Formerly THE IDEA

University of Kentucky






1916 Annual Will Be Most Louisville Wins Silver Lov-

ing Cup In Field

Attractive Ever Published By State



Tne annual


1916 Kentucklan,



nn1lt frtf






the State, which was held at the

University Thursday, Friday and

best annual ever jurday of laBt week wa8 a decIded guc.
got out at the University, the increase cess from beginning to end and was
be- conceded by qualified judges to be the
in its quality and general make-uing due to the fact that the student best ever held here.
body has taken more interest in it
Lexington carried off the honors in
than ever before in the history of the the finals in reading, declamations and
institution. More than 500 copies were music, while Louisville won the field
sold before the book went to press, meet. By this victory they secured
Is said to he the

increase over permanent possession of the silver
the sales of any previous year. The loving cup offered to the team1 secur
annual is dedicated to Dr. J. K. Pat- ing the largest number of points in
terson, President Emeritus of the
the field meet. Lexington was second
with thirty points, and Bellevue was
A number of new features have third with three Mints less.
been added which make the book very
More than 100 high school students
attractive. The art work is of a high- were in Lexington for the contest.
er quality than ever before, due to the During their stay they were guests
fact that there are a larger number of of the University,
..artists in the University, which gives tomoblle trips to points of interest in
considerable material to choose from.
o Blue Grass. The high school stuThe art work has been made especial- dents seemed well pleased with the
ly good by suggestions from the print- University and several of those who
ers and engravers. Contrary to the will graduate this year, expressed
usual custom the type is not plain, but their intention of attending this instiof a very artistic design.
tution next year.
which" is a considerable



This masterpiece of college annuals
straight-graine- d
is bound in
leather. On the cover of the
year-boois stamped the picture of a
famous Kentucklan who is dear to the
hearts of all natives of the State.
The increase in the quality of work,
the addition of new features, and the
excellent success of the book is due to
the very capable staff which worked
long and faithfully to get out an annual that will make the 1916 class be
remembered for years to come. It is
conceded by all to be the best work of
literature and art that the students of
the. University have ever published
and one which will cause the coming
classes .to work unusually hard to
The Kentucklan staff this year is
composed of Herbert Graham, editor;
R. A. Foster, John Marsh, Franklin
Corn, Miss Rebecca Smith, Miss Nata
Lee Woodruff, L. J. Heyman, James
McConnell, E. A. Blackburn and G. C.
Wilson, associate editors; Paul Gerhard and Herbert Felix, art editors;
Frank Street, junior editor, and R. E.
Cullen, business manager.

began Thursday
The tournament
evening in chapel where the finals in
reading, and piano and violin solos
were held.
The Lexington High
School representatives scored seventeen points out of a possible twenty-seveThey won two firsts, two seconds and one third in the three
Friday evening the Lexington High
students again carried off the honors,
being victors in three events. Gold
medals were awarded to the members
of the vocal quartette, to the orches
tra, and to Miss Iva Dagley, of the
girls' vocal quartette. In the contest
Louisville secured one first place and
Walton one, William Rouse, of Walton, being winner of the boys' solo
The program, consisting of vocal
solos, declamations and orchestral selections, was quite unique and thoroughly enjoyed by the large audience
which thronged the chapel. The speech
made by John Curtis Harwood, of
Louisville, on "Once a Kentucklan, Always a Kentucklan," elicited special
The tournament closed with a field
The staff 1b to be congratulated upmeet on Stoll Field Saturday afteron producing this most excellent year
book, especially Mr. Graham, upon noon, in which the Louisville boys
whom the responsibility of the annual
(Continued on Page 2)
rested. The University is indeed fortunate in having a man of Mr. Gra- It was due to him that the sales exham's ability and talent and his many ceeded any previous mark.
friends are congratulating him upon
A shipment of half the books will
the success of the Kentucklan. Mr. arrive Saturday and the last shipment
Cullen, the capable business manager, will reach here Monday. They will be
is also in line for congratulations, as ready for distribution immediately.







Sunday, May 28 Baccalaureate
sermon, preached by Dr.
A. W. Fortune, at Central
Christian Church.
Monday, May 29 Senior Ball at
Phoenix Hotel.
Tuesday, May 30 Silver Jubilee
by College of Mechanical
Wednesday, May 31 Class Day
Thursday, June 1 Commencement Day exercises.


