he' Kentucky Kernel







the editor

We have all

a variation.

heard about the
stories but this one is

Along about March 31,
came a telegram around $2 collect
"Lou Flirpa, Associated Collegiate Press, Montreal, Canada." This
message read: "Bettering the American Record and initiating the sport
in Canada. I. M. Decujuis of University of Montreal beat Bed Mortmain of McGill by eating sixty-on- e
goldfish to forty-twThe Frenchman used a chaser of white wine
while Mortmain used scotch whisky.
University authorities in Montreal
called a halt to the proceedings
when the loser became violently
ill. The contest was held last night
in connection with the bicentennial
banquet of the- Vespesian club, a
joint good will organization of the
two Montreal universities.
It is
that the victor will
challenge all comers in a goldfish
eating contest to establish a




The telegram came in on press
night, we opened it, put it away
and forgot about it until the bill
came from the telegraph company.
When the bill arrived, everyone was
very unhappy, we had never had
any connections with the "Associated Collegiate Press" and because
the message was sent collect, and
because we wouldn't have had room
for it, anyway. So we wrote the
telegraph company, telling them to
please not accept any more messages for us unless we asked for
same. Then we wrote a sarcastic
letter to Lou Flirpa. Associated
College Press, Montreal.




Schedules Holmes,
Presentation Of Awards
At Travel Themed Dinner


Sororities, Honorariesi
Will Honor Noted
Women Tonight


Comment Corner

plan to consolidate government
spending and relief agencies has
been hatched up in Washington
and is to be presented formally to
Congress today. The measure is designed to unite such spending and
relief bodies as WPA. PWA, USHA,
a lot of
alphabet for anybody's soup.
Now, we dpnt Intend to take sides
on this little matter of spending
money. But we ARE practical and
have a suggestion to offer our chiel
of alphabet, FDR, concerning
proper name for the proposed conA


Being that the money eventually
Is supposed to be retaken through
taxation, why not stick to the alphabet and call the whole works
Just plain "National IOU."
From the other side of tlie political fence in the nation's Capital we
learn that Representative Martin
(R. Mass.), minority floor leader,
has suggested a program to Congress to speed up business recovery.
There are nine points listed in the
Martin proposal.
What interests us most is not so
much the contents of Martin's proposal as the first works stressing
each point. Down the line they are:



German Law Teacher
Schedules Speech
Dr. Richard Eilbott, former professor of law at the University of
Frankfurt in Germany, will present
the second in a series of five lectures on the general theme of "Dictators and Democracy" at 4 p. m.
Wednesday in the Law College assembly room.
The subject of Doctor Eilbott's
second lecture is "The Individual
and the State." He opened the
series last Friday afternoon, discussing ideology and its relation to
present day conditions.
Doctor Eilbott, who came here
early this year to study American
law and sociology, incorporates
ideas and experiences received from
some of the major universities of
Germany in his lectures. He studied
sociology at Heidelburg, philosophy
at Munich, church rights at Leipzig, and law at Marburg.
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch, head of
the department of political science,
through whom the lectures were arranged, said that Dr. Eilbott "has
unusual ability to interpret move
ments and ideologies, and in the
present state of the world these
lectures should be highly enlightening."
The remainder of the series in
cludes lectures on "Organization
and Government," April 28, "Law
May 3, and "Economics," May 5.

Association To Hold
Installation Of Heads

Installation of newly elected of
fleers of the Association of Women
Students will be held at 4:30 p. m.
Wednesday. April 26, in the Music
room of the Union building.
Those taking office Wednesday
are: Mary Lou McFarland, president; Susan Jackson,
(1) keep. (2) curb, 3) repeal, (4)
Elizabeth Clifton, secretary;
(7) Mary Bryson, treasurer; and Gladys
6) revise,
revise, l5, repeal,
(8) re- KU patrick,
8), rehabilitate,
town reptj tentative.
Ruth Johnston, retiring president,
Gosh, Mr. Martin, that's annuel said that "all members are required
to be prwnt-.revolution



