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  ` EADER OF A M  
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{ Kentucky Surgeon Talita; 
E r . Over Next Year;  
‘ _· ~‘_‘ [Chicago Tribune Press Service.] " ·· 2:,; 
3 _ Cleveland, O., Ilune,5.=4Dr._Fred  
r , Rankin of Lexington, Ky., was,na1ned=.— 
president elect pf the American Mgdie 
, cal association for 1942-1943 by unaiija 
_ moug vote of the associations house? 
of delegates today, 'I He will take_,of··’·
iicea year from now in Atlantic City, A
succeeding Dr. Frank H. Laheybflj 
Boston, elected president for the coma; `
~ ing year at the 1940 convention. ‘_,*.  »_
‘ Dr. Rankin, a dis+inguislJsed»s11i*2¢o.n, 
who has been president of, the Sotrthy§‘~¥
ern Surgical association, has been, 
’ chief surgeon at St. Josep.h’s and?]
Good Samaritan hospitals in Lexingge
ton. During the world war’he was
, icommanding officer of' Base hospitail/P
No. 26 in France and is a colonelin  
the medical corps reserve. He isQ5¢l‘ 
’ years old. * ·   ..’.
' "Chicagoa.ns Are Reélected, ( ’   
Dr. Charles A. Dukes of Oakland}  
` Cal., was elected vice president, All? ·
other ofiicers of the association were ¥
reelected. They areADr. Olin West,  
Chicago, secretary and general man; 
‘ ager; Dr. Herman; L. KretschmerZTYQ
Chicago, treasurer;. Dr. Harrison  
' Shoulders, Nashville, Tenn., speaker  ',’‘' {
of the house of delegateshand  
R, W. Fouts, Omaha, Neb.;  
speaker. .. , , ·J`?i7 
Dr, Ernest E. Irons of Chicago, who
was appointed to the boardjoii truse,  _
tees during the last year to flll`a va? 1;
cancy created‘by` death, was elected_yV`=
to serve out the term during the"folg·  ..
_ lowing year. Dr. Charles W.tRobert’si`  ·
of Atlanta, Ga., was elected to a iiveé- "
r year term as trustee. ry _ — `   _
The house of delegates approved, 
r . policies submitted by its committee` ‘V·' _
on medical preparedness authorizing 
the government to establish a prog 
curement and assignment agencylto; 
. meet the call for physicians_requi,rad;  ````  
for military,. civilian or industrial del  Q]
. _ fense needs, and urging that defers
1 ment be granted medical students and‘/ .
` interns by draft boards in· order to 
maintain a steady supply of younggi  
'- doctors. — I ‘    
· » Defeat Institute Plah. ` V II 1 i ,·_— j
At the instance of Dr. Don {FL;  
Cameron, of Fort Wayne, Ind., the 1
house tabled a' recommendation to; _'__
- approve the establishment of angina *
— stitute by the United States public? 
health service in Washington, D.  ¥
for the study and treatment ot mental; ·‘°’ _ {
. and nervous diseases. _` ’ - =,,‘  
t Dr. Cameron said that any extena ``r· Wifi
sion of government activities in  
field of medicine would only add  :?Q"`
the present swollen federal payrolls   
and contribute to increase ofthe  
deficit. He said that it would also