founded 1956. Pres-
ii ident, Cecil Alexander, Warsaw. Secretary, Kathleen Carver. Terms expire
§ January, 1943, ·‘
mg  I
j Membership: Gl. Open to rural women interested in home economics.
{ Committees: Program, Emma Wallick, Warsaw.
Q . Purpose: To stimulate education in home economics and better living conditions.
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross.
a Defense Activities: Engaged in Red Cross Assistance, Interested in Sewing
and Ereparation of Surgical Dressings, First nid, Propcration and Serving
‘ of Weed. ‘
Local Publications: None.
Z P;STiY'S LID SOCIETY COLORED cio Liza M. Brown Larsaw. President, Liza M.
3 J 3 ·
T? Brown. Secretary, Nannie Brown, Warsaw. Bxecutive Secretary, Annette Larren,
1 “brsaw; Terms expiredhovember, l9é2.
{U Membership: 22. By invitation only. - —
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X: Cmmnitteos; None reported. V V
to Purpose: To aid the Pastor and young people.
QP Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with the Red Cross.
ir E _ , ,., » .' . .’ . . ,__ _ _ . r ,
,1, j- Defense Activities; Engaged in Rea Cross nssistance. Interested in Sewing
—°  ’~ ""_"‘*"**""‘*"'*?"‘*"*‘-' """T“""‘?""" - _ 3 _·_ ,· · vi .. . ,, '. .
_O Q_ and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, First nid, intertiinment.
E Local Publications: Nene.
2 { ‘ _ ‘ V.
" ZLRSLJ ``_` 445 CLUB (Extension Service, U. of L.), Thrsaw. Founded 1923. Presid-
__ , int, Antionette_lenyer, Warsaw. Telephone 2Sl2. Secretary, Mary Lou nyler,
` ‘ Warsaw. telephone 2Sl2. Terms expired October, 1942. · y
. l Q
it lvicmbcrship; 50. Opcnite young people from 10 to Bl ycclraof age willing to
§ engege'in some farm or home project.