Kentucky River Camp
Is Scene Of


Initiation ceremonies for 29 men
pledged to Scabbard and Blade, senior military honorary, were held
Sunday, April 23, at Camp Daniel
Boone on the Kentucky river.
The initiates, who were tapped at
the Military Ball, February 25, are:
Charles W. Aitken, Flemingsburg;
O. Bell, Hopkinsvllle; John C. Bode,
Harry Alexander, Lexington; James
Free port, N. Y.; Thompson Bryant,
Lexington; Logan Caldwell, Danville; W. G. Coblin, Frankfort; Bert
Cooper, Benton; M. R. Downey,
Bowling Green; William Drummy,
William S. Duty, Winchester;
Harry Gordon, Harrodsburg; Joseph
Guthrie, Lexington; Robert M. Hansen, St. Paul Mina; W. D. Killea,
Washington, D. C; Roger Lyons,
Cave City; Bob L. McGill, Alva,
Okla.; John Mylor, Lexington; Lloyd
B. Ramsey, Somerset;
Frank B.
Roberts, Lexington; O. Harold Snyder, Owensboro; William Tudor,
Lexington; Johu C. Tuttle, Lexington; Harris C. Walker, Maysville,
James W. Wine, Charleston, W. Va.;
C. G. Depp, Hiseville; Al Haskins,
Beattyville, and Robert L. Dicker-soHenderson.

"Is There An American Way,"
will be the subject of a speech by
Mrs. Sarah Holmes, assistant dean
of women ,at the Women's Advisory
Council banquet at 6 p. m. today
in the Union ballroom.
Awards will be presented to the
outstanding women students on the
campus by Mortar Board. Alpha
Gamma Delta, WAA, Alpha XI Delta, and Theta Sigma Phi. Recognition will be given officers of Phi






Beta, YWCA. AWS, Chi Delia Phi,
and Phi Epsilon Omicron.
Decorations and the theme of
the program will emphasize travel
in "Around the World in 80 Minutes." Programs will be in the form
of passports and tickets will be
of steamship tickets.
Principal decorations will be an
avenue of flags and travel posters
in the ballroom.
Pledging ceremonies for new Mortar Board members will be inaugurYesterday came a letter from ated at the banquet and Cwens.
the editor of the McGiU University sophomore honorary for women will
Daily. The letter had been for- hold annual tapping ceremonies.
warded to him. The telegram had
An original skit entitled "Who
been sent to the Kernel and about Murdered The King's English." by
six other American college papers Cordelia Forest, student, will be
by a practical joker who confided presented by Chi Delta Phi, nain the editor too late for anything tional honorary literary organizato be done. The joker did not re- tion.
lease the story in Canada where,
A group of four songs will be
according to the editor, it would
have been big news "for we have given by the Women's Glee club.
not, as yet, been forced to adopt A trio composed of Dupre E. N. Ferand Mrs
quaint American custom of gus, Mrs. Huntley
present a
of these fish. Credit Maurice Seay will songs
making a meal
program of
to you for having rejected what a
countries. .
would-b- e
joker considered a magniCommittee members for the banficent bit of work. May the Kernel
long continue to suppress news on quet are: Alice Wood Bailey, Susan
(toldfish swallowers." Oh yes, Lou Jackson, Sarah Renaker, and Poily
Flirpa makes more sense when it is Pollitt, program committee: Mary
Lou McFarland, Dorothy Babbitt.
spelled backwards.
Hazel Perkins, Eva Clay, Jessie
Francis, Vashti Albert. Susan Clay,
Oar Side
This is a little better: "Dear Hattie Richie, and Frances Young,
6ir: I am glad to see that you at decorations; Barbara MacVey, ticlast have a 'scandal' columnist who ket sales: Alice Wood Bai'ey. inviuses a technique of observation j tations; Grace Silverman, menu and
rather than tatting odcuumueu place card committee ;Jean Bowue,
More Louise Calbert, Virginia Hayden,
slaps at personal enemies.
Laura Lee Lyons, and Ruth BenB. 8.
power to Campuscene!"
nett, publicity committee; and Marorganizations comWhether because of Spring fever garet Stewart,
or approaching exams we dont mittee.
Helen King of the publicity bureau
know, but Clearing House has suffered for want of letters the past and Mrs. George E Smith of the
two issues. Surely you have some English department are advisors to
thought on some subject which you the program committee.
Officers of WAC are Leslie Lee
would like to air. This is stiU the
"people's" column and if it isnt Jones, president; Dorothy
secretary: Sue D. Sparks,
utilized by the people, some very
uninteresting material is liable to treasurer; and Dean Holmes, facget in.
ulty adviser.
One of the two letters received is
this: "Dear Sir: Since coming to
the University three years ago I
have each spring and summer tried
to play tennis on the University
courts. I am trying for the third
time this year, but if it turns out
like it has in the past, my hopes
for the most part, will be frustrated.
I noticed that someone else felt
like I did sometime ago in your
column. It is this: why can't we
have some free courts for students,
or if not free courts, at least some
more courts. At present, there are
not even enough courts for which
you pay to go around. I hope who-- (
Continued on Page Pour)





