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Alumni Sccrctnry

We bog of any who may make any criticism of state untvorsltlos, or
other Institutions of higher learning to glvo more attention to tho rollglous
recent meeting of the ICxecutlre Committee of tho Kentwcky Good Influence found In them nnd assist In tho furthornnco on their programs
regarding such schools.
Roads Association Mr. Dinkey Holm of Louisville wan oloctoil President of rather than hinder and make unjust stntomonta
Ann4fiirm tr. anfom! Dr. Morton who found demands on his time
too craflt to parmlt of his continuing ns tho bend of this orgnnlzntlon. Mr,
Holm is a prominent nttomoy anil is woll ocqualnted throughout tho state.
The ongngomont of Miss Dorothy
Ho wis very nctive In tho campaign for tho 75,000,000 Bond Issuo and is
Detroit, April 21. (Last Friday
Arnold, of the Hamilton college fac
not only a good roads' onthuslast but Is also vory much lutorostcd in
Regular) dinner at Dxiclnnd Inn.
ulty and Henry Grady Scllnrds was
rovonuos given to tho Univorslty of Kontucky and other state
sooing addod
announced last Friday afternoon. Miss
Chicago, April 25. Annual Dinner
Miss Arnold Is a grailuato of Okla
Oar-den- s,
meeting of tho Association the question was
Dance, 7:00 p. in., Terrace
At tho Docombor 1924
homa University In tho class of '21
should continue along tho
Morrison Hotel, Madison
raised as to whothor tho work of tho association
and is a member of the Kappa Kappa
same linos that it had boon functioning during tho past yonr or whothor
nnd Clark Streets.
Gammn fraternity. She is tho daugh
to work of the association should continue along tho same lines that It
ter of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Arnold, 223
Philadelphia, May 2. (First Sathad been functioning during tho pnst year or whether It should devote Its
at North Broadway.
urday Regular) luncheon
wholn nfforts to the nroblom of good roads. In nn effort to arrive at tho
Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce
Mr. Sellnrds Is the son of Mr. and
answer to this Mr. Helm has mailed qucstlonalros to over a thousand prom
Mrs. John Sellnrds of Prestonburg,
inont citizens of tho state Including the newspapors. The questions asked
nnd since graduation has been con
arc: What problems of road building In Kontucky do you rind most im
Louisville, May 2. (First Satur-urcln- y
nectod with tho Kentucky Agricultural
portant now? What practical suggestions can you made for solving those
at Experiment Station. Ho Is a member
Regular) luncheon
problems? In what way do you think tho present plnn of construction nnd
1:15, Brown hotel.
or the Alpha Zeta, honorary agrlcul
maintenance of state roads can bo improved? Please make any other sug
postlons vou mav havo as to nlnns or policies of road construction, What
tural fraternity. Mr. Sellnrds, an ex
DulTalo, May 9. (Second Saturnert In his specinl lino of work, Is
day Regular) luncheon,
questions do you consider to bo outstanding state problems ns to (a)
well known throughout tho stato, and
p. m., Chamber of Commerce,
(b) University of Kentucky (c) Normal Schools
Common Schools
his geninllty and plenslng address has
corner Main nnd Seneca streets.
Deaf and Dumb School, or School for the Illind (e) Charltnble and Penal
made hi in popular nmoug his asso
Institutions nnd (f) Geologic Survey? What solutions havo you to rcc
ommend for any of the problems? Do you favor the Kentpcky Good Honds
Association confining Its work to Improvement of road condltlns, oor con
tlnuing to consider tho Interests of the Institutions
Mary V. Barnard is teaching at
Those questions certainly nro worthy of tho serious consideration and
Bowling Green, Ky., this year.
study of every render of this paper and wo believe that It Is up to those
