V — 2 - L
Free and Accepted Masons, Tadmor Lodge¤flO8 (Continued) X
Purpose: To promote better citizenship and personal improvement of members. F
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating with all civic and National Defense efe -·;.i
.’ - forts through other civic organizations. Q
Defense Activities: Engaged in Ambulance Service, First Aid, Teaching Class- n
es in Mechanical Skills Needed in Defense Industries. Interested in Rocreat- {
ion, Discussion Loaders, Public Leaders.a " (
Local Publications: None. ‘· al f_ .
Farmers of nmerioa), Thrsanx founded 1957. President, Floyd Scaver, R. R., §
Fhrsaw; Secretary, Clay Osborn, Jr., R.R. Warsaw. Secretary, John U} Koen, g
Warsaw. Terms indefinite. - ( ..,4 ~ ;@
.- · . r. . . . _ `. _ . ._  
membership: Ze. Qualifications, student of vocational agriculture in county g
high school and carry a farm project. Q
Committees: None reported. dl ld §
I Purpose; To assist in training youths to become better farmers. Pi
Normal Civic Activities: Cooeeratinc with all arricultural aooncies. it
_______________ __________;________ .. O ts ts  
Defense nctivities: Interested in First nid, Collection of Scrap Metals §
and Other Qetxls, Teaching Classes in Mechanical Skills Hooded in Defense §
a Industries. . V Q
Local Publications: None. · · `"' §_.
ment gdministration), c/o William T. Straw, County ngont, Phrsaw. Founded Q
1933. Presidznt, J. V. Kemper, Warsaw. Telephone War—30l. Secretary, F. R. {
· "bldon, Yarsaw. Terms expire Cctober,l943. :f
Membership: COO. Open to farm owners who cooperate with the agricultural ·§
conservation program. §
° Committees: County,J. V. Kemper, Warsaw; n. D._Gray, Sparta, and .L Za. g
— · Crouch, Sparta. ~§»
Purpose: To carry on the prc;r;5“¤r QQ 4. n.· ( lg
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V . . . . W . . . I ` . . . W ?N
Normal tivic activities: soil conservation in conjunction with J. of n. §
Extension Service. '§
Deicnsc activities: engaged in Discussion Leaders, Public Speaking, {
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. · . ,  
I Local Publications: Circular Letters, (Intermittcntly) f
(__wp __ pppp (___ _ ____ ,“______, ._I). cunnlhnme eee. in