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Surgeon Head
CHICAGO, Oct. s~;———-The
anew head" of `the Anierican Col-
legenof Surgeons said tonight
thepcollege must end fee split-
lting,. ghost surgery and the
charging of exorbitant fees.
Dr. Fred W. Rankin, of Lex-
ington, Ky., spoke after a cere-
mony at which he was installed
as president of the college and
1100 new fellows were inducted.
"Let us ax1mit," Dr. Rankin
said, "that there are still men
__in our profession who prac-
Ctice division of fees, who do
i ghost surgery, who perform
unnecessary operations, and
r who charge 'exorbitEiit’foés·‘
xfor their SB1‘ViC€SQ” i
 nsibiiity of the
C0 V urgeons, he said,
is "to make *every` effort to
end,. these pra.ctices," which.
have beenecondemned by the
‘ American Medical Association
and by numerous state medi-
7 cal groups. r
/D1·. Rankin said that "in
many respects surgeons carry
the heaviest responsibilities
of all physicians, if only be-
cause ot the harm they can
do." _ — _
For that reason, he said, and
because the field of medica
knowledge is too broad for an;
; one man to master it, specializ
[ ation is necessary. ,