suv A. Hueusu-;T
October 9, 1953
· P. O. Box 297
My dear Fred, ·
Please permit us to express to you our congratulations
on your inauguration as President of the American College
of Surgery. We know what a high honor this is and we are
very proud ofyou. This, of course, is only one of many
such high honors that have come to you. We know of no one
who deserves them more.
As we have so often said to our mutual friends, you
are the foremost citizen of Kentucky. Now, we can gladly
_ say that you are one of the foremost citizens of the United
, We know the great satisfaction that this fine honor l
means to you, and we can assure you that all of your dear
friends are very happy that yourgreat talent and ability
is now, and has been for some time, so well recognized
everywhere. A
_ g When you get back, please give us a ring so that you
· can have lunch with us. i
· with assurances of our affection and esteem, I am ` . A
  aithfully yours,
Dr. Fred W. Rankin I
g Security Trust Company
Lexington, Kentucky