Is Published
Niel Plummer. acting head



of the department of journalism on
leave of absence this year at the
University of Wisconsin, is author
of one of the three featured articles
in the current Notre Dame Lawyer
in collaboration with Prof. Frank
Thayer of the University of Wisconsin.
Entitled "The Press and
Contempt," the article surveys the history of the subject and
briefly considers new problems raised
by photography and the radio.
In summarizing his study .Pro
fessor Plummer points out four
conclusions :
"First, the press does have its
ills, but there is no reason to believe
that a major operation by an out
side agency legislative or executive
is called for; second, although tlie
press enjoys a workable freedom
for reporting proceedings deaVnt;
with the administration of Justice
there has appeared a dangerous and
generally unnecessary extension oi
Judicial power to punish for con
tempt for publications outside o:
court on the ground that these
'have a tendency to interfere' with
the work of the court; third, the
press doesn't want actually to in
terfere with the administration of
justice, but . . . the administration
of justice needs the disciplinary
and reforming influence of the
press; and fourth, extension of
limitations upon the press, other
than by an enlightened judiciary, in
either reporting or camera work
outside the courtroom, would in
volve risks too dangerous to be
Professor Thayer, joint author of
the article, is associate professor of
Journalism at the University of
Wisconsin, author of the book,
Management" which
was recently published in the revised third edition, and contributor
to numerous periodicals.

State Reserve Officers
To Give Dinner
In honor of the graduating ROTC
cadets from the University, Eastern
and Western State Teachers Colleges, a dinner has been arranged
at 7 p. m. Thursday night hi the
Union for reserv; officers from
throughout tlie state.
Cadet Colonel Albert Moffett will
reply to Major Herbert C. Redman





Campus Social Fraternities In Scholarship
SAE's Rank Second;
Phi Delta Theta
Is Third


Alpha Gamma Rho topped other
campus social fraternities last semester with a scholastic standing of
1.51, according to statistics released
by the Dean of Men's office yesterday.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi
Delta Theta placed second and
third with percentages of 1.45 and
1.40, respectively.
Average for all
chapters was 1.16.
The survey was made only as a
source of information for the social
groups and findings will be sent to
all nouses checked. In the future
the report will be rnade
with this semester's standings due in late summer. Dean
Jones said.
Actives of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
led that field of 1.68. with second
place going to Alpha Gamma Rho.
with a 1.60 and third place to Phi
Delta Theta with 1.49. With but
four exceptions, the pledges made
lower than active members. Highest among the newcomers again
went to Alpha Gamma Rho.
Standing of fraternities were as
Alpha Gamma Rho. 1.51; Sigma
Alpha Epsilon. 1.45; Phi Delta Theta,
1.40; Kappa Alpha, 1.27; Alpha Tau
Omega, 1.27; Delta Tau Delta, 1.24;
Kappa Sigma, 1.21: Alpha Sigma
Phi, 1:14; Lambda Chi Alpha, 1.13;
Phi" Kappa" Tau, 1.13; Pi Kappa Alpha, 1.10; Sigma Phi Epsilon, 1.04;
Sigma Nu. 1.04; Triangle, 1.00; Sigma Chi. .97; Phi Sigma Kappa, .92;
Delta Chi, .86.


