Hcnenth tho branches sister sits,
And in tho hammock swings,
While like a luckless landed fish
(Formerly The
Sho slyly her beau strings.
'Published every Thursday throughout tho College year by the Btudent body
of the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of tho students, alumni and faculty of the institution.
For Men Only.
TUB KENTUCKY KI2HNEL is the official newspaper of the University. "Sport shirts
It Is issued with the view of furnishing to Its subscribers all the college news
of Kentucky, together with a digest of items of Interest concerning the uni- Vest chains
versities of other States and Canada.
Spar chewing tobacco
Entered at Lexington I'ostofficu as second-clasmall matter.
Popular Parody No. 6.
'TIs the last benn of winter,
ED1TOIMN-CHIEWilliam Shlnnick
Left sighing alone.
Dlllnrd Tumor
Assistant Editor All Its lively companions
W. T. Cottlngham
Managing Editor Arc faded and gone
J. Franklin Corn
"Squirrel Food" For sweet greens and fine cnbbago
Miss Eliza Plggott
"Coed"ltor Arc everywhere blown.
M. C. Finney
Athletic Editor
.1. It. Marsh
Exchange Editor
Announcement For June 1.
J. T. Gooch
Locals and Law 0. H. Nance, Jr
Come over this way, boys. It is now
Harry Melton
Mechanical Julia Vnnarsdalo. . . .Home Economics safe to take 'em off.
Mining Herbert Graham
S. J. Caudill
Education Miss Anna L. Whltworth. .. .Sororities O, shall we have a senior ball?
Miss Elsie Heller
Thus was tho question put.
Miss Mildred Taylor 0, shall wo sulk within our tents,
Estill Woods
James Council
Or shall we shako a foot?

The Kentucky Kernel



Business Manager

S. C. Johnson
Good-by- e,


Our years draws near to its close, and in this, the last issue
of the Kernel, we feel that we can do no less than bid a fond and
regretful farewell to the members of the clas sof 1916. Through
four years of storm and stress, of struggle and glorious achievement, they have kept ever before them the ideal of duty to their
No good
University and of friendship to their fellow workers.
their support, no good tradimovement has ever failed to receive
tion has been allowed to die away while they had power to uphold it. We do not know of a finer or more unselfish act than that
of the class of 9 6 in establishing a loan fund to aid poor students who are forced to earn their way through the University. It
is sincerely to be hoped that succeeding classes will continue this


Then boldly came the loud reply,
That none could e'er confuse:
"We'll surely throw that senior ball
If seniors pay their dues."

We who are left behind want the class of ' 6 to know that
they are not unappreciated, that they are not unloved, and that
their spirit will remain with us when their earthly selves are far

away. The Kernel and all who know them, we feel sure, unite in
hoping that they, "who have so successfully sailed their barks
over the placid lake of college life, will meet the waves of the
broad sea of world life in the same grand spirit, .and at the end
sail out into the purple sunset to meet the brighter dawn which
lies beyond the depths of night as bravely and as happily as they
met the dawn of this bright spring morning."
Hail to you, 1916; hail and farewell! The rainbow years of
youth with us were not your los3, we feel, and certainly they were
our gain. Success in all good things be yours!


mil proper Initiating exorcises agreed

J. F. Gregory Is Chosen

A. I. E. E.

President For the
Ensuing Year

The Kentucky branch of tho American Institute of Elcctrlcnl Engineers
wero addressed by Mr. C. K. Morrell
SMOKER THIS WEEK on Wednesday morning on
tho modern
business methods applied to contracts
The Democratic Club of tho Univer- And
sity held its last business mooting of
Mr. Morrell Is nn electrical engitho year last Thursday ovcnlng in the
neer of wide experience, and his talk
Tho entiro meetLaw Department.
was greatly appreciated by tho senior
ing yas devoted to tho election of ofmechanicals.
ficers for tho ensuing year. Tho following officers were chosen for next
Owens-borPresident J. F. Gregory, of
Mechanical Hall was thrown open
Vice President A. S. Kelly, of last Friday afternoon for tho annual
visitors' dny, nnd many friends of the
Secretary A. C. Proston, of Inez. college accepted tho invitation to inTrensurer Floyd Potts, of Owens-boro- . spect tho shops, laboratories and drawing rooms.
shop, machine
Recording Secretary 'Clarence Harshop, blacksmith shop and foundry
ney, of Lagrange.
Attorney General B. E. Hickerson, wero vory interesting to the visitors.
Probably the greatest drawing card
of was the automobile testing laboratory,
Elmer Robertson,
where a
test was run on
Tho car is
Sergeant-at-Arm- s
M. Robinson, a now Cadillac Eight.
placed on a revolving drum, which regof Lexington.
George R. Smith, a local attorney isters the force exerted upon it
and a graduate of the University, was through a system of balances, and
from the readings taken the horsepresent and made a short talk.
The following committee was ap- power of the machine Is calculated.
wood-workin- g

