, `. ’ ' T ""J •  
_. C. H.   Prof. Mr. McVean name the  _·.
different kinds of angles.  
  r Mc\'ean. Right angles. straight  
yi, BUT:HER AND DEALER IN and triangles. K  
  ° judge Holt Senior. Lieut. Sams  V.
‘ ‘ h rwhat do you think of this expan-  
K Fresh Meats et All Ktnrls   ‘*"““‘°‘¥? . . .  
A ' Hungry. Sir, it is a good question  .j
please pass the ham.  U {
Stalls 26 & 28 Market House. Open Daily. Deacon (Seeing the Streets I 
sprinkled) They always sprmkle s 
from above at S. C.  
College Patronage Appreciated.  
At the recent dormitory elections  
WW WW WW   the most popular boys were these.   I-
  \ Gibson, C. C. Clark, O. F. Smith  
(the poet,) Henry Cox, W. A. A.   —
J' G'   johnson, Thomas, the two  
A Finnerans, Howard and Dr. Elam.  
All these gentleman are of the ` 
.  D€&1lcf iu___ highest charecter and will make  
good ofiicers. `\Ve are glad to know  
St 1 d I; that all the sick boys are better.  {
r ‘ r ‘ d \ y  
`   E   fi   Mr. Charles Saunders has return-  
‘ ed to thc dormitory from the Prot-  Y
_ estant lnhrrnary. Mr. Dave Mad-  
  dox has resumed his college duties.  
Drew Luteu still eats 16 biscuits.   Fi
Fruits and Vegetables Arch Mchlurry is still - at his  
work——lreart-l>reaking.   Cl
Poultry, Figh, Oygtgyg & (]gmg_ Don’t 111iss the Philosophian pro-  
gram Friday evening, March 3d.  
"""""' Wi: Piuamcrr that it will be fine. s 
Phnne 240. Ger. Vine & Upper Sts. . 
Lexrngten, Ky.   C.,
§....__ _ `”