G.E.43l(AM100) Strength of Materials. (4) I, Il, S MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
A study of stress and strain due to direct forces, shear, bending,  
tors'on, eccentric loads and combined stresses, r'veted and weld d
joints, columns, and energy loads. Lecture and reditation, four houfs.    
Prereq: G.E. 221. Prereq. or concur: Math. 212. Hawkins, Barber,
Adams, Land, and Laferty.
G.E.513(AM107) Mechanical Vibrations. (3) I, II DEGIIEE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING
V'brations of systems of one and several degrees of freedom, cr`t'cal
sgieeds and torsional and lateral vibrations of shafts. Lecturelimd F. S Freshman Year
recitation, three hours. Prereq: G.E. 431 and G.E. 311 or G.E. 313. ust cmcster CI$·
Prereq, or concur: Math. 331. Hawkins, Barber, and Adams. M.E. 001   1a)—The Engineering Profession 0
P.E.—Physical Education 1
G.E.531(AM106) Advanced Strength of Materials. R.O.T.C.-—Military or Aerospace Science 2
(3) I II S G.E. 101 (E.D. 1a)—Engineering Graphics I 2
’ ’ . .
Unsymmetrical bending of beams, thin plates, stress analysis of thick EIIgI· lOl (Engl- Ia)""FIC$hIIlHIl C0lTll30$lU0¤ 3
walled cylinders, and rotating discs. Theory of elastic energy, curved Chem. 106 (Chem. Za)-—Genera1 Chemistry for
beams, stress concentration, and fatigue. Lecture and recitation, three Engineers 4
hours. Prereq: G.E. 431. Hawkins and Adams. Math. 112 (Math' 18)_Plan€ Trigonometry 2
Math. 111 (Math. l7)—College Algebra 3
G.E.34l(EA102) Engineering Administration. (3) 1,11 I7
A study of the methods, procedures and principles involved in engi- Sgcond Semester Crsl
' g 1 , 0 tracts, specifications, estimates and valuations, _ _ _
iiiigmadmizishzionctg engineering projects. Lecture and recitation, M-E· 002   Ib)#TIIC EIIBIIICCIIIIS PIOICSSIOII 0
three hours. Prereq: Senior classification. Elsey. P.E.—Pl'1yS1Ca1 EduCat1OI1 1
R.O.T.C.——Military or Aerospace Science Z
ENGINEERING GRAPHICS G.E. 102 (E.D. lb)—Eng1neer1ng Graphics, II 2
_ _ _ Engl. 102 (Engl. lb)—Freshman Composition 3
G.E.l01(ED1a) Engineering Graphics I. (2) 1, Il, S Chem. 108 (Chem. 2b)—General Chemistry for
Freehand sketching and lettering. Orthographic and axonometric EI`1glI1€€1'S 3
drgwings and sketches. Use and care ·of·instruments. Use of scales. Math_ II; (Math IC))_AnaIytjcS and Calculus I 3
Dimensionmg. Auxillrary views. Sectioning. Fasteners. Pencil and M E 110 M E 5 E . . P bl 1
ink techniques. Charts, maps and diagrams. Three two-hour periods * ‘ ‘ ( _‘ ‘   ngmccrmg I0 cms
a week. Hofmann, Burberry, Morgan, Prop, Hobart, and Sapp. NOI`1-TCCIUIICH1 E1€Ct1VC 3
G.E.102(ED1b) Engineering Graphics II. (Z) I, II, S I8
Graphical solut'on of space problems by the application of the prin-
ciples of descriptive geometry. Prereq: G.E. 101. Hoffmann, Burberry, _ Sophomore Year
Morgan, Prop, Hobart, and Sapp. FIISI SCIIICSICI CTS-
· M.E. 003 (M.E. 2a)—The Engineering Profession 0
G.E.201(ED18) Advanced Engineering Graphics. R.O.T.C.——Military or Aerospace Science Z
(2) I, II, S Phys. 231 (Phys. 3a)—Ceneral College Physics 3
Technical sketching and working drawings of machines and machine Phys· 241 (Phy$· 4a)_C€n€ml_COII€gC Physlcs   2
pans. six hours. Prereq: cr;. 102, M.E. 250 and M.E. 251. Math. 211 (Math. 20)-—Analytics and Calculus II 4
Holltnonn ond Botbcffv- Econ. 251 (Econ. 51)—Principles of Economics 3
M.E. 250 (M.E. 2l)—Shop Theory 1
G.E.203(CE18) Mapping and Topographic Drawing. M.E. 251 (M.E. 22)—Shop Practice 1
(2) I, II M.E. 299 (M.E. 20)——Analysis of Experimental Data 2
Construction of maps from field notes, reproduction and changing scale ·*
of maps, topographic symbols, contours, projected location, profile, line I8
and grade. Drafting room, six hours. Prereq: C.E. 100. Hogmann.
g _ _ _ Second Semester Crs.
lG.E.;$l §EIi§iIE·I0I) Poo Prctccticn Enernccnnea (2) I M1;. 004 (M.E. 2b)—The Engineering Proiesnon 0
stu y ol ui ing materias and construction re ative to re pre- R_O_TAC__M1htary Or Aerospace Science 2
V€1'lt10l"l, pI`1IlClp1€S of HTC 1I`lSl11'£ll'lC€ filtlllg, C0l'TlD'lOIl h8ZH1’dS and HTC G E   E D     E . . .
protection methods. Prereq: junior classification. Gard.   ‘ **232   ·   GVanC€?CIIl%In€cg{Ig GI-EPIIICS 5
ys. ys. — encra 0 ege iysics
G.E.353(FPSE102) Safety Engineering. (2) I1 Phys. 242 (Phys. 4l>)—Gcncr¤l Collcec Physics
A study of safety methods including industrial accident prevention, LEIJOIEIOIY 2
accident statistics and analysis, industrial safety hazards, protective 1\/IZIIII. 212 (Math. Z1)—Ana]ytics and CQICLIIUS III 4
equipment, transportation and general safety. Lecture and recitation, G E 221 (A M 3)_StatiCS 3
two hours a week. Prereq; ]unior classification. Gard.   252   23 _I\/Ianufactllrin Mctllods 2
G.E.481(NE101 ) Nuclear Reactor Engineering. (3) ]unior Year
Reactor design studies based on neutron diffusion; critical size calcula- Fll'St SCITICSICI CIS.
tion of homogeneous and heterogeneous syst s. L t and rcc`t.- , _ , · · ·
..0.., .n..   Prereq; ny,. nn, nit. ni°§§“n..n ni. MII- 005 Iso¤<>·I 0
L,,g,3,,y_ Math. 331 (Math. 3S)—D1fIcrcntial Equations for
Engineers 2
G.E.482(NE102) Nuclear Reactor Engineering II. (3)
Engineering aspects of reactor kin t'cs and co tol; sh' ld' g . rl _ · , ·,
...,....0. ., ....     .i.......fJ.....n...   rniiis ‘Z.‘...i   " N¤¤.Ic>In*¤=·I .EI¤¤I·~¢S not In mod hon nc
actor materials. Lecture and recitation, three hours. Prereq: G.E. 481. Humamtlcs and Soma] Studlcs In OIIICI collcecs and must hc
Laiieriy. approved by the student`s advisor.