like other departments, its own distinct Professors, as "A
Normal Suhool."
   The instruction in the primary, and most essential branches
of this department, together with the classification of the
pupils, and all the minuter details of interior organization,
are confided to two Professors, with the advice and assistance
of the President, while the general government and adlminis-
tration of discipline rest ultimately with the Faculty of the
University and the Board. The course of study in this de-
partment, adopted by the Board, will be published with the
annual cafaloglue, at an early day.
   In addition to the two Professors exclusively devoted to this
Department, the President, as Professor of Aloral Science,
in the University, and the Professor of Physical Science,
give special instruction to the Normal students, adapted to
their wants, and prepared for their exclusive benefit. Thus
the State pupils are not merged in the general mass of the
College classes, yet enjoy all the advantages which mriy be
derived from the acquirements and the experience of the
Professors in the University, the superior apparatus. c.
   It is the fixed purpose of the Faculty and the Board that
the funds of the State shall not be perverted from their pri-
maary and speric olject, which is, TO I RtAIN UP TEACHERS FOR
THE COUNTRY. Therefore, the Normal School being carehtilly
organized, with special reference to that object, each State
pupil is considered, by the very fact of his accepting the
appointment, a member of that School, and pledged to mas-
ter the studies in that department; nor can any be allowed
to neglect, much less wholly to omit, these primary studies,
for any personal advantage, real or imaginary, to be derived
from the higher studies of the college proper. Yet, should
any pupil possess, (as many do,) such intimate acquaintance
with the studies of the Normal School, or such aptness, and
industry, that, in the judgment of the Faculty, he may profi-
tably devote a portion of his time to the higher studies, then,