LOL '1'he yields here given for 1945 and this variety were shipped to market
for the second crop yea1· in this under commercial refrigeration in
iuch p1ant1ng.1For comparison, the 1944 1945 and they were entirely satis-
the yields, when the plots produced factory as a shipping berry. Massey,
Dice theirdhrst lctrop, are also shown. It is   dark, red high quality, late berry
lh- note wit interest that the only as consistantly been a low pro-
This varieties showing a 1945 increase as ducer. Morgan, a variety received
heh' second year plots over 1944 yields for trial from Tennessee, has had
as first year plots are Tennessee $’1Yt¤3UY 2} CYOD faihlfe both Years
pOi_ Beauty, Tennessee 381 and Morgan. it has frulted here.
(1) This is the second time that Ten- In the testing of yel1ows-resist-
and ¤eS$ee Beauty has shown the teh- ant Blakemore strains, the McUm-
egg gegcyhgosfceosdhgaoxgy producer dur- bers dygllowswesistant stock re-
gaits ’ F Year- ceive irect in 1939 showed one
·h11e   Sgg§0ngFS0h\€g _0f 0};H’lY_ i0B$el;ly sméill spot of yellow plants in 1944
aged 1 - D1_1'l,‘Z,’ erries a e— an no more in 1945. The U. S. D. A.
Cut more herde €0h$1deF¤b1e lead 0YeF strain of yellows-resistant plants
pur- eu Others ihehldmg Te¤¤0SSe€ Ship- obtained also in 1939 has shown no
, Ob. Def- Yea? ih ehd YCHF Out, Blake- yellow plants, to date. Both strains
uege mofelss h_ard to_beat as a commer- seem very_ satisfactory but need
{En- C18 S 1PP1¤g, belly- Te¤¤€SSee Shlp- close watching so that any yellows
)gvi- Def 15 §h0W1¤g_ great D1`0m1Se HS _8 infected plants can be removed as
west Cempalhieh vagety Hhd lgfld igeftglh soon as they show up.
years as roun y outyie e a e-
more. However, the opposite is al-
so true on nligmerous occasions. Ex- STRAWBERRY GROWERS,
perience at rinceton and in com- FALL M L H 1
RY mercial fields near Paducah has U C ING PAYS`
shown that Blakemore suffers heav- W- D- Armstrong
lest from _early frosts while Ten- Since the fall of 1938, strawberry
nessee Shipper suffers more from mulching trials have been under
the late frosts, because of their early way in western Kentucky. Harvest
, and later blossoming time respect- records have shown a consistant
my ively Aise s · tra 1 g‘ ‘ r ffll lh`
k _. , e 'p€1`l€I`lCC a a ucai ain in avor o a mu c mg over
igcg during the summers of 1943 and spring mulching each year, except
Bties 1944 gavestrong evidence that Ten- in the 1939 harvest. This is ex-
km_ nessee Shipper will_not standasum- plained by the fact that the winter
late _ mer drought following its first har- of 1938-39 was one of the mildest
suf- vest, worked out or not worked out, on record and mulching protection
. as well as Blakemore. The variety was not needed by the berry plants
has_a place, however, and further through the winter. During most
S Per limited trial commercial plantings winters, however, weather can be
:5* are encguragiad. Tennessee 393, an egpected that approaches 15°({to 20°_
unname se ection, continues to a ove zero by Christmas an tem-
_ produce well and show promise. peratures that go to zero or below
_   aifkrm, highlquallity brgrry siometinie during the remainder of
~. _ y ar er in co or ian en- e wm er. ,
ESL ‘_ giiizeli 1ie;luty_théat hgstlgiveri you- The average yearly increase for
` Yle 5 3 US $e10h· early December mulching over .
.m Torigesseil Surreihe €0htrh¤e$ to spring mulching or no mulching has
rr ; Yao We » 35 does Meylhher but been 30 crates per acre. When one
_m ;   eso two are darker berries Suit' considers the price that berries have
= gggiilggvstly for home use O1` eeld brought for the past 3 seasons, this
Firm ’ · increase amounts to a handsome
_ ° Of the late berries, Tennessee profit. The greatest increase re-
  , Beauty is by_far the best. During corded was following the sub-zero
rt` roost years smce 1939 and under weather of 1940. During that period
]4[· . . .
"“ Identical conditions, it has doubled temperatures went to 10-l5° below
Fm., fhg yield of Aroma, the now stand- zero with no snow on the gronmd
_ _ ar a e commercial s ipping berry and fall mulched plots averaged 80
,.£,h"‘ ' of Kentugky. Tennessee Beauty is crates per acre more than non-
_ aso muc irmer, more attractive, mulched plots. This same contrast
Q? ,' of better quality than Aroma and held for mulched and non-mulched
i also produces a better row of plants, fields over the district. In addition
rm __ generally. A number of crates of to heavier yields through winter
l 5
· .," :`.