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Iggégig DR¤LJ.CURLEY II ~~i
  V ' Eighty-two Main Street y . I
j§{’ I Brigsdier~Generel Frederick W. Rankin, Q
5% Surgeon Generel’s Office, CZ/LAJC),
EI Washington, D.G. i
diy Deer Genersl Rnnkin:
Q I received my orders to H.R.P.E. Stsging Ares, Gsmp Patrick Henry,
IQ Newport News, Vs., on December ll, lQ42m In looking over the `
·g ‘speciel orders of the dey, I noted thst you hed been promoted to
g_ I the grade of Brigadier-General end it is for this reason thst I v-
ge em writing to offer you my sincere congrstulstions for your well
gr, deserved sppointment. After being in the Army for s metter of _ _
gf three and s nslf months, I can spnreoiete the headaches you neve
gg hed with the P & A and all of this rush of induction of Medical I
@5 Officers. ‘
y§Q, _ It hss been wonderful for me that I should be assigned to the
yi Lovell General Hospital for tne pest three and s nplf months end
§_ to oe sole to be with my family for that period of time. Wnst the
gr Q future nolds for sny of us is s matter of conjecture, but I sin-
@j cerely nope tnst I will be pllowed to give my best effort to do
%, my psrt in winning this wer ss quickly ss possible so tnet we mey I
%; dell get beck to our old postsisgsin.
  .    »ri ’ ·;· I   n . . I
§?nnIII I ee2lyonlsmlLovellldenerslwkospitslessen you eerr were tnere nitn I I I III
@4 Senntor Berkley but did not=nsve the opportunity of making myself
tI known to you, because ps you remember you were in and out of ans
% Hospital within en hour. Le’ I».I.IIi gri » A I,
td ‘ pf eyes Y
tf I- I 1 I I I seeett. . ,
%; Agein I wise to congratulate you upon receiving tnis greet nonor
%,_ which I believe is well deserved end I nope that I nsve not committed I
gr eny breech of srmy etiquette in offering my congretulstions to you. ‘¤
gz I will be passing tnrough Wssnington Saturday on my wey to my new I
%I post. Wishing you tne best of luck end s furtner_promotion to
dn I W~jor~Gener¤l I on
  .,4. 6, .. »· J . ,I , (1 1
§¢ ‘ A
§@,, S ice ly vom ,
gil JJG/B I cnn J Irl V Ie or M.C. A,U.S.Q§
E;} y H.R.P. . Steging -res, I
és, Gemp Petrick Henry, I — ,I
§; M I I Newport News, Vs, I
    I \ / I V     rv
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