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_ Death Claums
t ..,..,.,. _ ‘— Dr M A Scov ll
• Au •, ro•p•ct• and RuI••. _ V '_ Thlnk Earnutly, 1’h•n 8ub•¢rIb•. · . • C
__ Tho schedule in as tottowsa _ A Thg {do, 4, the only lynn, pub". ¤'*‘•¢*¤•‘ ¤* !¤¤••‘|m¤M Button and
S be. —
GD 28m:ml‘ylvil|0 College, Smll l umm M gum, Umyonggy gf Ken. D•*" °f c¤"°¤• 07 A¤•"¢¤|Y¤•‘•·
‘ _ txucky, and is the omctal student pub `;‘
Oct.   COHGKG, ot WOR ° ]|cgfj()n_ It fg published each week   Melville Amana Sc0ve"• 57 yam
Virginia, Stoll Field. by fhg g{_udg¤f_·’ under the direction Oldv dean of the College of Agrioult-UY9
Oct. 12-—MinmI University, SwllF1eld, - ot the Advisory Board and Faculty ¤¤d director of the Kentucky Agricul-
Oct. 19—Un|verMty of Cincinnati Cin- A ·
. Th f th ture Experiment Station, one of the
cmmm U 0 purpose 0 o stat! is to get out
` a. paper that is worthy gg gate Um. m°¤t D¥'0¥¤¥¤€¤t 111011 |¤ America in
Oct. 26—Go0rget0w¤ College, Stoll versity, one that will give tho news. m°’m""° °f “*g"°“““"° and bl°°d°d
mud' —· - 7 But here we are conimmed with the live ¤¢0Ck. died August 15, at his home
NOV- 2*'Vh'$iDl8 Milltlfy IDBUQIRG, quggtjgn, Whgt jg uewg? News {S {hg} on the Experiment Station fannv nett
Stoll Field. me of me p,p,,,·_ AN, tb,,,, other eye.! the city limits on the Nichcinsvlllc
" Nov. 9—H&u0ver conege, sion mm. · m,,,,t,;» We €,m,h,uc,“, ,,1,,,,,, mlnike- Denth was due w malignant
Nw 16—'I‘e¤ne¤soe, Knoxville. . ` .   me amrmmm Above ,,(,w,_ ,;,0,,, endocnrdius. an infinmmatlcn of the
Nov. 28 — (Thanksgiving) — Central ... knowledge, above circulation, the very inner membrane ot the heart, often as-
University,StollF1e1d. heart of A paper ue, in it, m0,,_;1¤<>ci¤te _____ _i__]is printed primarily for [hp Student phgmistpy at {hg ['nivgrgiry Of Illi-
the Navy to °' 0 to 0 S"°"€· I ibody; help to make it what it should! nois, assistant professor 1:476-80, and
With UW cpming Of Director Sweet.   3,     nual, as the case may bc. Naturally be and take it for what it is worth, DP0f<‘SS0¤’ of 8i·’Z¥‘i<‘¤lY\1¥`al <`h€mi$Y¥`Y
]'md· intergat in the <‘0¥¤i¤s: fuotballi O       the business men of thu city are cowl state Vniwrsny has hewn making ISSN-4. For one year from that latter
season is incmashig Bild HN lovers of' ur   S tinuaily being besieged with requestsfrapid strides to the rt-ont; in ram, the date he was a spevial agvnt of thc
uw game M9 ¤·¤¤U!`€‘d of Seeing somei —‘* or demands that they advertise in thei atlvzniivennerit has rovoiitly bven by l'¤1iY<‘d Statvs U*¤‘D¤¤`Y¤¤€m of A8¥`i<'¤l‘
800d Playing when under his guid.`Whi¢h $h¤\-Nd B6 CBNWHY C°"*id' various publications which are sup-lleaps and bounds, This does noL3,p~_Il1¥`€‘. ft`0H1 \\'hi<‘h D0¤iKi0¤ he was
$1106- After having spent his vacation` ered by Every $u¤P¤¤‘\¤f` 0* ported in the main by advertisements` ply simply to the number of students <‘8U€‘d tv the di¥‘€<`Y0¥`ShiD of the K*‘n`
M his md h0m€ 8*- Dryden, N. Y"` Sum U"‘V°"'nY· and that these institutions of thu city onrollod, but tg gent-m_l_ Thy whole tuvky Agricultural Experiment Sta-
` I
Coach Sweetland returned to the Un]. "T plaeo before the people. And, with ` atniosphore is [}Q!‘Illt‘3,[<‘m a re-iam at1»·0t·su» Qtwy Wn thing um or ugmuiiui-ai subjects and his max-
Graduation has depleted the rgukgl ii! the YBW that he demands in RHI innnerative standpoint, of little value; will uid in its upbni1ding_ t'ui·tlwi·n1oi·0, ¤€ii¤‘ D<‘¥`50¤Bl D0Dul9·¥'iYY· the Kew
of the W"d°¤¥¤ tv 8 vonsiderable ex- °¤***’S that he be °h°“'“ **"`°'“ M“*‘| to the advertiser. As a natural vousoi we believe mm nw tw; mtuium for ruoky Experiment Station bevanw n
tent" 'rha UK,. men who XVGPQ hQ[@ s0u'ri• you See) haforx) he can be B0ld'E(]Ll(’Il(‘(‘, tl\€I`(*fO]`(*, Yhf) bllSiHOSS [Hana this \]])—b\[ildil\g' is [() gnjl ()\1I il, g0()d`Y“0d6l for luany other St&t·€S» and his
lust Y€¤¤' 8!1d Will not be seen wearing if M 5906 fm 0l*D0¥'[¤¤i*Y *’·*i"¤m8l-T*"iot‘ thc city looks askance at an op- t·o||t—,,;(» paper mm will .·t·;|,·(-[ t·p,»dntiiit1uenc0 and pvéstige Pxtvlldvd
the White and Rh]? thlB 898,80]]. gpg ous to hinlself or to his business no} ]I0l'{llllit)` to 8dVOI'[iSt‘ ill B. (‘OH(‘L{(* p8` ()ll {[10 l'lli\'0|'si[)'_ \\'(‘ $il1g'0l'(*Iy hr- throughout the lvulted St:/’·t€S• until at
CUBE?. Q\1¤l‘t0t‘·b&¢·k; Earl, tn,(·kl(-y and 0¤6 IS ¢i¤i<‘k¢*¤‘ {0 Biezv UPON UC if ht" pm; believing that he will derive no` lipye mu; with [hn SUNW-; of me Sm. his death he probably was one of the
°°P*¤*¤i Collins. vnd; Watkins, half- b€“€V°¤ that R <'°*`****“ i"`°j***‘* is °ft wturns twin his outlay and in not a  (mus we shun be mtubioti to a,,·im»t»e ton best known agrivulturaiists in
buck: Rodes. half-buck; }sg,b||tz_ WU8 value K0 his i"¥*¤‘V€Sl- the ¤‘*'°"g‘ tow t·ust·s t·unsideritig the whole` this end, America.
