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.1.|<. HALL, M.D., Pnzsnnzwr /  •    T. *47  WINFRED DVERHEILSER, M.D., 5:::.-Tn:A5.
. W:sT¤R¤¤•< EANATURIUM ` Bq?   **\|\  ST. E1.rzAa:·rr-as H¤s|=rrA|., WAsH¤N¤‘r¤N, D.¤.
Rum-•M¤N¤, VA.     O 
l  _;    7 AUSTIN M. DAVIE5. Exzcuvnvz Assna1·AN·r
ARTHUR H· RUGEU-E5» M·D-» PRE5|¤EN"'·E|·-EC`? \‘.\    \  R¤¤M 7DE, 9 RDDKEFELLER PLAZA, NEW Y¤R|<, N.Y.
Burien H¤s¤=¤1·AL. Pnuvnnsunz. R.|. \     / ·r;._EpH¤NE . CIRCLE 5.,,sgB
June 9, 1941
Dr. Fred W. Rankin,
271 west Short Street,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Dr. Rankin: »
It has not happened before and it will probably never
occur again——for the President of the American medical
Association and the President of the American Psychiatric
Association to DG natives of Iredell County. Wat and I
were nearer in age and some of our classes were the same
when we were in high school in Statesville. But you came
in the school, a little fellow, just before wat and I left
` it. he had from first to last several teachers and I am
wondering who the teacher was when you were there. I con-
gratulate the American Medical Association. The American
Fsychiatric Association is already making preparations for
its centennial meeting in Philadelphia in 1944 where it was
organized by thirteen medical superintendents of insane
asyluns in 1844.
we do not work with such an abstraction as the human
. mind with the certainty and with the success with which you
a V surgeons work with the somatic structure. But I hope some
I ° progress has oeen made in_psychiatric medicine since 1944.
l Faithfully, ·
I · C /4-s.J..L_
. J-   I cw