Owing to tho fact that this is- - tho
last meal of Squirrel Food and that
we no longer fear Enoch Grehan or
the phaculty board of censors, we use
some words below which we have
longed to use for ten long months:
Damn, hell, unmentionables,
chemise, pointed to arrange for a smoker to
bertha, teddy-beabe held next week: D. L. McNeil, of
camisole, billmi, et cetera.
Fulton County, the outgoing president; J. F. Gregory, A. S. Kelley and
J. T. Gooch, of Madisonville.



good work.
Time and space do not permit of a resume of the accomplishments of the class which is so soon to leave, but we can say
that we do not believe that a more brilliant and faithful class ever
trod the greensward of old Kentucky's campus. Four years of
work and play they had with us, four years of association with
the University of God's Country, and four years with each other
garnering sweet memories to store up in the ebony box of Time
for the longer years which are to come.

lay night In tho "Infernal RecosscA"
)f tho old Dormitory. Chnrtcr members were taken In, officers elected



One of the best college .papers the
Kernel receives in its exchanges is
the "Silver and Gold," published by
the students of the University of Colorado. The following are clipped
from its Wit and Humor column of a
recent issue:
Now I sit me down to sleep,
I hope my chum full notes will keep,
And if I snore before I wake,
Pinch my hand for pity's sake.
A woman in Joliet filed suit for divorce, stating that her husband kissed
her two years ago at the depot, took
a drink, jumped on a train and disappeared. A case of Osculation
Union Station Long Vaca-

DIssl-natio- n


Dr. R. N. Maxson, professor of Inorganic Chemistry, addressed
meeting of the Lexington
Chemical Society which was held at
By way of recognition of his acScovell Hall last Thursday afternoon,
complishment in winning the right to
Dr. Maxson's subject was "Note on
represent the University at the Anthe Occurrence of Fallium." Practinual Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest
cally the entire membership of the soat Danville last Saturday night, Will-la- ciety was present and a number of
Shlnnick was Monday night previsitors were also in attendance.
sented with a beautiful pair of gold
and platinum cuff buttons by the Blue
Grass Council No. 762, Knights of Columbus, of which he is a member.
The Stroller meeting for tho purpose of electing officers and making
plans for the ensuing year, which was
ORGANIZE SOCIETY to be held Tuesday, has been postponed until this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The first meeting of tho "Nervilak"
All members are requested to be presSociety, recently organized on the Unient in the Stroller room at that hour,'
versity campus for the purpose of engendering more nerve into the makeup of bashful students was held Mon- - Patronize Our Advertisers

Whether it's cold, or whether It's hot,
We must have weather, whether or
Word to the Wise.
If by chance, girls, you get to see
the Inside of a man's room, do not exclaim over the beauty of the pictures.
You should have seen the ones that
were there before you came.

Sure Sign.
tell when a man
has had a dato, by his hair-cut- .


Phoenix Hotel Lobby

C ity

Phone J 854 Hotel Phone 1900






You can always

The Kentucky Colonel



The Bright Stude.

A late spring, suh, is powerful hard
Prof: Can somo one tell me tho difJim Why . aro you entering tho
on the mint crop, but we have much ference between a penniless Univer- broad jump?
to be thankful for. Tho julep out- sity student and the "Phoenix Hotel
Jack Because I have tho spring
put Is never affected by weather condi- detective?"

tions, suh.


Stude: Suro. One soaks the watch
and tho other watches tho soak.

The Kernel feels honored by tho
fact that tho name "Squirrel Food" It
You Stay in After School.
First Shade: Going down tonight?
adopted at tho first of last year to
Teacher: Johnnie, compose a verso head its alleged witty column, is now
I Second Shude: Think I'll stay up.
in used by four other college papers. Tho
'First Shade: Well, don't got pulled. for mo with tho term
Second Shade: If I do I'll conceal It.
latest addition is "Tho Holcad," pubJohnnie:
; everything.
lished by tho Michigan Aggies.

Have you seen those swell English Last Shoes we are showing
this season? They are euro beau
ties; made in mahogany calf and
gun metal calf. They fit like a
glove and stand the knocks. They
are just the Shoe for the Dressy
Young Fellow. Prices, $4, $4.60
and $5.00 the pair.


"bow-strings- "

The Special Shoe Co.

West Main Street,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Gy Hanks, Manager.