John R. Curry has nccepted a posl
who havo had the advantages of college training to assist In their solution
tiou as assistant cashier with the C.
We know that Mr. Helm Is especially interested in tho University of Ken
& O. Railroad company,
tucky and would welcome any suggestion that an alumnus might make re
garding the future policies of the Good Roads Association.
Clipping from a recent issue of the
Tho wedding of Miss Mary Miller
Wo believe that the Good Roads Association should devote its efforts San Francisco Chronicle ns follows:
Woods and Gordon Haynes Wilder,
band themselves together to
to roda problems alone and let the institutions
Warren Hobdy, former Olympic both of Lexington, Ky., was solem
fight for their own interests. It appears to us that It mlkht be a good tiling Club swimmer and son of Dr. and nized on Wednesday evening, April 8,
for the University and Normal Schools to get together in a conference and Mrs. W. C. Hobdy ('93 and '94), of 1925 In the Peace Memorial Presby
work out a plan of development extending over a period of years, estimate this city, who some time ago entered tcrian church at Clearwater, Fla.,
the finances necessary to carry out tho same, suggest tho methods of Lake Forest Military Academy, out
raising the amount needed and all pull together in an effort to secure Its side of Chicago, recently distinguished
The bride was a sponsor of the
university battalion, three times elect
passage at Frankfort during the next session of the General Assembly himself by winning a
backPerhaps our readers havo opinions that differ with us and we would wel stroke race at the Illinois Athletic ed leading lady in tho University Dra
twice chosen by the
come their suggestions as to the future policy that the University should Club, Chicago, in the good
time of matic club and
pursuerognrding the procunnent of additional revenues which are so badly 1:0S
student body in the annual beauty
The performance was all the more contest.
Wo know the importance of having a great university and in order to remarkable in that Hobdy defeated
Mr. Wilder is an alumnus of the
secure It we must renllze the work required of the alumni nnd friends o Weston Kimball, the back
stroke University of Pennsylvania and Virthe institution and resolve to do it without delay.
champion of the Dig Ten in that sec- ginia, President of the Lexington
All alumni living in the state and all students now attending tho uni tion of the Middle West, and
has been
company and
versity can play an important part in securing the fulfillment of the insti regarded as without a peer.
the Rotary club.
tution's needs if they would only do it. They can make a closer study of
The performance is also proof that
is required to make the proper advancement and place these Hobdy's swimming
lust what
After a tour of Florida Mr. and Mrs
talents havo not
facts beforo their senators and representatives.
to Lexington,
will return
been neglected since he entered Lake Wilder
Forest Military Academy, and that in where they have a furnished home In
Tho editorial In tho Lexington Herald of April 14, omitted last week Wer years he will bo an acquisition Transylvania Park.
because of insufficient space is as follows:
for ii ny university he may elect to
Paul W. Miller is an instructor in
the Plant Patholosy Department of
the University of Wisconsin, MadI
The .quarterly report of Dr. Frank L. McVoy, president of tho UniverWilliam H. Collier Is a member of son, Wis. He is living at 308 North
sity of Kentucky shows that the income of the university has In the past
Orchard avenue.
eight years failed very decidedly to keep pace with the Increase in the tho Southern Engine Boiler Works,
may be added that the income eight years ago for Jackson, Teun.
B. Nickell Is an attorney at




