L   LT L L   A L L e  *   =  LIL T-   T* L \»’*     ·`·‘’’ TT  ’”`   TLT         T `· »  ‘   we A         AS   T      EL    
Ty L T`   LT i TT L- T T L   TL S       _ i    i          v'  ._ TT i ·`  ` T  L iT LT L   LT T` 5 T  ’   L
.»i\ST in   Y LTL`   T V,  {   `S {V { in lj.;    i »``V`   ii L i' L_   Ll `ii [Y   ni V} V, T V. s v,,      
L S. , \ , T L` i   V   i S SiS "Q         Li   A   SLIS L T C In yl V/ S ST   SS  S ~» S " S ‘,S 4   ii { L y   L/SSe, el
S L T L S T_ The only medicalschoolin Kentuckyis maintainedcat StheL T   ··     S   ii should be nooeomniomise with qnaiiiin The State needs nV L,     L`
L r L T o University of Louisville, aa municipal institution. The resources         T   S , L I S (S great center for medical research; it needs Ta post-graduate cen- _ l { To S S
T   ofthe University of Louisville are inadequate to maintain an   S i     Q i. T Si L tel" t0 which the liaéticing PhY$iCi2m$ ofthe State may return AL i dL L i L_
L eeeeeiee Peeeeem ef eeeieel eeeeeeiee Wie*?eee _eeme Seeee eee-  L L;     . T L rss iseaha Lcm.4sL Observation, special march, and clinical .   L  
sport. _.Should the Medical School of the University of Louisville To         i   ie_, T Experience; and it needs further a large state hospital tb which i L . T
i Lbe,transferred to the University of Kentucky and givensub-       L L . . ; . d. t atiems and which ma ·  
L T stantial State appropriations? Or should the University of Ken- T LL   _ fe » T L Cmmtlcs and Clues may refer In lgen P _ ’ _ _ Y L r L L
SL L _ tucky set up a second medical school with adequate support S E T l.   Lv L L — Q T ``~l LSEYYW as WCIL ee Provlde that SCOPC and Yailcw ef ehmeal €X` e L i  
LS LL from state funds? Or should the University of Louisville be-       .L /S _   · Pcrmncé SO bedlr needeq br both Pmcucmg Physlcmns and .L LT ,
` A come a State supported (and Stated controlled) institution for S T   STC A   K   T Students in {mining- It ls not 1mPh€d¤ ef coursee that a State J S   `·y[ T
T T Line Purpose oi medical edneaiionp These are among the alter! L     ~ ii   i   T L , hospital would be for indigent patients only. On the Contrary, L , —T T S   n N
S natives that must be explored in making a final decision. There   L L   if?] . `· _ A T S it would have many paying patients. As a matter of fact, host L T T   * in
i T L is no question about the need for the enlargement of opportu: Li L L  (     T L T T S ~pitals of this character in some states have been so managed L. T. L S
T nities for medical education in Kentucky. And whatever aly     L   ?   T ST Sas tobe essentially self-supporting. One needs to visit the li Leye   L _  
L ternative is chosen, the cost will be large. The choice among i LL L     T ieveeil _r T great medical centers such as are found at the University of if      
LS L the available alternatives involves fundamental decisions regard-N s i       Qi  L L A jp LT Michigan, the University of Minnesota, the University of Iowa} _ ‘L T   `i _
S ing. the Pattern Of the Statels Organization for higher L€du` LL / L WQS SQ:  L S TT   3 T`or more recently, the University of Washington, to understand T /— L. Ll S
L L L catmn`15 S ` l » TS L S.       iSLlSTT L L fully what is comprehended by a state-university medical school L   S Si
L / SSFurther reference is made to this matter in the following SL TL S   T if *ST   Lofquality. L S L SL L   QL L.
  language: T L S ` {L SSS, ST L»L·   _ _     { _ Tl It cannot be emphasized too strongly that a medical school   S    
T S , LL L The time available thi the work ht this survey did hot pehhhi M L eL,L   L   ·elL, muse me be belle ee the CXPCHSC ef °‘h"* d“"“P“SL ef th€_[{‘“T L L ,   _,L`
A i i, the analyses that would be required for a recommendation con! L T L Q   iiW`   L \S; S LiL‘ T ' V€YSitY= OY at th? €XP€U$€ of the state colleges. The existing T L. V L J
S L cerning the expansion of medical education facilities supported TL   Tl   _ to /L.“ L L Colleges of the University of Kentucky are not at present ade- S   L
  by State appropriations. The problem is so urgent, however,. S LS LS L `LL/S `li`. T S,  e~,SL TS   S   LS q\1?1€€lY fm3¤€€d· They Heed m01”€ m0H€Y, HOK l€SS§ Emil €h€ L L S i T
that a comprehensive study of it by some professionally com-J ` L ,;   L L   L elamounts needed in the future are likely to increase materially, L L   L
T ' petent body should be undertaken promptly. The University, T_       V   i L L   rather than decrease. . i " T TL SS _
T s I s of Louisville, by the very nature of its resources, unassisted L Si         _ is     \ If die states is to have the kind oi medieai school ieieiied to i Y L
. KS  Cannot, Prix/ide, either the quality ee the quantity ef medical L SL `L S.     T T       T above, it must expect to spend several million dollars for build—S L LL T i
education reqmred to meet the needs of the Commonwealthiic L L L     if i       i ings and equipment Over the Course Of the nent 10 years, and in i   (
L As suggested above, the establishment of a lirst—class medicall, —T i     i   T   LL it must be prepared as well to carry an annual operating cost L _ _ L
school at the University of Kentucky will involve the state in        Ll L   S` T TL `LSS Q of at least a half-million dollars when such a school is in opera- S L S S  
L i large expenditures, but if such a school is to be built, there   ~   S   _`     SL tion. It will be necessary to think in terms ofa medical sciences   To s L   _L;
S · S isn bl. H. h Ed . . K t k Th n. .. L fn, d L T L r   SSL]     S S l   building to house laboratories, lecture roomssand other instruc- . S Y Si
T U ZC L EY ZOTZ . \ '   ` .*2   S T S . . . . ·»L I . ,
L L n_Ls_ once Oignducaiggtnedéfai ggcgfiti; Again,1:/iQ2;’i;n°gtOnig1l;‘i’rCIi,   dL LL ii._LLi L   sis L tional andresearch facilities; a state hospital of from 300 ito L i L
L .T L Lreport to the Committee on Functions and ·Res0urces of State Government. LL     · T i   ;5OO beds; several huI1dI“€Cl tl10uSaI1d dQll21I‘S worth Qf Equip- V   _·
L `S L T §s::EfolKLi;l;$it§§i§;s1?3gF Research Ccmmlsswn ee Rcslarch Pul)h°aU°nS 25*   S _   is       T   S L Lment; and an extensive medical library. The 'library would, T A Y  
i l _ 16Ibid,, PL 47, L S L LV L_ S _ s S L     L_     `j**i of course, be housed in the medical sciences building, and it is. T Ti?
S   T L   T L L [12] L L i     Ly.? T LL·.*   T T T · i [13] SL L T   L L ' r  
LL,,     L L LL _ L LL L L   L L LL _ 1     TL*T 1   LL _ L T S L L T TT S L LL TL. `