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Teaches l   Yi ,e:.e;;E .   e».,;:;.  , ;;_   .’ ‘`   ‘1 ;- ¥* A···e e`‘   i
s if   -e‘’·’  eg;  - ; Q_   E5 ,
At U•· nf L• T   . .»‘= ’  in-  »V“V»"     `».v Y    
cleveland, anne 5 ea-nn     -eel—l ; l.’ll    
Fred Wharton Rankin, Lexins- i   l·i»   V__,_        
i¤h» Ky·· Was naman Praardanr  **i “l;‘ Z; ;,,:-    
Elect sf the American Medical   V.,e‘    
Association at e meeting ef its   ,_._ p _’‘‘ ‘ ’’   ’““;"    
Hehse ei Deieaaies Thursday- He ii e---,~-°   . ,_,,,..   i <’‘
Win succeed Dr. Frank H. Lahey 2% .   »,»,,Ve    
in 1942.       ,=_-    
*Dr- Rankin, native ef Meeres- i§¤§2;J·    S2? i
ville. N- C-, was graduated fhehe   l
the Unryarany sf Maryland  Q '-`°  
Scheer ef Medicina in Benhhehe   ii?
dhs 1909 and completed his ih-   -.»‘ ?jfEVl¥’;   *
tarnnship in 1912, 1aieh Studying    :- :2 »-Ez?      
at the Mare Chhie at Heehesten  ei ,.,  in ‘‘’,_ee,r    
Minn-     ,·,’ ;. _’e‘   F