’· t ?*€~_ ’86, an attorney with jenkins, half 0f the Air Force. Lytle is an manufacturing manager serv-
"  _' ~ Fcnstcrmakcr, Krcigcr, Kaycs cxccutivc support 0Hiccr with ing with thc Worldway Postal
t ·     ‘ _ and Farrell in Huntin ton W. the 3345th Su l S uadron. Center, Los An clcs, Calif. V
gah    _ _§ » PPY Cl E
i   V  T? T  Va. The Whites hvc nn Ashland — — _... 9
Z ig ·     V ` and_ are mcmbéfs Of Fh? UK Peri Kennedy Helton ’33 is Kevin Paul McGarry ’84 is i
A t  "     N&°'°"alAlummASS°°'a"°“‘ Supervisor 0f out-patient and a marketing rcprcscntativdfor
, "{   3 *_" departmental units (physical Van Waters & Rogers Chgmi- $
"- William Rilc Caudill ’83 therapy) R€h&bilifHi1V€ S€l`V· cals. He lives in Dallas, Texas. €
— y . . . . {
»» is business mana cr ofthe Ped- mcs at cwnsh Hos xtal m . . *
S P b `
al Power Bike Shop in Lcxing- Louisville. She is a mem cr 0f . . . V
. , . . . L Z ’84 t t
George W. Wilson ’82, an ton. He ns marrncd t0 Alcdxa the UK National Alumni aglmar Cn ls asm? an- j
_ _ _ _ _ B 1lW.l1. ,82 ,83 Association dean 1n the College 0fAgr1cu1 ~
Infhana UMVCYSNY DlS[m' C 1 mms ’ ' ` ture, University 0f Lampung,.
iulshcdd Pgofcsion Ahas been —T· Bandar Lampung, Indonesia.  
,(mOrL, Y   . mcmcan Anne Prxdc Pollock Mnmn Skelton Perdue ,8315 ——— Q
Lconomnsts Association by rc- . . , A . , g
. . . . . Vmccntx 83 1S an mvcstmcnt thc hcmatology supervisor for q
ccwxng thc DlSIlHgUlShCd . .. . . . . . -,
M°"‘b°' Award fm"` th`? ‘"` ggiinirarxiltFr¤i;tlé;nSanFf;;1i;¥ ;:€L;§;H;;:Onal Chmcal Labs   iii    
gz1nizati0n”s transportation Ville ` g I   '/   zi
and public utility group. Hc is '   __ _   Q
one of only 30 mcmbcrs t0 bc Th0ma$ E- Welch ,83 is th€          
so honored since 1965, Wilson, V H associate engineer for Armc0’s     /_/` T ` V " lj   Q
wh0 holds the joam titlc of das-     Easrcm $¤¤¢1DiviSi¤¤t€¢h¤i¤¤l   1 z   ’
tinguishcd professor of business     resources department. Welch   -» ·   ;
gqnngmjcg and publig policy,   .-    jOiI1€d AfmC07S Ashland Works      
and professor of economics at   A   ii in 1984- as an assistant combus— _'   j
IU, IS an international author1—       , tton cngmccr and was named 3
ty on economic development   ‘       associate combustion engineer Jerry W_ Sipcs ,84 is mach-  
and transportation, and has di-      `V   in 1985. ing Hfth grade at ()d€]] Gross Q
rcctcd studies of transport   7%, —   V  — Elementary School in Clark  
needs Ihr Canada, Costa Rica,    ti' ; Z William D Snyder ,83 is COumy_ HC and his Wm? Brew  
FJ       Louis Irwin watmm was   representative tm Armc0’s da Sum **4, Md tlwir we-  
""‘ ",‘ “ °“‘“°‘“ “““ is a member of the Louisville Eastcm Stccl Division sales of- >’€3*`"°id daushtcrt L1¤dS€Y, R
°°u'?:]H°bj’ IHC sl;°_`S€rY°db O; law firm of Goldberg & Simp- gcc in Dctrom HC is Selling live m Wmchcstcr.  
lgrtbgtnllll td; N.mLL5 3] .q[ SOIL P·S—C· PF€Vi0U$lY, he Was Armc0’s flat-mllcd coated and L; [
t1L.Ad{U“r dm lxon d mmm- 8 law clerk {OY Jlldgc William uncoatcd steels ibr automotive _  
tmtmns. MCAHUMY in Louisville. and other applications. Snyder Jcnrufcr Jordan Kcnnard i
gi - - · ’84 1s salcs mana cr f0r World ‘
w_ll_ Ed _ C ,82 —?— began h1s career with Armco m B lx Ch_ld { _gL _ t
1 nam wm artcr _ , 1986 cmcrin h I · - 00*- 1 cm t IH cxmgton.
