· Top honors in grapes and Sweeps- HINTS AND OBSERVATIONS
takes for the best basket and best w_ w_ Mggill
plate went to Joe Bray and Sons
_ Orchards of Bedford, in Trimble Hlfngry world
, County, v The War_1s over but the world
V Mr_ Jgg Bray and Song glgg won lS tstlll fruit lltlflgfy. FI‘CSl't fruit
tgp honors with their fine peach prices are likely to_ hold their own
` exhibits and Sweepstakes honors with SUIDIC food DF1€0S·
Y for the best basket and best plate _
of peaches. Second in the peach ex- Big Bild Wolf
hibit WGINQ to M1`. F1`€d J· W11`Th Apple Scab. As usual this was
\Vltl1 8 IIICG €Xlilblt. H9 also \\’OH pygdugtigri pi·Ob]gm N()_ 1 in Keri.
Sweepstakes honors in pears. lucky apple orchards in 1945. Yet
Mrs. D. C. \Vlth€1`$P00U of AH- some growers had less than l per-
€h01`3E€, J€ff€Y$0¤ County, WOTI 'LOD cent of scab at harvest time.
· honors with her collection of 5 pear
` varieties, and several first prizes Ceiling Prices
On her Separate Variety plateg Three dollars and cighty—fivt·
i "  cents September a le ceilinr with
` DDT NOTICE an tinusual demangpfor applgs was
DDT, the valuable new insgcti- not profitable_te the grower who let
cicle, has received such sensational scab end €`0dl1¤§ m0lh t¤k€ his CYOP-
publicity that many people have V _ _
been led to believe that it will solve }\€€€$$¤i}’ V5- I¤v¢¤i¤¤¤
all insect problems. This, of course. The short pole with a l2" sprar
is not the case, however. for while hose method of thinning peaches
it is very effective against a num- was really a "find." One Kentucky
ber of common and harmful house- commercial peach grower covered
hold pests, including flies, fleas, the subject when he remarked
lice, bedbugs and termites and such "necessity is the mother of inven—
orchard pests as the Codling moth, tion." lt reduced thinning labor
it is known to be harmful to certain 75 pereenr
I vegetable crops, such as beans and
. melons, and to kitl certain pida- Split Nitrogen Aplieations
tor or eneficia) insects. lso, · · · · · _
orchard tests have shown that the ..Ogégmgi.ti5ggi.aggiiiiiagmxc Ogniiig,.
material has to be used about as nnd Cniiv Snnnnci. nnid intgc dividi
frequently as other control meas- Gnds   Kentucky ncncn 0i.cntn.dn
‘ ures if success is to be had. Doubt- in 1945
tes; tDD'I` xviii maken aflarge cont `
ri u ion to t e goo o mankin , ·
but we need to know more about it. D D_'D`T` E""°.'““iQ“‘s k .
In this connection, much work was D T °:"p°1_1m€m$ m cntucf Y gl
done in Kentucky and over the na- i945# t°i°°m1O1 SQYGYQ icasesho 9°_`
tion in mis, and much more will ies m¤~*z,¤¤;2t¤ mow wei
be undertaken in 1946· a.most `a_ knockout. You will ytani
In 1945 DDT tests, carried on in tO hem lt d}SCuSS°d at Om .Wm;?1li
commercial orchards, by the Ken- Frult ,M€€tmg·_ _(Th€r€ li  
tucky Experiment Station, GXC€1_ plenty to be learned about it ye .
lent control was obtained with the . _
Oriental fruit moth in peaches and Lcad Immy t° Pcachcs
the codling moth in apples. These A¥‘$€¤¤t€ Of lsed SDYQYS C%lu$€d
results will be reported in the next l00 f1`€€lU€¤l damage te Pcach leaves
issue of this bulletin, as well as the and twigs this year. More than two
summaries of some other work. Be €_¤1`€Uh0 SD1`€lYS_1D CUNY SPYIUE m`°‘
sure to look for this report. llkfély to CGUSG 1¤J¤1‘Y Zmy Y€3¥`· 01*
11; chards which were dusted had less
THIS YEAR Let Him Know
Instead of the usual four numbers Your local supply merchant may
of the Kentucky Fruit Notes per not know you need and want il
year, there will be only three in sprayer or sprayer parts, this win-
1945. No August number was issued ter. Better talk it over with him
1 this year. this week.
8 l