Receives Letters Commending Work on Ossification of Bones




Governor A; 0. Stanley Will
Deliver Address To the
Graduating Class


Dr. J. W. Pryor, Professor of AnatThe forty-nintannual commenceomy and Physiology, who has been
doing extensive research work on the ment exercises, the feature of the
.'coming week's events of the outgoing
ossification of bones, has acquired national reputation as an authority on senior class, will be held next Thursthat subject. Every mail is bringing day on the University campus. The
him requests to speak before medical baccalaureate sermon, Class Day exerclassesand medical societies; also cises and the Alumni Banquet will be
letters from various parts of the coun other notable events of the week.
The commencement
ANNUAL 'MOVING DAY' try thanking him for his very valuable be held In a tent in exercises will
front of the Adaddition to the science of medicine.
ministration Building. The most promDr. Pryor is very modest and re
"Moving Day," the last opportunity fuses to give
himself due credit for inent speaker on the program will be
afforded seniors for telling the digni- his long and faithful
research work Governor A. O. Stanley, who will defied professors just what they think
which has lately been crowned with liver the commencement address. The
of them, will be held in chapel tomor- success. It was with reluctance that program follows:
on all the he submitted for examination two
row morning. "Take-offsMusic.
most important Instructors in the Uni his latest
letters relevant to his work.
versity by various seniors will be thej One communication was
from Dr.
feature of .the program.
A. C. Eycleshymer, dean of the ColAddress by Representative. .. .J. Wolf
The observance of "Moving Day" lege of Medicine at the University of
was to be held last Friday, but was Illinois, requesting him to deliver, a
Governor A. O. Stanley
postponed because of the senior exam- series rf lectures before
the graduMusic.
inations, and the seniors have had an ate faculty and students of the instituConferring of Degrees and Delivery of
extra week in which to practice their tion sometime during the summer.
Diplomas, President H. S. Barparts. It was confidentially assured a The other letter was from Dr. C. B.
ker, LL. D., Unversity of
Kernel representative that this would Davenport, of the Department of ExKentucky.
be the best program ever presented on perimental Evolution, a division of
this annual occasion.
the Carnegie Institute at Washington.
"Moving Day," which is an annual Mr. Davenport stated
that he had reThe baccalaureate sermon will be
event, is in charge of the senior class, cently had
occasion to make use of
the members of which occupy the ros Dr. Pryor's work and asked permis- delivered Sunday morning at 11
o'clock by Doctor A. W. Fortune at'
trum. The members of each of the sion to refer to it in
the revision of
the Central Christian Church. The
other classes sit together and move his book on "Heredity."
subject of the sermon will be anup to the place occupied this year by
The history of Dr. Pryor's research
the next class above them. Class yells work, together with his picture, was nounced later.
On Wednesday the class will hold
and cheers of various kinds are given published in a recent issue of the Lextheir annual Class Day exercises.
and this chapel day is conceded by ington Herald.
This also will be held in the tent in
many to be the best of the year.
front of the Administration Building.
The Class Day exercises which is one
ARTICLE ON KY. of the most interesting events of the
The current issue of the "Industrial year, is expected to equal if not exTO EXPLAIN ABSENCE and Agricultural Outlook Along the C. ceed any in the history of the Univer&
O. Railway
Lines," contains a sity. The following is the program of
lengthy article by Charles D. Bohan-no- the day:
125 Are Summoned Before
head of the Department of AgriDiscipline Committee
cultural Economics at the Kentucky President's Address... O. M. Edwards
Monday Afternoon
Agricultural Experiment Station, on
About 125 members of the battalion the subject of "The Agricultural De- Roll Call
Miss M. L. Dougherty
were called before the Discipline Com- velopment of Kentucky." It is writMusic.
C. R. Barker
mittee in chapel Monday afternoon to ten to give a sketch of agricultural Poet
explain why they were absent from conditions in the State with reference
iMiss Ina Darnall
drill for the annual Tap Day exercises. to advantages held out to newcomers Class Historian
from other States and is profusely ilTheir explanation ifor their non-aMusic.
pearance was that it was due to a lustrated.
H. F. Felix
misunderstanding and not a
The climate of the State Mr. Bohan-noMusic.
agreement. The testimony of
R. E. Cullen
describes as having a peculiar ad- Giftorian
vantage, being midway between the
about eighty students was heard.
In their testimony, the students de cold of the North and the hot, scorchThe Alumni Banquet will be held in
clared that they were under the im- ing summers of the South. The aver- the gymnasium Wednesday night.
pression that Arbor Day was an an- age temperature is about 55 degrees
The outgoing class of '16 can boast
nual holiday and that under the cir- Fahrenheit. The five
natural both of their numbers and of their
cumstances they did not feel obliged divisions, the Mountain Range, the achievements. There are one hundred
to appear for a fraternal function, such Knobs, The Blue Grass, tjie Penny- and seventy candidates for degrees.
royal and the Jackson Purchase, are Among this number are students who
as the Lamp and Cross Tap Day
each described in detail by Mr.
both individually and collectively have
Professor C. W. Mathews, chairman
done big things. The senior class can
A summary of his article appeared look with pride on its past career and
of the Discipline Committee, stated
Monday afternoon that he thought the in a recent issue of the Lexington with hope and anticipation on the
matter would be settled amicably.
(Continued on Page 2)