be that he linn departed from the ways taht ho has followed in his old omo
town. If to Inttor bo true one cnn see that tho change comes over night nnd
Plenso fill out these blanks nnd return to the Alumni Offico:
that the religious atmosphere of tne i niversiiy is in no way rosponsimc
rthur Rny Donnclt '14 Is now loonted at
for the failure of such a young man or woman to plnco thomsolvoa unilor
of tho church of their own faith.
the wntch-enrWo bellovo tnt tho christian atmosphere In all of tho collogos in Ken John Lloyd Drown '11 is now loomed at
tucky Is vory flno and tnnt miners ana moiners ixusuhk muir sons mm
daughters to the euro of these Institutions nmy rent aseurod that they are ns Arthur Louis Bruodknor '11 is now located at
woll cared for spiritually in these college towna as they nro in moir own
Wlllam Wayne Chnmbors

'11 is now located nU,



students. It
tho number of students then served by the university was nothing to bray
Nevertheless, It may be said with little fear of contradiction that
despite the extremely ombarassing handicap of limited funds tho univer
sity in other ways has progressed in keeping with the growth m the number
of Its students.
"Dr. McVey has promised in his next quarterly report to be suinnitted
In Juno to the Board of Trustees to outline tho achievements of the university. A splendid chronicle of accomplishment may be awaited with pleas
ure by the citizens of the state, for while the allowance given to the uni
versity may be small. The Herald has no doubts as to the Interests and
sympathy of tho commonwealth in its chief institution of learning.
"The figures given by Dr. McVoy merely substantiate statistically what
already is common knowledge in Kontucky concerning the state's failure
to provide adequately for the university. Since 191S, when there were
719 students, the institution has grown until there are now 2,100 students,
registered as candidates for degrees. Approximately 1,500 more are en
rolled in the various special courses. Tho student body has increased
193 per cent while tho income has Increasod only S2 per cent. There is also
a great need for a building program, which can not bo carried out without
funds. The recent additions to the university's plants have been made
The memoriul
largely through public contributions or largo donations.
stadium and basketball auditorium funds aro among these. Girts Include the
Robinson and Princeton tracts and tho Miller lots.
"If tho University had relied upon state funds, It would have been in
a much woro position, but individuals are more keenly responsible to tho
university's needs than aro general assemblies. When legislative lethargy
ends, a wonderful era will begin."

Eustls, Fla. He should be addressed
Garnett Kosel Klien has recently at Box 758.
moved from C32 Florence avenue,
Avalon Ponn., to 732 Florence avenue.
Sidney B. Neal is an attorney with
He is a heating engineer with the
offices at Owensboro, Kentucky. Mr,
Alumninum Company of America.
of tho senior
Neal was president
class last year, and class orator tho
Neal T. McKce, assistant to the year before.
of tho Superheater
Palmer, Jr. is mine
company, East 42nd street, Now York,
superintendent of the A. J. Doss Coal
is now living on Burkwood Road and
Locust Lane, Mt. Vornon, N. Y.
John G. Allen, agent for tho Metropolitan Insurance company, now has
offices GOO Exchange nulldlng, Mem
phis, Tonn. lie married Miss Sudo



Robert L. Gregory '1!

located at

'14 Is now

located at

Is now


George Knock Jones '14 Is now located nt

Lauor '11 Is now located nt

Gllbort Coleman


Herschol Russell Shclton

'14 is now

'14 is now

located nt

located at

Harry Ncthcrland Woodson '14 is now located nt
Esther Mao Balloy

'15 Is now located

Joanetto Torrenco Boll

'15 Is now

Zecharlah Pierce Hamilton
Mehin Ilnys Judd


located at

'15 is now locnted

'15 is now iocntcd



rchio Xavler Pfeffer '15 is now locnted


Charles Stephenson Ralnoy '15 is now located at


Clarence Barbour Shoemaker '15 Is now locnted lit

Eugene Wegert '15 is now located

Ralph Emerson IBtner

Norberto Devera
Sue Hunt Frost

Is now



Orvllle Robert Willett

John Henry Williams


is now located


is now located


is now located


is now located

'10 Is now




is now located


is now locnted at



George Page Neaglo


is now located


Harrison Mitchell



located nt

Leonard Johnson

Charles Frank Kumll



Is now located


Mrs. Bessie Foglo Judd


Is now

is now located


Logan Nourso Green


""lit "111

at 111

located at

Cnrrie Frances Blair '17 is now located at '"111.1
Marlon Uri Conditt '17 is now located at


Franklin Foster '17 is now located at

Jesse Forrest Gregory '17 is now located at
Ronald Hutchinson '17 is now located

Elmer Burton Jones

'17 is now




located at

James William Norrls '17 is now located at


located at

'17 is now

Burton F. Williams


is now located at

George Clifton Bradley '18 is now located

Henry J. Kolbe


located at

'18 Is now

Mlnnio Evely NeVillo '18 is now located



Constantino Nicholoff 'IS is now located at
teaching at
College. She Is living at
Todor Nicholoff '18 is now located at
Bell Court West, Lexington

Francesca K. Rcnlck
home, 159

Htirry Doujamln Dobrowsky


Arnoldw Henry Webb '18 Is now located at
Miss Nellie M. Riloy js teaching In
M. Foathorston December 27, 1913, tho high school at Ashland, Ky. She William Whitfield Elliott '19 is now located at
and thoy havo three children: John G. livos on East Carter street.
Olo Logan Figg '19 is now located at
Jr., 10; Franklin Lee, 7; und Juanlta
Byron M. Roberts is principal of tho
They live at 2012 Felix
Mae, 5.
"lurk county high school at Winches Moso Smith '19 is now
located at

tor, Kj.

