share in its glory, for it had needed him
whom she had brought into the world.
It had called upon him to help give
song to its message and to build that
ever-falling rainbow of music over
which human Hope walks into the eter-
  Always as the line of white-clad chor-
isters passed down the aisle, among them
was one who brushed tenderly against
her as he walked by, whom no one else
saw. Rising above the actual voices
and heard by her alone, up to the dome
soared a voice dearer, more thrilling,
than the rest.
  Often she was at her window, watch-
ing the workmen at their toil as they
brought out more and more the great
shape on the heights. Often she stood
looking across at the park hillside oppo-
site. Whenever spring came back and
the slope lived again with young leaves