'AW. k

Dean W. S. Taylor, of the College
of Education, will attend a one-da- y
conference on the study of the occupational problem of the negro
in Kentucky at 10 a. m. Saturday
In the new capitol. Frankfort. The
conference has been called by Governor Chandler.


tal interpretation of proud royalty
being subjected to the humiliating
position of poverty, then service as
a parlor maid. Despite the sincerity
with which she accepts the degrading role, she is equally as capable
of reassuming all the dignity of her
former state on the slightest provocation.
Mr. Fowler, who closes his eleventh
year as director with this play,
characterizes "Mikail" with immaculate portrayal.

Exceptionally comic and highly
amusing as a wealthy French banker, harrassed husband, and fidgety
father, Sam Nuckols. as "Charles
Dupont," shares the laurel with the
for his magnificent acting
of a difficult role. As his wife,
"Fernande." Kathryn Conley Wheeler also gives a creditable performance of light comedy.
Perhaps the best comedy and wit
throughout the play occur at the
close of the first act, when the
Dupont children,
"Helene," by Catherine Taylor, and


"George," by Greer Johnson, first
discover that their new servants are
very interesting people. It all happens through Mikail's skill at fencing and Tatania's musical ability.
both of which please the youths.
Both Mr. Fowler and Mr. Johnson
display remarkable dexterity with
the sword in this scene.
From the delightful comedy of
the first act, the play leads off into
high sentimentalism in the second
portion. The servants of the avor-oDuponts are recognized by guests
all of which embarrasses the servants, deflates the employers, and
moves the guests to joking banter.
Immediately following the
of the servants, the author
injects a completely contrasting personality that of the cold, ruthless
Russion commissar, "Gorotchenko,"
played admirably by Tom Downing.
HV appearanqe Brings face to
face bitter enemies, the old Russia
and the new. However, before the
evening is ended the two forces conciliate their differences out of love





Jean Marie McConnell. Barb. Dan-- I
ville: Dorothv Bnnri Kanra nnlia



Ashland: Ramona Perkins. Kappa
Delta. Lexington: Sue D. Sparks.
Alpha Xi Delta. Lexington; and
Dorothy Amnions. Alpha Gamma
Delta. Lexington.
Only the six chosen Friday will
compete in the general election from
9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Thursday in the
Union, although all 24 nominees will
participate in the May Day ceremonies. In the election only men
students will vote. The Men's Stu;
dent council will conduct the election.
Election of queen, maid of honor,
and four attendants will be held.
M. I'AVvi
The coronation of the queen and
Lafmgtttt Photo the presentation of her court will
be part of the annual May Day
Ruth Johnstcn, left, Cincinnati and Mary Jaue Roby. right,
celebration sponsored by SuKy. pep
Lexington, have been chosen to share the $100 scholarship awarded
organization, on May 5.
annually by the Association of Women Students to Its outstanding
is u
organization announced yesterday. Miss Johnston, a be The "Parade of Countries'' event,
members, that
the theme
this year's
senior in the College of Commerce, is the retiring president of the
in which each participating organiAWS and is a member of Kappa Delta sorority. Miis RVbr. a senior
zation will enter a float representing
some nation. Silver bowls w;U be
in the College of Arts and Sciences, is national vice president of
awarded winners in each of the two
Cwens. and a member of the Senior cabinet of the YWCA.
divisions and runners-u- p
will receive loving cups. Elliott Bfard,
SuKy president, has announced.








Palmore Chosen


Mattigcne Palmore, Arts and
Science sophomore, has been chosen by President McVey to represent the University at the Mountain Laurel Festival to be held
May 26 and 27, at PinevUle, it was
announced yesterday.


Dairymen Schedule
Judging Competition


The annual Dairy Cattle Judging
Contest sponsored by the University
Dairy Club is to be held at 12 3o
p. m. Saturday afternoon. April 29.
Agriculture college officials said.
The contestants in the cattle
competition are asked to meet at
the Dairy building, where the
Judging will take place. Each of
the 10 contestants rating highest
in the contest will receive an aard.
All students in the College of Agriculture are eligible to participate,
although members of the Dairy
Cattle Judging class cannot accept
Members of the commiitee in
charge of arrangements for the
contest are Carl Clifton, chairman.
J. T. Coots and Stanley Howard.

Six Elected To Active

Chandler To Speak
At Legal Banquet NET TEAM GETS


honors Friday niht in
imorial hall from a tieid of 21
Those cited were Mattiv'ene
Palmore. Barb. Horse Uve:





Sigma XI. honorary scientific
fraternity, last night announced the
election to associate membership of
Ernest Keller Bean, Eugene Smith.