Frances F. Anderson Is an lU3truc
Cott C. Kelley is chief field engineer with the Tennessee Coal, Iron tor in tho Covington high school this
und Railway compuny, Fairfield, Ala. year.
Ho Is living at 514 41st street.
Miss Isubel W. Bennett was recently
uppoiuted librarian of tho Kontucky
State Normul school, Richmond, Ky.
Isaac W. Robertson Is chemical
State Universities are frequently referred to as Institutions that are not
Alumni Dues and Subscription to
with tho Miller Rubber comespecially oncllned toward religious activities .so far as their facultlos aro
Kernel S2.
and as a result of such accusations wo havo requested the secro pany.
tary of tho Y. M. C. A. of the University of Kontucky to make a survey of
H. Puyntor
the members of tho faculty of his Institution and to also request tho samo
information from some of the purely denominational schools of the stato in moved from Franklin, Ky., to DanRACE AGAINST CARRICK
order thut an accurate comparison might bo made to ascertain the facts in ville, Ky.
regard to this mutter. His findings woro very clear and aro as follows.
Miss Alice C. Willlums' now address
Percentages of
George R. Smith, '15, a member of
Charles T. Corn, 7022 Sherldon
Univ. of K.
tho legal firm of Smith und Reynolds
Three other schools
Road, Chicago, 111.
GOl Security Trust building,
Church membership
John R. Watson is now with Alvey- - ton, Ky., announced lust Saturday that
Church officluls
1 Ferguson
Oakley statlou, ho would outer the raco agaiusl
Sunday School officials
C8 Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sponco S. Currlck, at present county
Sunday school teachers
attorney and seeking reelection.
Othor church activities
Mr. Smith stated tiiat ho would on
Louis J. Honrich's address is now
Y M. or Y. W. Advisory
2 901 Hllldalo avenue, Berkeley, Calif.
tor tho raco only becuuso a largo
Y. M. or Y. W. Dlblo cluss loaders ..
number of friends und Democrats hud
Othor religious activities
Hovoy J). Pal more, district engl Insisted that ho do so. Do declined
Ono must admit that the religious spirit at tho University of Kentucky
compares very favorubly with thut of three other institutions in tho stato ueer of tho Stato Highway department to mako formal announcement of his
cuudldacy Saturday, stating that he
Young men and women comlug to Lexington and is now at Frankfort, Ky.
and is vory commendable.
would do this some timo during the
entering tho University uro not only civeu every chauco possible to become
S. Thomas has recently next week.
affiliated with some religious institution but are urged to do bo by members
Mr. Smith, an over-activof tho faculty who themselves aro earnest and sympathetic chrlstlau men moved to Llttlofield, Texas.
bus taken keen interest in tho affairs
and women.
John B. Hutaon has recoutly accept- of tho University and tho Alumni As
Wo havo noted with an especial Interest that at tho oponlug of tho University each year each denomination plans a special program for tho stu- ed a position with tho Bureau of sociatiou, particularly athetotics. lie
dents and urges thut they become affiliated with the church of their own Agricultural Economics, U. S. Depart- was a member of tho Greater Kon
faith; any student who fulls to make such connections shows tho lack of ment of Agriculture, Washington, D, tucky Campulgu Committeo of Lot
proper christian training before be arrives In Lexington, or It may perchance C

Carl Albert Thinner '19 is now located at

Douglas Triplott '19 Is now located at

Herbert Proctor Haley '20 Is now located at
Ruth Phyllis Hoag

located at

'20 Is now

Joseph Stuurt Misruch

'20 is now

located at

Morris Vllcofaky '20 is now located
William Yourish

'20 Is now


located at

Emost DoAltry '20

Is now

located at

Gustavo Borry Foster '21 is now located

Jesso Otto Osbom

'21 is now


located at

Mary Thorossa Ross '21 is now located


Emmett Otis Shultz '21 is now located at



'22 is now located


Ordio Morton Edwards '22 is uow locatod at
Roscoo Coukliu


Sadio Mao VauArsdell


is now locatod

(Mrs. Roscoo C. Little) '22 is now locutod

Dowoy M. Porter, 23 is now located

Snyder, J. W.



is now locatod at