8¤¤¤`d$ SDQRFB. end; Williams, tackle; NS! kim! of l><‘*`¤U¤¤*°** Wm **0* Sum*'€`1si·in·nm» a polite form of bluukinuilti with an or the grow-m.·mionod du- Agricultural Board Member-
Bralldstetnery half`ba(`k_ and hIQad()fs'{ to bring hinl into Hut"   cuurskn :\S \\'(‘ hH.\(? Bail], xll'. t`VOI`8.gB Llt’[" [i(‘r\ and ['(*(l[|(»¥$[_ [h(‘[‘(* still l`Q[l\f[il[§ il? YYKS a ulenlber Qx‘0t“(`[0 of the
ond. ysllvh BUUUII is the IUUBY nuturul lmnglplmnt tlmnundg that he be showin, `gnother qu(»s{iun_ gn obligation rests Kt*Ilill¢‘K)' $[&!€ U0&i'd of AHl`i*`UlUU`9·
The old lltvli that will be bunk mid, in Nw W0¥`l*l· and is OMF the on *`*"i 'l`Ii¢· ltivu, we iiclieve. while not Olly upon eavh and evvry student In the Mil! ill¢*H1b¤‘¤` of the l*`U0d Stuiidurd
the OUPB who will form the nut-tous? ··u¤·¤·i¤¤s law of ¤¢‘]Y·l*"°*‘<**"'¤*i°** *"`°i’ `tiruly t`i·t~t· from this class or tmtiegv t’niv4»rs1ry_ nur uhy pmtoug the vital Uoiiiiiiitwc of the l'uit•·<| Stztws IM
Imulld Whivh tlw 1912 team will [m;I*U*i—i out in K ·1¤¤t·\¤¤~·¤¤ &u"l’· apublivutioiis, Is one of the most, iin— quostion'? ’I`ht· obligation is_ Sub- [Nil'(llil*lH of Ap;i‘i<‘ultul\*. Sii1\‘•~‘ U0-
DUUY. HP0 Harrison, tavklv und oupmini In l·**XiUK**’U the "'*"`*'h**"*** ”"*` ` nortunt advertising fut~toi·s issued by st·¤·ibt· for The ld·»u_ The price is voniing dean of the t`oll¤·g•.· of A;:i‘ivul~
UN?} UOWl1|Hg. guard; Johnson_ SU"**““`h“* u"f°"lu*'**‘*"Y *""'”**"i· rmmluiiy institution in the city. It reuuiies, tiwd at u mintmum_ It is stu-h that ture. that •h~nurttn¢·nt of the l'tiiv0¤*-
hlvklv; Guyn, quarter-ba,t·k; }'3rk5_ <‘i*>' ¤*¤i*l•<**'*¤ {WU ¤**i"*"¤*i‘i*’S· ‘“'*’iund is read by, inoi·¤~ students than any 4-un tnoot without hardship to sity has had rapid and successful
quui·tt·r-truck; Tuttle, end and but-};. *`<*ll*‘¤•'¤» and K "*"'i*"Y uf *"h*"` ***1** any other publivutiuti uf its kind in ttn·mselves_ so wu t·un'r pipruro any growth. and is now ncuriy parallel in
field; Woodson, m,t·k1o_ ¤'¤*i0¥¤¤l W¤‘mu'i°'*“· NH or ‘*'m"" W lmxitigtuti. It is u weekly publication refusal along that line; henov, wo oniy piwiiiiin-in·t· tiu·ou;.;imui Ain¢·rii·u with
W_ ($_ Hm-I-|B0n_ one of the most suc ut Solllv Ullw dllfillié rtw >'¢'¤¤‘ Bland every student In State University usk that you duly consider this, and th•.· l*I\t¤*l‘ill\¢*ltl Silfivll-
((`ontinu•_·d on Pugh 2_) I°ubh°.uUUu’ weekly m0mhly' or un" (Continued on Pugu 3.) . ((‘0ntinu¢·d on Page 2 » t\`t»iilttiu¢·d uu Page 3,)