Lorenzo Sturkey. Lewis Plymale. J.
Rondle Wright, Herbert L. Duncan,
Webb Wyman.
Wayne Plummer.
Allen Stewart
Kenyon. Eleanor Ada Mitts. Harold
E. Huber. Jacob Schroeder. Jack B.
Mohney, Francs Jerome Smith.
As champions of tlie Southeastern
Those elected to active membership
Wildcats were Mary Didlake. William S.
will meet Ohio State .Big 10 cage Hodgkiss, William T. Maxson. Elititalists, in the basketball attraction zabeth V. Wright. Henry Beaumont,
of the annual Sugar Bowl sports and Margaret M. Ratliff.
carnival December 27. it was anAssociate memoership in Sigma
nounced Saturday by the
Xi is the recognition given a few
Sports Association.
undergraduates and research workThe appearance of the Wildcats ers who show promise in the scienwill mark the second time in the tific field.
Active membership is
past three years that a Kentucky granted to those who have already
represented the South to published outstanding, scientific arteam has
th Bowl game. In their other ap- ticles.
pearance the Cats trounced the
Dr. E. N. Fergus of the College
University of Pittsburgh by a 9
of Agriculture
spoke on "The
Science of Sorghum Sirup ProducKentucky earned right to enter tion" at this, the sixth Sigma Xi
the big game by climaxing a ban meeting of the year, held in Pence
ner basketball season with their Hall. Prof. W. A. Price, president
third Conference title in six years of the organization, presided and
in the annual tournament in Knox-vill- e. introduced the speaker.
The game will represent Ohio
State's first showing in th Bowl
but will be the second successive
year that a Big-1- 0
squad has been
invited to participate.

Wildcat Five To Play
Ohio State

Sabbaticals Granted

Mid-Sou- th

To Two Professors
Sabbatical leaves to John D. Williams, director of the University
high school, and Prof Victor R.
Portmann. of the journalism department, were granted at the la,
meeting of the executive committee
of the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Williams' leave w;U extend
from Oct. 1. 1939. to the end of tire
1939-4- 0.
He plans to attend the
Teachers college. Columbia university.
Professor Portmann. who will be
absent during the first semester of
next year, expects to attend the
University of Minnesota.


Sherwood's Tovarich' Termed Fitting Climax
To Season Of Successful Guignol Productions
Subtle rendition of blended comedy, pathos, and sentimentalism
makes Robert Sherwood's adaptation of Jacques Deval's "Tovarich,"
running currently at Guignol Theatre, the outstanding play of the
year and a fitting climax to a season of successful productions.
Overcoming the hackneyed comic
device of two Russian aristocrats,
refugees in Paris following the Russian revolution, who anonymously
accept positions as servants to protect four billion dollars entrusted in
them by the Czar, the performances
of Frank Fowler as "Prince Mikal
Ourtieff" and Dunster Foster Pet-tas "Grand Duchess Tatiana"
warm the heart at one instant and
provoke laughter at the next.
Especially commendable
is the
character portrayal of the Grand
Duchess by Mrs. Pettit. Returning
to the Guignol stage after an absence of five .years, she gives a capi

Miss American and two oth-

er judges selected .six women
is candidates for May Queen

They Share Award


The next state bar examinations
will be held in Frankfort on June
21, 22, and 23, Dean Alvin E. Evans,
College of Law, announced. AppliWatson Armstrong, instructor in cation papers, which may be secured
agricultural education, will be guest at his office, must be filed with the
banquet Court of Appeals at least 10 days
speaker at a father-so- n
tonight at Oddville high school. His before the beginning date, he fursubject will be "Fathers and Sons." ther stated.

