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é WON.h'S . ,. MISSIOHLLY SOCIETY, BMPEIST CHTRCH (State Baptist Tbmon's Missionary
§ Union), c/o Lily Nhitchend, vkrsaw. Founded 1917. President, Lily Thitchood.
E Telephone 2712. Socrctory, Nildrcd Groves, Thrsow. Terms cx irc Janueri l945.
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i hcmborshioz 20. Qualifications, by invit tion, service, pruycr and offering.
i Eemmittoos:'Pcrsoncl Service, Mrs. S. KcC1nn; Enlistmcnt, Mrs. L. D. Stout;
3 Stewardship, Derllo Brccdon; Literature, Curtis Swengg;Publicity, Nildrod
E Groves; Study Course, Mrs. M. A. Roberts, all of Uhrsow.
Q Purpose: To promote missionary tork ond enterprises.
§ Normal Civic {ctivitios: Copporoting with Rod Cross and spcnsoring a child
i in the Louisville Baptist Orphan Homo.
Q Defense Activities; Engaged in Rod Cross hssistencc. Interested in Sewing
Q uni Preparation of Surgical Dressings, First gid.
g lccrl Publications: None.
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AQ ZONnN'S QOCIETY OF CHRISTl;I SERVICE (Board of Missions and Church Extension
Qc of Methodist Church, U. 8..).), o/o Methodist Church, Tkrsnw, Founded 1865.
Q Telephone 542. Sccrotdry, Kato iotkins, Kcrsow; Treasurer, Hrs. John Hicr,
2 Uhrsnw. Terms czpiro January, l945.
Q Membership: 55. Open to church women desiring to aid the work of the Society
Q by pr ..·i yer, service and offering.
§ Committees: Program, Kathleen Bradley; Tomineting, Virginia Wheeler, both of
Q Tbisown
¥ Purpooez To unite all women of the church in Christian living and service.
E Norncl Civic Activities: Cooperating with Red Cross.
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_; Dcfen;e Activities; Engaged in Red Cross Assistance. Interested in Sewing
Q gnd freoeretion of Surgical Dressings.
Q Local Publications: Ione.
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