_ _ _ , g t c sa cs trzunmg -
IS il gram merchant f0r Central , ·]c_H`r€y M` Whltson 8;% Clqss lat r that Car Before ·Oin_  ——  
. _ . _' _ 85 ns part 0f thc c0mmcrc121l ‘ C Y · J g
boyn C0. m Decatur, Ind. Hc , , in Armco he was 3 mduct _ V
._ I . z1nz1lys1s group at Westvacos g # P Barbara R. D1x0n ’84 t
ns married tu Deborah _]can _ , , _ d,vCl0 m,m ,n in Cr with _ ’ ,
Carter ,85 Wmklnffc Mxll. He shares 1n thc   P ° L g C Southeast C0mmun1ty College, g
` commercial analysis function Alrcov Inu Cumberland, is 21 secretary for  
Kmmcth Ray Herd ,82 ig H incltnding dgoatsil [financial rc-  "‘   ccluinc insgranccs adjust;.  
pmicm cnqimcr mr (hc West pormg an spcua projccts. Lawrence E. Subcrvi ,83, Ri 1slmar11c to tcvcn . i
(must Rcgmnul Water Supply . , , D rst hculcnam m {ht All tj ¥
. . 1 _]cH`rcy K. Gmmcs 83, 86 Forcc, has been decorated with 2
/\\l(h()l`lIy 1n Clczzrwzxtcr, Hu. , . . 3
H_ ._ I   . has completed thc Oihccr In- thc Arr Force Commcndatmn Russel] E Jones #84 is g
t lh II]¤llllt‘(l tu MCIISSII R. . . , . . _ ' ;
Allison Herd ,86. dO(`[I`lI`l21Il()D School ut thc Na- Medal IH Italy. The medal IS Wmkmg On an MFA-th€a[€r g
vu] Education and Training awarded t0 those who demon- degree at Northwestern Uni- ;
Ccntcr Newport R.I. While stratc outstanding achicvcmcnt Vcrsjt Ht ‘ ‘ d B e
_ _` l _, · 7 _ _ . _ _ y. c ts marnc t0 ar- .
l?€“"d _E“?`l pond .,82 ‘*_ " attending the snx-wcck course, OI` meritorious service 1n thc bal-a Kemper ’33_ {
mo:   “’3*'{{t‘*FQ/ “";h_ V'? Grimes was prepared as zt new- Ecgftirmancc 0i` their duties on {
can ·1s cr nn ct nn Amcsm I . · .· ,d   { C afoplhc Air Force Hu g
y tommussnonc 0 cu or . c nsa . , . ,
. N . . . . . . L. H 84 %
L""“¥“‘“· tlut nn thc naval stnil held cor- mzuntcnancc 0H1ccr with the Jamie amm. . ls 2
Y . . . . . . . , . manager of data administration 2
 — mspondmg [O his Cwllum pm- 487th Tactical Missile Wing' and control in thc mana cmcnt i
Kimbcrly K=·y Stm ’82, ‘*‘S*““—'“W· T information reporting gcpart- » 
2iZ,§JI»Z"'Q',‘£"';t',“,$Y'IiZ"‘I3$ €$t,E*$°   , Rohm J- V-·i¤¤ **4   3 mm of Community Mm  
_lj‘ I} A `lH)"l$_`   N ’» Gregory L. Lytlc 83 hzts Suction mmmgcly animal and Blue Cross and Bluc Sh1cld’s ;
_ui:;_;‘I   " ° m'“(~ *1* " liccn decorated wtnth thc Air poultry rcscamh {OI. Oscar finance division. He is respon-  
J ‘ ‘ ° U · Pnrvc Commcndatmn Medal at Mayer Foods COI·pOmliOn_ sible for developing testing l
V Chzmutc Air Force Basc, Ill. procedures and monitoring im- V
Susan Maddox White ’82 is Tho medal is awarded to those plcmcntation 0f thc corporate I
n nmrkvting rtmnugcr with incliviclutxls who demonstrate Michael D. Bccrs ’84 has data base ibr thc department. »
MPC. Inc., sm imlustriztl serv- outstanding znchicvcmcnt or bccn promoted in thc U.S. Air Hamm has served as an infor-
iccs umtpmty in Ashlsmtl. Sho llll‘l`il()l`iOLlS scwicc in thc per- Force to thc rank 0i` Hrst lieu- mation design analyst, an in-
is m;1rri¢·¢l tu Scott White `S3, llurnmncc of their duties tm bc- tenant. Bccrs is 21 space systcms formation consultant and zz  
28 UK