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The hoxne of wealth, the seat of culture, the center of ii
i refinement, rich in all the elements ot` social supremacy,
~ their lovely city sets like ti radiant jewel upon the beau- j
` tiful bosom of the fairest lnnd ever kissed by the loving ._`_
lieznns of yonder smiling sun-1 glory in their prestige  
and re`oice in their iros ieritv, while I lav at their feet ii
. · · "_
the cheerful triliutes ol niy ndniiration and respect,  
-—I'€x-(Sov.   Proctor Knott, » V  
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T A G ' t f (3 Il 6  
I y O O BOSS, is
The greatest railroad center in Kentucky.  
Most fznnous place in the world for iine—l>looded stock.  
Mannfuctories and industries ol every kind. I · H °i
l’opul:1tion as taken hy last census  
31 , 31 6 . T y
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