constitution, in the equipoise of its different departments, in
the exquisite adjustment of all their nicely ballanced powers,
or in any other cunning device of human ingenuity, but deep
in the heart of society itself; in the healthy, intellectual,
and moral life that is throbbing there; in all those nameless
influences radiating from every point, streaming in from eve-
ry quarter, inhaled at every breath, too minute to be observ-
ed, too numerous to be c dcullted, too subtle. to be grasped,
too powerful to be resisted, which constitute the total educa-
tion of a people; and by their combined efficiency mould the
whole inward character and outward constitution of society.
   There is a power mightier than that of fleets and armies, as
there is a glory brighter f ir than that of victories and triumphs.
Knowledge is power. Freedom is power. Virtue is power.
Free, virtuous, enlightened intellect is power-the mightiest
power that walks the earth; rightly understood, indeed, the
only real power recognized amongst men-which includes all
other power, and subordinates even the mightiest to itself
Tfi-s wields the arm that wields the sword. This penetrates,
analyzes, comprehends, the mysterious laws and agencies of
nature, subjugates them to its will, and binds them to its
service. The winds and the waves obey it, and bear its coIm-
merce safely amidst the sweep of the hurricane, and in the
very face of the tempest anrd the storm. The everlasting
mountains open wide their portals to give it pathway; and
surpassing all the prodigies of fable. and transce-nding all the
limits of time and space, the lightning be irs, in a single mo-
ment, beneath the waters of the ocean, and over the breadth
of continents, its messages of friendship or of business.
This only develops the physical resources of a land, and un-
veils its geological structure, and reveatis the boundless wedilth
that lies hidden often in the soil upon its surface, an(d the
minerals within its bosom. This moulds its politcal and so-
cial institutions, and wisely gufides the enterprize of its peo-
ple, aad braces up their energies, and brings into effectual op-