. Oezobor 7, 1953
Dear Fred:
Jahy COl”1{QT&`b1i,]LLx`bj()HS on spealzihgoj out so forcefully
and inruthfully. I hope how your iellow surgeons wom'i Vburh
on you to youd you.
" As ex young; su_rg;eon saxidh/tc>   1*ecem*c,ly, what bothers
him moot is that ih his city mosoof the had work amd unnecess-
ery work is being; dOl'}Grb;y’ the le21d.;Lng·; ssmrggeoh in the hosp;Loi;aa.1
to whom evaémgfbociy is ew1_;>pos;eo to look mpi
I was sor_x·_~y to hear ther; you had to have O`§]€3l‘3*[,j_¤¢T1S.
I hope that you are how wel]. end thoz·ou;;hly cured. ;
S in ee 1* elgx ,
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