uml WHAT ABOUT 4. Groweire; are aclrilised to _give
· ., more a en ion an previous-
gmxg RECONVERSIOPL ly to the selection of the site
whl A_ J_ Olney and soil for any new tree
will _ _ planting and to the best land
_r_ Or Everybody is talking about "re- use on their own farm.
‘ conversion" and the great changes 5. No varieties should be com-
1 h _ that are to take place in the near mercially planted without a
°th‘?* future. Exactly what these changes searching investigation by the
[ IS are to be, no one is able to say. How- grower of their merits from
Or' ever, the fruit interests have always the standpoint of both tree
P"' been alert and can be depended on and fruit qualities and parti-
now to make such changes in their cularly with respect to their
business as the circumstances re- adaptability to the locality
quire. Perhaps no better illustra- where they are to be planted.
“’¤$ tion of this fact could be given than 6. Better varieties are needed
Yoo? the report of the action of a group in most districts.
Koo of horticulturists in the Eastern 7. Plant well-grown, vigorous,
JoJo? States, who met to consider the re- healthy, virus-free trees with
each conversion problems on fruit pro- uniformly strong, congenial
{Tot duction for that area. The group rootstocks.
llight was composed of eminent authori- 8. An increase in the yield per
gon- ties and included the following: acre of a good grade of fruit
very is imperative.
fruit Dr. W. W. Aldrich, U. S. Dept. 9. Every effort should be made
other of Agriculture in cooperation with public
icky. Dr_ R_ D_ Anthony, permsyl_ and private agencies to re-
that Varlla duce the complexity and cost
{   Prof. J. S. Bailey, Massachusetts of Production and morkoll-oS·
Ocue Pref M_ Ar Blake, New Jersey 10. The growers need to assume
Y ab Prof. C. H. Blasberg, Vermont mol`? Iospooolbility fof tho
l the PrOf_ A_ J_ Farley, New Jersey condition of fruits as deliv-
Yeach Dr_ _l_ l.l_ Clarke, Vermerlt ered to the consumer.
_ Enf Dr. O. W. Davidson, New Jersey .
.e ai Dr_ W_ S_ Flery Vlrglnla These recommendations were
un- Mr_ F_ A_ Gllberit New Jersey made specifically for the Eastern
F O1`- Dr_ J_ Hr Geurley ’ Ohio States, but we, in the midwest, may
iwths Dr. A_ _l_ Helnlekey New York well give them careful study.
'yhem Prof. A. L. Kenworthy, Dela- It is evident that these men were
ware concerned about the possibility of
Cool" Dr. S. A. Pieniazek, Rhode over-production if an expansion of
mmg Island the fruit industry should occur dur-
°O“‘ Mr. C. H. Steelman, Jr., New ing the next few years. The recent
dol? . Jersey price level tended to encourage ex-
ch`? Y Here are their recommendations: pansion and considerable planting
mbm ]_ Remove Orchards yvhich are would have taken place if nursery
lraii; 4 unprofitablg either becausg ef stock and labor had been available.
lere age, unfavorable $011 or C11- Of course, some planting will be
gr m matic conditions, Oy unda- 1`€qUll`€d to l°I'l3IIlt3lH pI`OduCtlOH.
regal sirable varieties. _The individual grower must de- ‘
leach 2. No increase in the present cide whether new plantings are
r Our total commercial production needed to maintain his program or
ease; of tree fruits seems desirable would _contr1bute to expans1on._ If
Owe;. under the apparent market- expansion and over-production
the mg conditions. New plantings should develop, profits will become
[ eX_ should be made only to main- low and those who are situated
these tam Prosont P¥`odu€Uo¤ and best will suffer least. It will be
aum_ to secure a_ proper succes- noted that some of the recommenda-
pr0_ sion of plantings. tions are designed to prepare grow-
lllell_ 3. More thought and study ers to _overcome hard times, if a
SS te ° should be g1ven by many depression should come. Whatever
l re_ _ fruit growers to the possibili- the times, it is always good busi- .
eusee   ties of some d1V€l`§1f1C8t1OI'l ness to eliminate factors that tend
1 are _ in their revenue aside from to reduce profits. _ _
  one kind of fruit. In the future more attention will
, 3