Men's Student Council
Is In Charge Of

Alpha Gamma Rho, With 1.51, Leads

Engineer Assembly

Bar Examinations



speaking on "The Reserve Officers'
Association and Why It Deserves
the Support of Reserve Officers."
Lieut.-Co- l.
Howard Donnelly, commandant of the University unit,
will speak during the welcoming
Brig.-GeAdna R. Chaffee, chief
of the Seventh Cavalry Brigade,
will be the principal speaker at the
meeting of the Lexington military Senior Law Journal Staff To
Receive Honors At
district group.
Preceding the address of Brigadier-Annual Dinner
Chaffee on "The Place
of the Young Reserve Officer in Our
The annual Law College banquet,
Scheme of National Defense," the at which Gov. A. B. Chandler will
will be welcomed into the be the principal speaker, will be
Officers Reserve Corps.
held at 6 p. m., April 28, in the
Lafayette hotel.
Besides Governor Chandler, representatives
of the various law
classes will speak and the presentaP. A. Fleming, member of the Nation of certificates to Senior Law
tional Board of Fire Underwriters, Journal staff members will be made
New York City, will lecture to Ju- by Pres. Frank L. McVey.
niors and seniors in mechanical and
All alumni of the college and
civil engineering at 2 p. m. today their friends are urged to attend,
Room 202, Engineering building. Prof. W. Lewis Roberts announced.
The subject of Fleming's talk will Faculty members may secure tickets
be "Air Conditioning and Construc- from Steve White, seniors from Wel-do- n
tion As They Affect the Safety of
Shouse. juniors from Preston
Buildings from Fire."
Young, first year men from Preston
Young, and others at the door, he


for tlie native land. Mikail gives
the four billion dollars to Soviet
Russia, at the request of kind, hu- mane Tatania, to prevent Russian
oil ucing lurueu unu wjuigu uiiw
and the Russian people suffering as
a conesquence.
the major
Capably supporting
characters are Mimi Wiedeman,
"Olga;" J. B. Faulconer, "Chauf-fouriDubieff;" Laetitia Gardner,
"Madame Dubieff;" Robert Triplett,
"Count Feodor Brekenski:" Arthur
BickneU. "Martelleau;" Wilma Gor"Leona;"
and Katherine

Thraves Maxwell. "Madame Van
another incredible
stage set of which four different
ones are used for the first time
with the limited facilities available.
William O. Quirey is stage director,
with Sidney Fuller as assistant. Mrs.
Lola Robinson, with Fannie Bell
Pirkey assisting, directs the produc-- j
tion, Carolyn Bosworth Brown is
costume manager and Bob States
'has chxrge of the lights.

Exhibit And Contest
Of High School Art
Planned This Week Leach Will Conduct
In an attempt to encourage art
Antique Discussions
in the high schools of
state, a
by the


exhibit of drawings by Kenschool students will be on
in, the Music room of the
this week, it was announced
Union art committee.
Through the cooperation of the
art department and the extension
department an art competition open
to all students enrolled in Kentucky
junior and senior high schools will
be held in conjunction with the
exhibit. Drawings will be Judged
by a committee of three art experts and copies of an original
woodcut by Frank W. Long of
Berea will be awarded as prizes.
The woodcut. "The Squirrel Hunter." was designed and printed in a
special first edition solely for distribution among contest winners, according to Prof. E. W. Rannels.
head of the art department.
Entries have been restricted to
drawings in pen. pencil, crayon,
charcoal, chalk or pastel. Prizes will
be awarded according to artistic
merit only.

Mrs. Mary James Leach. University alumna and author of a newspaper column on antiques, is giving two lectures on antiques as a
part of an exhibit on n:iques sponsored by the American Association
of University Women yesterday anti
today in the Lafayette hotel.
The exhibit opened at 2 p. m.
yesterday and will close at U p. n:.
tonight. Proceeds will be devoted
to a scholarship fund supportttl by



Regimental Parade
Slated Wednesday

The first full regiinenral para;!
of the season will be held at n a.
m. Wednesday. April 2t. on 6' oil
Field, ROTC officials announced
Participating in the parade wi" be
the entire University unit inc. 'id
log the band and ail ROTC .spin
Future regimeulal parades wiil l
Mrs. Frank L. McVey, state presi held Thursday. May 4. at 10 a m.:
dent of the American association Wednesday. May 10. at U a. m..
of university women, was enter- and Wednesday. May 17. at 3 p m.
tained by tlie Wilmore chapter of The final parade of the vear wi:l
the AAUW Wednesday evening at be from 1 to 4 p. m. Wednesday.
Mav 24, which is Field
Asbnrv o!W.


