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October 51, 1948
Doctor Fred Rankin
Lexington, kentucky ·
Dear Doctor Rankin: When I saw you enter the amphltheater yesterday,
and advance toward Doctor Abell I was very happy indeed, and as you
turned I noted the scroll ln your hand and sald to myself “Excellent,
_ now we shall hear something worth while from one who knows our good
and staunch friend Doctor Abell, and we were not disappointed. Doctor,
we enjoyed your remarks very much indeed and could have listened to
ou much longer. Every word that you uttered meant so much to us who,
gikewlse, know love and admire Doctor Abell.
The ceremony was simple and sweet, just as Doctor
and those who know hlm best would have lt. I cannot tell you Doctor,
how very happy we were that you were the one called to give expression
to his great and noble work.
We regretted that you had no time to come to St.
Joseph Infirmary, for, at least, a little visit. Don't you think that
at some future date you could take time out to spend a day or two with
us? We would be delighted to have you,and the rest and change would be
benefit you. - , rrwv
With all good wishes from the Sisters, especially
those who know you, and myself, I am ever sf
_ Very cordially _
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